Racy Photos of Hannah Montana’s Miley Cyrus Appear in Vanity Fair

The most recent issue of Vanity Fair magazine features a spread of photos of Hannah Montana star, Miley Cyrus. The racy photos, one of which features Miley Cyrus with a bare back and her front covered only by a bed sheet, have upset fans and parents who idolize the wholesome Hannah Montana star.

According to MSNBC, Miley Cyrus herself is “embarrassed” by the photos. Taken by legendary celebrity photographer, Annie Leibowitz, Miley Cyrus was confident that the photos would be artistic, but completely tasteful, particularly considering her 15 year old age.

Instead of being considered artistic, the photos of Miley Cyrus in Vanity Fair are being considered way too provocative according to many fans and parents, The Disney Channel (the television station that produces Hannah Montana) and even Miley Cyrus herself.

According to the Associated Press, Miley Cyrus says that she willingly took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be artistic but now seeing the photos and reading the story she is “embarrassed” and she apologized to her fans.

But how did such a racy shot of the Hannah Montana star get taken without Miley, and her protective father, Billy Ray Cyrus, knowing about it? Vanity Fair claims that the Cyrus family knew exactly what the photos were like prior to the magazine being printed. The photos by Annie Leibowitz were taken digitally and Miley and her parents were able to view the photos on the day of the shoot. According to this report from Vanity Fair, at the time of the photo shoot with Miley Cyrus, she was apparently comfortable with the photos.

See also  "Racy" Photos of Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana Leaked on the Internet

So who is at fault? Should Mylie have spoken up at the photo shoot? What about Miley’s parents who were reportedly on set the day of the photo shoot and had the opportunity to view the digital photos? How about photographer Annie Leibowitz? And what about Vanity Fair?

Conclusions about who is “at fault” over these photos may be up to the viewer and the reader as more information about the Vanity Fair Miley Cyrus photo spread is revealed. For now, Vanity Fair is likely reveling in the publicity while Miley Cyrus and family, and the Disney Channel are covering their faces in embarrassment and worry over what impact this photo shoot could have on Hannah Montana’s career. Will these photographs in Vanity Fair have an impact on Miley Cyrus’s career? Only time will tell.

