Top Ten Harry Potter Villains

In order to have good, you must have evil. The villains of the Harry Potter series help make the books both interesting and addictive. Why what would Harry Potter be without characters like Lucius Malfoy or even Wormtail? Of course, there wouldn’t be a series at all if it weren’t for Voldemort. In other words, villains are essential to the Harry Potter series. With all the evil characters who appear in this series, you may be wondering who the top Harry Potter villains are. The top ten villains found in the article, have made the list based on their involvement in the dark arts and other evil deeds. If you think I’ve overlooked an important Harry Potter villain, please feel free to list your thoughts in the comments section and explain why the villain should have made the list.

Top Ten Harry Potter Villains #10: Snape

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a firm believer that Snape is not evil. Snape made this list because of not only his previous involvement in the dark arts, but because he continues to be a thorn in Harry Potter’s side. Snape may not be an all out villain, but he hasn’t made things easy for Harry Potter either.

Top Ten Harry Potter Villains #9: Narcissa Malfoy

We know that Narcissa Malfoy would do anything to protect her son. We also know that she is a Black. The Black family hates Muggles and Mudbloods. We may not have seen Narcissa at her most evil just yet, but this villain still has a chance to show her true colors in book 7.

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Top Ten Harry Potter Villains #8: Dementors

Dementors are one of the most creative villains. What could be scarier than the Dementor’s Kiss? In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban we almost saw Sirius Black lose his life to a dementor. One of the worst things about this villain is the fact that they can make people relive the worst memories possible and completely drain them of happiness. They may not always want your soul, but they’ll take away anyone’s happiness.

Top Ten Harry Potter Villains #7: Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy has been one of Harry Potter’s villains from the very beginning. Once Harry told him that there was no way he would be friends with a person like Draco that sealed the deal. From then on Draco set out to make Harry Potter’s life miserable.

Top Ten Harry Potter Villains #6: Professor Umbridge

This Harry Potter villain may not be pure evil, but she is obsessed with power. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Professor Umbridge takes things too far when she repeatedly punishes Harry to the point that he bleeds.

Top Ten Harry Potter Villains #5: Tom M Riddle

Yes, I know that Tom Riddle is the same person as Voldemort, but is he really? Tom Riddle was a much different person than Voldemort. Sure he was evil, but Tom Riddle was only the beginning of what he would eventually become. Even Voldemort wanted to escape his former self and he did it quite well. Tom Riddle was a villain because he knew how to get what he wanted, which would eventually lead to his downfall and change.

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Top Ten Harry Potter Villains #4: Wormtail

Every fan knows that Wormtail is a coward, but being a coward has made him the perfect villain. Wormtail is too scared to disobey Voldemort. He was even willing to give up his hand to aid in the resurrection of Voldemort.

Top Ten Harry Potter Villains #3: Lucius Malfoy

The ever faithful Lucius Malfoy is a villain that women love to hate. While Lucius does hate Muggles, I believe that his true reason for being evil is simply for power. Lucius may have landed himself in prison, but I believe he will continue to show his true colors in book 7. Then again, Voldemort may not forgive him for what he’s done and may kill him.

Top Ten Harry Potter Villains #2: Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix is another member of the Black family. She is also unbelievably devoted to Voldemort. One might even wonder if there is love there. She did her best to kill Harry Potter in book 5. Let’s not forget that she also killed Sirius Black.

Top Ten Harry Potter Villains #1: Voldemort

Of course, the number one villain would be Voldemort. Voldemort is the complete opposite of Harry Potter. Voldemort will stop at nothing to kill Harry Potter. Until Harry Potter is dead, Voldemort will not be at peace. Until Voldemort is dead, the world of Harry Potter will continue to get darker and more dangerous.
