Fun Facts About Harry Potter Character James Potter

Harry Potter’s father, James Potter, may not be heavily discussed in the Harry Potter series, but he is still an important character. Throughout the Harry Potter series, we learn more and more about James Potter. We learn that he died protecting his family. We know that this character wasn’t always the friendliest guy and we also learn that James Potter once saved an important character’s life. All and all, James Potter would have been a great father for Harry, had he lived. In memory of Harry Potter’s father, let’s look back on some of the fun facts about this character.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character James Potter #1: Murdered on Halloween

Along with his wife Lily, James Potter was murdered on Halloween night in 1981. Upon hearing the prophecy, Voldemort went to the Potter home, on Godric’s Hollow, and murdered Harry Potter’s parents, but failed to kill Harry Potter.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character James Potter #2: Was a Trouble Maker

James Potter may have been the loving father and husband to Harry Potter and Lily Evans, but this character wasn’t always so perfect. During his time at Hogwarts, he was not only a trouble maker, but he was also quite cruel. In fact, he was extremely cruel to Severus Snape, which may have later influenced Snape to join the Death Eaters.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character James Potter #3: Was Wealthy

James Potter’s parents were extremely wealthy and when they passed away, they left everything to their son. This meant that he didn’t need a career, which gave him more time to devote to the Order of the Phoenix. But, James Potter did have his son’s interests in mind. In fact, he left a large amount of money for his son.

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Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character James Potter #4: Both Parents Were Wizards

Both of his parents were wizards and lived well into old age. James Potter’s parents died of natural causes and unfortunately died sometime before 1981, leaving Dumbledore no choice but to leave Harry Potter with his only remaining relatives, the Dursleys.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character James Potter #5: Helped to Create the Marauder’s Map

One of his friends was Remus Lupin. Remus had unfortunately been turned into a werewolf and needed a way to escape Hogwarts during each full moon. This led James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew to create the Marauder’s Map.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character James Potter #6: Attended Hogwarts from 1969 to 1976

James Potter was one of many important characters who attended Hogwarts during the years of 1969 to 1976. Many members of the Order of the Phoenix attended Hogwarts during these years, including Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Severus Snape.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character James Potter #7: Unregistered Animagus

Creating the Marauder’s Map wasn’t enough to keep Remus Lupin under control. In fact, his friends had to become unregistered Animaguses to help control his werewolf state. James Potter was a stag, which happens to be the same animal as Harry Potter’s Patronus.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character James Potter #8: Once Saved Snape’s Life

James Potter may have been cruel to Snape, but he once saved his life. In fact, Sirius Black had hoped to get Snape attacked by Remus, while Remus was in his werewolf state. At the last moment, James Potter warned Snape of the plan, thus saving his life. Since then, Snape has felt as if he owed James, which has made Snape hate him even more.

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