Facts About Harry Potter Character Voldemort

Whether you refer to him as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or have the guts to call him by his real name, Voldemort is one of the most powerful characters in the Harry Potter series. We know that Voldemort will stop at nothing to achieve full power, even if it means killing those around him. We also know that Voldemort has one enemy that he should fear more than any other and that is Harry Potter. Harry Potter was the one person Voldemort failed to kill. But, what are some of the other facts about this Harry Potter character? Here are just a few interesting facts about Voldemort.

Facts about Harry Potter Character Voldemort #1: Full Name

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, fans learned all about Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom was the person that Voldemort once was. When you speak of this character, it’s easy to assume there are too separate characters. This is because Voldemort is nothing like his former self. He doesn’t even have his original body.

Facts about Harry Potter Character Voldemort #2: Meaning of His Name

Another interesting fact about Voldemort is that his name is French for “flight from death”. This fits this Harry Potter character perfectly, because as we know he will stop at nothing to escape death.

Facts about Harry Potter Character Voldemort #3: Half-Blood

As shocking as it seems, Voldemort is indeed a half-blood. In fact, his father was a Muggle. The Dark Lord hates people who aren’t full wizards and formed the Death Eaters as a way to rid the world or people who were not full-blood wizards. This concept is found in the real world. There are people of mixed races, who hate one of the races they are part of.

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Facts about Harry Potter Character Voldemort #4: Attending Hogwarts from 1938 to 1945

Around 1938, Dumbledore informed Tom Riddle that he was a wizard. Before then the boy had no idea he was a wizard, he just knew he was able to do extraordinary things. While at Hogwarts, this Harry Potter character would learn, and do, many evil things.

Facts about Harry Potter Character Voldemort #5: Was Head Boy

In his 7th year at Hogwarts, Tom Riddle would become Head Boy. One has to wonder how many other Slytherins he was able to effect with this position of power.

Facts about Harry Potter Character Voldemort #6: His Boggart Is…….

A boggart forms into something a wizard fears. For Voldemort, the ultimate fear is death. In fact, to him it is actually shameful to die. This is why Voldemort will stop at nothing to secure a never ending life, even if it means harming others.

Facts about Harry Potter Character Voldemort #7: Formed the Death Eaters after Leaving Hogwarts

In the 10 years after he left Hogwarts, Voldemort formed the Death Eaters. Immediately after leaving Hogwarts he worked at Borgin and Burkes, but suddenly left his job there after committing murder.

Facts about Harry Potter Character Voldemort #8: The Greatest Dark Wizard of All Time

Voldemort is considered to be one of the greatest dark wizards of all time. In fact, the only person that this Harry Potter character truly feared was Dumbledore. With the many murders Voldemort committed, he became more and more powerful.

Facts about Harry Potter Character Voldemort #9: Born on New Year’s Eve

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Voldemort was born on New Year’s Eve in 1926. His mother died shortly after his birth and he was then taken to an orphanage where he would live until he entered his first year at Hogwarts. After that, the orphanage would only be his home during the summer.

Facts about Harry Potter Character Voldemort #10: First Mentioned in Chapter One of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

It didn’t take long for Voldemort to be mentioned. In fact, he was mentioned in the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. He is mentioned as Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall discuss what happened to Harry.
