Miley Cyrus in Vanity Fair Age 15: Topless Child Porn?

I am appalled. Father Billy Ray Cyrus has marched his 15-year-old daughter, Disney Hannah Montana child star, Miley Cyrus off to do topless photos for Vanity Fair Magazine. Not only that, Billy Ray is lying around with his young scantily clad Disney star Miley Cyrus in the Vanity Fair Magazine, and defends these Vanity Fair photos as “art” according to many articles on the internet today, and The Associated Press article allowing Miley Cyrus a few apology’s to her fans over the Vanity Fair issue.

This is an outrageous situation when any father convinces a minor to have sexually suggestive photos taken for profit in Vanity Fair magazine or any other place. It does not make any difference what income level the singer father is at. In this society, we do not approve of child pornography, or those promoting children seen as sexual objects for any reason. Billy Ray Cyrus and Vanity Fair Magazine are out-of-line with these young Miley Cyrus photos.

I have seen the chat-boards about this Vanity Fair Miley Cyrus issue on the internet today, and there are many adults completely upset at the Vanity Fair photographer for taking the photos, upset at Vanity Fair Magazine for publishing the photos, mad at Miley Cyrus for being too young to think of saying no to her father’s bad ideas, and a few people directly outraged at father Billy Ray Cyrus who is trying to stay low-key about this Vanity Fair Miley Cyrus issue in the media reports.

In my opinion, that father Billy Ray Cyrus is completely 100% at blame in this Vanity Fair Miley Cyrus situation. Parents are totally responsible for what happens to their children while those children are under their care at photo shoots and everywhere else. If Billy Ray Cyrus had decided that it was inappropriate for his young daughter Miley Cyrus to take sexually suggestive photos, he could have marched Miley out of the building. This was not what Billy Ray Cyrus did; he approved of this Vanity Fair outrage.

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Almost every father in America, except Billy Ray Cyrus, knows that you do not go lounging around with your 15-year-old daughter for any reason – inside or outside of the public eyes. Vanity Fair Magazine may sell some issues, but this Vanity Fair situation has hurt young Disney star Miley Cyrus. How long is a Disney star allowed to continue stardom after something like this happens? Disney wants wholesome people; not scantily clad children wrapped in sensual satin sheets.

Unfortunately, our Federal Laws on child pornography were written by people picturing small children while they were writing. These laws govern all children under the age of 18, but make no mention of areas above the panty-line, because on most children those are not the areas of pervert interests. (Chick here to see child pornography laws.) However, at age 15, many pretty girls get raped over not covering up enough above the panty-line.

The Cyrus parents were both at the photo shoot and approved of the digitally taken photos at the time that they were taken. Now, they claim in a People Magazine article that they are mortified over what the Vanity Fair Magazine photographer did. Disney is making a statement that they understand that Miley Cyrus was manipulated into taking these photos to sell magazines. But, is this backtracking enough? Those photos are out there. The father Billy Ray Cyrus allowed his underage daughter Miley Cyrus to participate in a sexually oriented photo shoot.

In People Magazine it explains that Miley had clothing on while posed as if she did not. Under Federal Law, child pornography sites are prosecuted for fully clad children participating in sexually oriented pictures; does it matter if Miley Cyrus had clothing on while taking photos that were to suggest that she did not? Of course not. Adults are ultimately responsible for the safety of our children. Billy Ray Cyrus and Vanity Fair should not have injured young Miley Cyrus like this for money.