Traveling on a Long Car Ride with an Infant

If you are planning a vacation or other trip and your infant is going to be riding in the car for several hours, you may be in for a very long trip. Many infants love riding in the car, but all babies will get fussy after several hours of riding. Follow these tips and ideas to make your road trip a pleasant one for baby, and everyone else involved.

Traveling with a baby can be a challenge, but proper planning and packing can make things go as smoothly as possible. It would be great if all babies would just sleep the entire trip, but if the trip is going to be more than a few hours, that is obviously impossible. The first item for consideration is packing. Make sure that you pack many, varied toys for the car. When your baby gets tired of one toy, switch it out with a new one. You might even consider purchasing a couple brand new toys for the journey. Also, pack CDs or other musical items for your baby to listen to while riding. Never offer your baby snacks while riding in the car. While these many keep him occupied, eating in the car is a choking hazard, as you would not be able to get your baby out of the carseat quickly enough to release a lodged object from his throat.

It is also important that you come to terms with the fact that you WILL be making additional stops along the way. If you are used to marathon road trips where you don’t stop for hours on end, you’ll have to rethink your philosophy a bit. Your baby will need the chance to stretch, enjoy a change of scenery, get a diaper change, and to eat and drink. It might even be helpful to locate options for stopping such as rest stops or major cities on the map before your trip.

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Next, invest in a car mirror so you can see your child. If your baby is less than 1 year old and 20 pounds, she will still be rear-facing. Having a car mirror is fun for your baby, and it also helps set your mind at ease. You can see your child easily and will better be able to tell if it is time to make a stop.

Remember that you can still interact with your child in the car, even if he is rear-facing. Singing songs, turning around for games of peek-a-boo, and just talking with your baby all lets her know that you are still there and that things are okay.

Finally, make sure that you dress your child comfortably and lightly for a long car ride. Even if it is very cold outside, warm the car up ahead of time and dress your child in a comfortable sleeper or cotton shirt and pants. Wearing bulky or binding clothes makes for an uncomfortable ride for anyone.

While preparing for a long road trip with a baby can be somewhat overwhelming, traveling with your infant can be successful and enjoyable. Try these tips to enjoy your next long car ride with your little one.