Freelance Writing Sites that Pay Upfront

Whether you have been freelance writing for years or you are just starting out, you have probably heard about the debate that has been going on about getting paid upfront for your writing or earning residual income on them. For many writers the need to be paid upfront for articles is one that stems from needing to pay bills and to be guaranteed a payment on the work that they have done. If you are one of the growing numbers of freelance writers who have decided to set their sites on upfront pay there are many freelance writing sites that pay upfront to choose from.

Associated Content

Associated Content is a great site for freelance writers to write for to earn upfront pay for articles. This freelance writing site will allow you to publish articles on just about any topic. There are guidelines that need to be met for the actual writing of the article to publish on the site. If you decide to submit your articles for upfront pay, you will have a couple of options to choose from. You can give Associated Content exclusive rights to the article on you can give them non exclusive rights. With non exclusive rights, you can be paid upfront for articles but you still own the rights to republish them on other sites. You have to give the site first publishing rights to qualify for upfront payment. Upfront pay offers can vary anywhere from $1 to $7. Once you have been writing for the site for a while, you will have the opportunity to apply to write for partner calls that can pay up to $25.

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Textbroker is a freelance writing site that will pay upfront for articles based on a per word amount. You need to apply to the site to become a writer. You will then be asked to submit a test article for which they will grade you and give you a writing level. You can then going to the requested articles to choose articles to write for upfront pay. There are five levels for the articles and you can choose from the level that you are at as a writer or lower to get paid upfront for your work.

Demand Studios

Demand Studios is the parent company of a bunch of web sites that need constant content added to their sites. This means that Demand Studios hires writers to write articles to fill all of these sites and will pay upfront for the work that you do. You do need to apply to this freelance writing site with a resume and a couple of well written writing samples to be able to write for upfront pay with them. Once you are approved as a writer, you can choose from their topic list and get paid $15 per article.
