“Racy” Photos of Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana Leaked on the Internet

Another Disney Pop Princess is answering questions after racy photos are leaked on the web. Miley Cyrus, better known as Hannah Montana, is fighting back as web blogs and news sites are calling photos released late last week suggestive in nature.

When the subject of “racy photos” is mentioned one automatically thinks of the most recent Disney star to suffer the embarrassment. Photos of Vanessa Hudgens were released in September showing the star in all her full frontal glory. The photos of Miley Cyrus, however, show her and an unknown girl posing on the floor of a hotel room fully clothed, leaning into each other. In one photo they share a piece of licorice, and their lips are almost touching, prompting jeers from some of lesbian activity by the 15 year old singer.

The other photos show the two posing with heads held close and peace signs held up, one with both posing as teens do, looking over their shoulders with pouty looks, and then one with the two facing each other, again heads close, both laughing. Some say the last picture looks like the girls are about to start “making out.”

The photos are explained by Miley Cyrus to have been taken at a slumber party with “one of my [Miley’s] best friends.” At first upset by the stir caused by the release of the candid shots, Cyrus now says she is more upset for her friend. Stating that while she is used to the limelight and attention, her friend is not and now has to go to school and “deal with that crap.”

See also  Miley Cyrus in Vanity Fair Age 15: Topless Child Porn?

Miley is not a newcomer to the world of Internet rumors. In September rumors circulated wildly that the pop princess was pregnant. The star of Disney’s hit show “Hannah Montana” took that opportunity to let the world know that she was in fact a virgin and intends to stay that way for a while, adding that she does not believe in sex before marriage.

In a time when photos, such as the above mentioned Vanessa Hudgens pictures, are being released and tween stars, such as Jamie-Lynn Spears, are turning up pregnant at age 16, should we automatically jump to the conclusion that Miley Cyrus’ reputation will soon take that turn also? I happen to agree with Miley when she told New York’s Z100 radio station, “There was nothing wrong with it. It’s two girls at a sleepover. And if all of a sudden that’s bad, then what is the world coming to?”
