Herbs Influence on HIV

Medical science for the past few years have been investigating the use of herbs for HIV in efforts to either prevent the disease or stop it from spreading. Little by little science is gathering its information, studies and evidence of the use of herbs in hopes that one day there may be a cure available.

Last year a study had came to light in the Journal of Biological Chemistry which had revealed findings that lectins which are found in bananas could possibly aide to prevent transmission and the spreading of HIV.

University of Michigan had conducted a study in which advocated that in a course of time, many lives could be saved possibly by the development of Ban Lec, a condensed extract of banana lectins. Lectins are proteins that attach to sugars. It is important to remember there is no evidence that consuming bananas will prevent HIV infection. The evidence does however, advocate that a high concentration of lectin component could in the long run prove beneficial in stopping HIV transmission.

In 2009, 2.6 million people had became infected with HIV and 375,000 were children. HIV spreads through sexual transmission, sharing needles and infants being born to infected parents. HIV is universal and claims the lives of millions of people worldwide.

Thousands of researchers are busy working examining possible anti-HIV agents. Some of these agents are herbal. Studies have shown some promising results thus far. One study had showed that hyssop had halted the duplicating of the virus. Hyssop also had shown it could greatly provide defensive activity on infected cells.

High lignin extract from pine cone seeds have shown anti-HIV activity and aided in the reversal of cellular destruction caused by HIV-infected white blood cells. Research has also shown that plant sterols which are much like cholesterol, possibly can aide in halting the attack of cells from HIV. In another study an extract from poke-weed had halted HIV immensely in mice and monkeys. Currently, there has been a minimum of three North American prairie plants have shown immense anti-HIV activity that they are currently being studied further.

Regarding botanicals used in HIV cases, cannabis seems to give the most benefits. Cannabis does neither halt HIV infection or stop the virus from duplicating. Cannabis does in fact prove immensely beneficial in cases of HIV associated neuropathy. In people who have wasting syndrome, infected people can endure great difficulty in consuming food or maintaining their weight. Cannabis activates appetite which motivates infected people to eat and to maintain weight. In the case of neuropathy, infected people endure pain in the soles of their feet. Smoking or consuming cannabis, the pain can become manageable enough that it significantly decreases or eliminates the pain.

The extracts of immune enhancing mushrooms, particularly Reishi, to boost the overall immune function. A great deal of mushrooms contain polysacchardies that heighten immune function. Some of these mushrooms may be beneficial in maintaining better health in HIV infection. This treatment is very popular for advocates of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Echinacea also known as the purple corn flower. Native Americans use this plant as a medical plant. Researchers from Germany have studied its affects on the immune system.

The main reason of echinacea is for the treatment of colds and flu. It can also be used for urinary tract infections, skin wounds in which do not heal well and various skin conditions like eczema.

Echinacea enhances the immune system. It boots CD4 cell activation and increases activity of the immune system.

Echinacea usually is not suggested to use in people with diseases of the immune system. The German government is set against using it for disease of the immune system. Some researchers hold the belief it can make the immune system worse.

However, a great number of people with HIV have used this herb due to the fact it does stimulate the immune system. The use of echinacea in people with HIV is divided when it comes to science.

Some practitioners believe that stimulating the immune system in people with any type of immune disorder is a bad idea. That by increasing the activation of CD4 cells it could provide HIV with more target cells to infect. On the other side of the coin, some practitioners believe that there are some areas of the immune system which are overactive and causing damage to healthy cells and tissues.

As with most herbs, there is no detailed research done in people with HIV. There also is no documentation of any dangers which could result from using echinacea by people with HIV. The only negative side effects noted on immune system disorders was only in laboratory studies. No human studies have shown negative outcomes.

There are no known negative reactions to echinacea. As with any herb tell your practitioner first before using.

Astragalus Root

UCLA Institute study had discovered that a chemical found in Astragalus root, which is commonly used in Chinese medicine, has the ability to stop or slow down progressive telomere shortening. This means it could become a vital weapon against HIV.

It also has been noted to possibly be added or can replace HAART(a high acting antiretroviral therapy), which cannot be used in many patients due to intolerance and it is expensive.

A telomere is an area at the end of every cell chromosome that contains reproducing DNA sequences but no genes. Telomeres guard the ends of chromosomes and stops them from becoming fused together. Every time a cell divides, telomeres become shorter and in the end leads the cell to obtain a stage called replicative senescence, when a cell cannot divide anymore.

