Tween Birthday Party Ideas

Planning a party is hard work, it is even harder when you are planning a birthday party for a picky tween. Here are some ideas for tween birthday parties:

Murder Mystery Party- You can buy a murder mystery game, or if you are creative you can do it yourself. What happens is each person who comes to the party gets to be a character, and everyone has to solve the murder. The best part about it is you can customize the party to any theme that your tween is into. You can have a cake with red icing for blood. If you don’t feel like being creative you can go to Host a Murder and they will customize a party for you. Host a murder, will base your tween’s birthday party on any popular theme, a few examples that they have for tween’s are Harry Potter, Miss Teen USA, and American Idol. All you have to do is send them the guest list with the amount of boys and girls and they will do they rest. It will probably be one if the easiest parties you have ever had.

Survivor Party– Everyone loves the popular reality show Survivor, so who wouldn’t love a chance to act like you are on the show. You Divide everyone at the party into two groups, or tribes. You can make colored bandannas for everyone on each tribe. You then have the tribes come up with names, and if you want they could each make a tribe flag. You make different challenges like scavenger hunts, food challenges, mazes and races. At the end you can give the winning tribe small prizes. This would be a perfect party to have on the beach or at a lake near water, but if you can’t do that it would also be a good backyard party. BBQ would go great with the theme of this party, and for the cake you can make a cake that looks like a flag with “survivor” on it. This is a tween birthday party that any young boy or girl will love.

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Traveling party– This is a great idea to keep tween’s entertained. What you do is you find several of your child’s friends whose parents are willing to participate and be hostess. Then you get a van that everyone will fit in. You start the party at the house of one of the friends, then when you are through there you travel to the next friends house. At each house you have the hostess serve something small to eat, and host a small game. Then you make the birthday kids house the last house. You now serve the cake, and a perfect cake for this tween party would be a cake shaped like a car. You can give out prizes for the people who did the best at the games. Also don’t forget to come up with a lot of car games to keep the car rides in between the houses a lot of fun. This is another tween birthday party idea that will be easy for you. By dividing up the party at several peoples houses you make it easy on yourself.

American Idol Theme- This is a perfect birthday party idea for your tween if they love American Idol or love to sing. If you have game console that has the American Idol game or any singing game that would be perfect for this, if not you can use a karaoke machine and if you don’t own one you can rent one. You can let everyone sing, and do group songs. If you want you can set up some people as judges, or you can just have cardboard cutouts, with pictures of Paula, Simon, and Randy on the faces. You can give out prizes for lots of different things from “best singer” to “most energy” and “most unique”. The invitation can be “tickets to Hollywood”. A Microphone shaped cake would be a perfect addition to this party. This a party that your tween is sure to not forget anytime soon.

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Extreme Sports Party- This would be a great party for tween boys and even a lot of tween girls would love it. You can concentrate on a specific sport if your tween has a favorite one or you can have your party based on several different extreme sports. You can go to a place that has a rock wall, and let the party goers rock climb. If your tween into motorcycles you can rent a track and give everyone a chance to pretend they are a professional motocross riders. If your tween is into paint-ball you can take everyone to play paint-ball. After you spend the day out having fun with the extreme sports you head back to your house for the presents and the cake. You can obviously have cake shaped like the extreme sport you were doing, for example a motorcycle shaped cake.

I hope you have fun planing a birthday party for your tween, I hope my birthday party ideas for tween’s helped you. Remember that no matter what if you plan a party based on something your tween loves, they will love the party.