Fun Facts About Harry Potter Character Lucius Malfoy

WARNING: If you haven’t read books 1-7 this article will contain spoilers.

Lucius Malfoy is one of those Harry Potter characters that you aren’t quite sure about. Is he evil? Is he good? Or does Lucius Malfoy simply go where the power is at that current moment? The fact is Lucius Malfoy appears to be a character that cheers for the “winning” team. While Voldemort might have thought Lucius Malfoy was one of his closest Death Eaters, he also knows that this character went running back to the good side once Voldemort was defeated. Regardless of which side Lucius Malfoy is really on, there are some interesting facts about this Harry Potter character.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Lucius Malfoy #1: Meaning Behind His Name

Lucius is a name that was common among Roman nobility. There also appears to be a possible link between Lucius Malfoy and Emperor Lucius who was an enemy of King Arthur. This seems to fit very well when you consider the hatred Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley have towards each other. Last, but not least, we can not rule out the possibility of Lucius being a reference to Lucifer.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Lucius Malfoy #2: Married Into the Black Family

Lucius Malfoy married Narcissa Black. For both families this was a joyous occasion. Both families are pure blood and were highly regarded in the wizard world. Another fun fact is that this means Lucius Malfoy is a relative to Nymphadora Tonks.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Lucius Malfoy #3: One of the First to Come Back

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When Voldemort lost his power the first time, Lucius Malfoy was one of the first Death Eaters to come back. Now, it is a fact that Voldemort was controlling some people’s minds, and Lucius even claimed that he didn’t mean any of the things he had done. But, many people don’t believe him.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Lucius Malfoy #4: Owns Several Dark Items

One of the reasons it was hard to believe that Lucius Malfoy didn’t mean any of it is because his home is filled with Dark Magic items. In fact, many of the items he had hidden in his home were illegal.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Lucius Malfoy #5: Spent Time in Azkaban

After the attacks that took place inside the Ministry of Magic, Lucius Malfoy was sent to Azkaban. Another interesting fact is that Draco was then made a Death Eater to replace his father, but Draco was not ready.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Lucius Malfoy #6: Had His Wand Taken Away by Voldemort

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Voldemort discovers the connection between his wand and Harry Potter’s. Voldemort thinks that he can beat Harry’s wand if he uses a different wand. He then takes Lucius’ wand, but it doesn’t work for him. Actually the wand gets destroyed.

Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Lucius Malfoy #7: Had His Home Taken Over by Voldemort

Whether Voldemort chose Malfoy Manor because Lucius Malfoy is in his inner circle or because Malfoy Manor is a luxurious home is uncertain. But, in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Voldemort chooses Malfoy Manor as his headquarters.

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Fun Facts about Harry Potter Character Lucius Malfoy #8: Was Out Witted by His Former House Elf

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter tricks this character into letting his house elf go. But, that isn’t the last time Lucius Malfoy will see Dobby. Dobby returns to Malfoy Manor to help Harry Potter and his friends escape, right under Lucius’ nose.
