Kickers 80 Hour Energy Spray: Review

I had no clue that Kickers 80 Hour Energy Spray was an ‘As Seen On TV’ product when I first picked it up in a local gas station mini mart. If I’d known then, I most likely would of never purchased the spray. Due to past issues with ‘As Seen On TV’ products not working for me, I vowed to never purchase another again. Yet here I am, today learning that my spray is such.

The Promise:

The promise was vague in the store. Basically it was the whole 80 hours worth of energy that caught my eye on the spray bottle. I didn’t want 80 hours worth of energy, so I hoped it did not work that well. (Fear not though, there is 80 hours worth in the whole bottle-supposedly).

Anyhow, Kickers 80 Hour Energy Spray is designed to give you a super fast kick of energy (30 seconds flat!), with no ugly side effects such as jitters, crashing down, while increasing performance, and alertness.

It sounded decent, and I had used energy sprays before with some minor increases in energy. I figured Kickers would taste just as well as the sprays I had tried years ago.

Plus, whenever I can’t make a coffee run, I figured Kickers would be a nice supplement for a fast boost of energy.

So What’s In It?

There are 256 mg of a bunch of different ingredients. However they failed to mention how many mg of each were included. Your left guessing.

What I do know though is that there is caffeine, ginseng, green tea and guarana added to increase energy, and alertness. There is other ingredients added, but if you would rather just take a look at the list, click here.

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Kickers 80 Hour Energy Spray comes in a standard mouth spray bottle, only a tad bit larger then breath sprays. The colors that make up the bottle are yellow and Ronald McDonald red. Yep; it has that Mickey D vibe going on.

My Use:

According to the bottle I was to spray 5 sprays of the liquid under my tongue and wait 30 seconds before swallowing. Doing this allows for the ingredients to make their way snuggly into your blood stream.

I sprayed 5 sprays and nearly threw up on spray 2. However I just spent $6.00 on this crap, so there was no way I was not testing it at it’s recommended use. I kept spraying, and tried waiting the 30 seconds before swallowing a mouth filled with drool and battery acid. That is what Kickers 80 Hour Energy Spray tastes like by the way. Battery acid.

Holding it down was hard, swallowing it even harder. I recommend you keep a beverage by your side for this stuff, or…gag!

Does It Work?

Kickers 80 Hour Energy Spray does not work wonders, but it also doesn’t not work. 5 sprays gives you the same boost a 20 ounce cup of coffee would. The spray wakes me up slightly, and gives me a short amount of energy. The energy though is nothing phenomenal. What is good about it is the fact that it does not give you the jitters, as promised. However it does not get you jittery enough. For me, it is a mediocre spray.

The spray also does not create any caffeine crashes later on in the day. It just gives a little boost for about 2 hours, and that is all.

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However it tastes so bad, that I will just have to remember to get to the bakery before they close down their coffee services in the morning.


I’m on the fence. It does slightly work, and is good for when you can’t get hold of a cup of Joe… it tastes so badly though, at the same time I can’t recommend it. If you feel you can stomach the high citrus acidic flavor then go ahead and try it. If you have a weak stomach though, it may be something to pass up.

-You can purchase Kickers 80 Hour Energy Spray at local convenient stores, or online here.