Home Access HIV Test System Offers Fast & Accurate Results from Your Own Home

As a gay man, I have a lot of things to worry about, not the least of which is potentially contracting HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) from a sexual partner. I like to consider myself a responsible gay male, and to that end I’ve been getting an HIV test about every six months since I became sexually active. Normally, I just go to a “free clinic” in Baltimore to get my HIV tests, but recently I’ve grown tired of the hassle of trying to find parking in the city and waiting hours to be seen for a test that can be done in 10 minutes. I heard about the “Home Access HIV Test,” which promises fast and accurate test results right from the comfort of your own home, so I decided to give it a try.

There are two versions of the Home Access HIV Test which are available–a standard kit and an “express” kit. The testing procedure is the same for both kits, the only difference is the speed at which you receive your results. At my local Rite Aid, the standard Home Access HIV Test kit costs $39.99, and the Express kit (which promises results in 2 business days instead of 7 days) was $59.99. Since I wasn’t really worried about the result, I opted for the cheaper test kit, but it is nice to know that if you were really worried, you could pay more to get your results faster.

When I got the Home Access HIV Test home, the instructions seemed very straightforward and easy to follow. Each test kit comes with a unique code number, and the first thing I had to do was call a toll-free number to “activate” my test code. After using an automated phone system to enter the code number, I listened to an “informed consent” recording which discussed the limitations and accuracy of the test, and then I received a recorded message letting me know that my test code was active and that I was ready to proceed.

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In order to test for HIV, Home Access needs a small sample of your blood. Luckily, they don’t need a lot and the blood collection can be done via a finger stick. The Home Access HIV Test comes with 2 lancets (used to “prick” your finger) and a specimen collection card. After sticking your finger, you put a few drops of blood on the collection card, then wait 30 minutes for everything to dry. After that, you’re ready to mail in your sample. Included in the kit are various plastic bags and envelopes that you use to seal up your sample and make sure it will arrive at Home Access safe & sound. Once everything is sealed up, you drop the prepaid mailer in any U.S. mailbox and that’s it.

After waiting the amount of time specified on the package (in my case, it was 5 business days), you call the provided toll-free number to retrieve your test results. All this involves is entering the code number that you previously activated into an automated system and listening to a recording of your test results. I was very pleased when the recording told me that I had once again tested HIV negative, although I can’t imagine having an automated system tell me that I was HIV positive….I would prefer a doctor or nurse tell me in person.

Overall, I was very pleased with my purchase of the Home Access HIV Test. While $40 is a lot to pay for a test that I could have for free at a clinic, the convenience and privacy offered by home testing is definitely worth paying for. I found it very easy to collect a blood sample and mail it in myself, and I liked the fact that I could call in for my results as soon as they were ready without having to wait for an appointment. The Home Access HIV Test is the only HIV test that is FDA approved for home use, and it is available at drugstores nationwide as well as many online pharmacies (including the Home Access corporate website). While the test is useful for people like me who get tested regularly, it might be even more useful for people who are worried about one particular encounter, as they might be less likely to ask their doctor to be tested. If you are worried about your HIV status and can’t (or won’t) schedule a test with your doctor, please do yourself a favor and pick up a Home Access HIV test.

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