Many cell divisions are required within the immune system in order for it to function properly. The CD8 T-cells aide in fighting infections and have singular receptors for certain antigens. When the virus comes into the body, the T-cells receptors acknowledge that virus and create by dividing themselves to fight off the virus

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Telomere cells are usually long and are able to divide numerous times without any problems. When they are battling infections, these cells can turn on an enzyme named telomerase that stops the telomeres from become shorter.

The problem is that a virus which cannot be totally removed from the body like HIV, the T-cells that battle the virus cannot keep telomeres on forever, they turn off, become shorter and start the replicative senescence.

Past studies have indicated that injecting the telomeres gene into T-cells keeps the telomeres from becoming shorter. Which allows them to keep their HIV fighting function for a longer time span. This method is not common in treating those with HIV.

In the study instead of using gene therapy, researchers used TAT2, a chemical from plants used in traditional Chinese therapy. It heightens telomeres activity on other cell types.

First it was exposed to CD8 T-cells from HIV infected persons to see if it would slow the shortening of telomeres and improve production of chemokines and cytokines, that in the past have demonstrated the ability to stop HIV duplicating. The results had shown it could perform the actions.

Blood samples from HIV infected persons were used. They separated the CD8 T-cells and CD4 T-cells, those that were infected with HIV. The CD8 cells were treated with TAT2 and then combined with CD4 cells in a dish. The results showed the treated CD8 cells had stopped production of HIV by the CD4 cells.

Researchers indicate that by being able to heighten telomerase activity and antiviral functions of CD8 T-lymphocytes advocates that this method could be beneficial in treating HIV.


This herb is in Ayurveda medicine and is made from the leaves of an evergreen bush native to India.

Ashwagandha is sometimes called Indian ginseng due to many alike medical properties. Just as ginseng it too is considered a tonic plant. Both have substances which normalize the body’s function and aide it in handling stress and coping with illness.

Ayurveda practitioner prescribe ashwagandha to restore the immune system of HIV positive people. In mice it has been shown to aide in resisting tumors and other cancers. There are no studies directly on HIV people. It may aide in treating muscle wasting that is linked with HIV.

The herb comes in powder form, tea, capsule and tincture. Raw seeds can be toxic so it should only be prepared by a practitioner with experience.


A bush that produces bluish colored berries and found in Europe. It’s bark is usually used as a medicine plant but the leaves, roots, flowers and berries could have medical effects.

In test tube studies Elder has been found to slow down the production of HIV. However, little research has been done

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Garlic is used globally for numerous conditions. HIV people can use garlic to treat conditions linked to HIV these include fungal infections like thrush. It could also be used to stop the infections from coming back again and can be used in combination with treatments used to treat fungal or parasitic infections.

This herb may possibly be active against HIV and could possibly aide in enhancing some components in the immune system.


All forms of ginseng are known as medical plants. Ginseng herbs are also called adaptogens, they aid the body in handling changes and stress.

Ginseng could benefit the immune system of those infected with HIV. It could be especially effective in the cell-mediated immune system which becomes damaged from HIV infection. Siberian ginseng has demonstrated to improve the function of some kinds of immune cells and increase the amount of T-cells in HIV-negative adults.

A test tube study which used cells from HIV-positive people, advocated it possibly can heighten the production and function of immune cells.

Licorice Root

This herb has been used both in Asia and Europe for hundreds of years. It’s main ingredient is glycrrhizin and sometime is sold under that name. There are numerous uses for those herb in those with HIV.

Due to its antiviral properties it can possibly be active against HIV. It is believed it can slow down the activation of inactive immune cells stopping the producing of the virus anymore.

Several small studies have demonstrated that when an injected form of glycrrhizin is used it appeared to slow down development of the disease and had shown improvement in T-cell counts in participants who were HIV positive but were not showing any symptoms of the virus. Due to the effects of its immune and antiviral reactions it aides in detoxifying the liver. It also shows it may prevent the effects of using many antiretroviral drugs long term that can cause significant damage the cells in the liver and interfere with the livers function.

Tea Tree Oil

A popular treatment for those with HIV. It is used in the prevention or treatment of numerous infections especially thrush.

In one study of 13 men with AIDS that had thrush and were resistant to the anti-fungal medication Fluconazole, showed that gargling with a solution of tea tree oil had proven effective in hard to treat cases. Tea tree oil should never be swallowed.


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