The Top Websites to Make Money and Win Prizes Online

So we’ve all heard this before. Websites that promise gift cards, money, ring tones, cars, laptops, digital cameras, ipods, and almost anything else you can think of. It’s also hard to get around these sites too. Ads and pop-ups advertising this sites are all over the net. No matter what site you go to (even Myspace) you see these sites. What most people don’t know is that these sites are scams; yes scams. I will admit that I’ve been a sucker too. I see a flashy advertisement beckoning me to click saying I was the 1,000,000 viewer and I had just won a $1000 gift card to Starbucks. I just had to click! Now it took me to a site saying that I had to complete offers. Offers? Well the flashy ad didn’t say that. I continue to keep going through the site, filling out a survey now. Finally, after this survey I have to complete my offers (so I’ll get my gift card, of course). The offers I had to complete looked sketchy, as a matter of fact, the whole site did. And the offers weren’t cheap either. One told me I had to pay $99.99 for a career kit. All the offers ended up totaling a good $400.00. So I have to fork $400.00 to some sketchy site to maybe, just maybe get a “free” gift card. No way. Oh and the best part, I have to get other people to do the same just to get my gift card. And believe me, this just isn’t one site out there. There are literally tons of websites like this.

However, there are sites that really are legitimate. They don’t promise false gifts and make you complete expensive offers and get your friends to do the same thing. Instead these sites are real and offer real goods. How do I know? Because I have done all of them and turned up with exactly what was promised. So here it is: my top 4 websites of how to earn/win money online!

See also  Marketing Mix in Action:Toyota Prius is definitely one of my favorites because its free. What you do is play a lotto type game and if you match numbers you can get points, which can be redeemed for prizes, and you can also win cash ($25, $250, $50,000, or even $1 million). As for points you can redeem them for gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, The Home Depot, Bath and Body Works, Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, Starbucks, and Victoria’s Secret. 25,000=$25, 50,000=$50, 75,000=$75, 100,000=$100. After getting up to 75,000 points, I redeemed them for a $75 gift card to Best Buy and within three weeks it came in the mail. Theres no string attatched to this site. You can play as much or as little as you like. By referring friends you can get 100 points a person and 10% of their winnings. is a simple concept. All you have to do is go to the site and use their Google search engine and you can win tons of good prizes. I won a $10 iTunes gift card. Other prizes include Fandango movie tickets, $25 Amazon gift certificates, flat-screen tvs, and cash up to $25,000. Every Thursday $1,000 is given away to a lucky searcher. Once you search a winning term, a winning screen appears and you simply claim your prize. Again, referring friends goes a long way because everything they win, you win. If they win $25,000, you win $25,000.

Treasure Trooper is slightly different. With this site you have to do surveys and complete FREE offers in order to make money. The surveys are easy and only take a few minutes. For each survey you get $0.75. The offers can pay anywhere from $0.50 to $75.00. Once you accumulate $25 in your Treasure Trooper account, they mail you a check every month for how ever much you earned the previous month. So far I have made $105 from Treasure Trooper and still going strong. Yet again, there is a referral incentive as you make money off what they do.

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Do you have photos just sitting on your computer or digital camera? Did you know you could turn those photos into cash? You can at ShutterStock. This site is micro-stock site. You upload your photos to the site and buyers pay $0.25 for each photo they download. If it doesn’t seem like a lot, you have to realize that there are thousands and thousands of buyers and a quarter adds up quickly. From this site, I have made around $400 since July 2006 and I make a few dollars a day. They also pay monthly. It’s great to see some extra cash in your PayPal account or as a check in your mail box. The referral incentive on this site rocks too, so be sure to tell all your friends!

And those are my top 4 sites. (Associated Content not included, though it would be #1)