J.K. Rowling Timeline

J.K. Rowling has just finished her impressive Harry Potter series. She is now one of the richest women in the world, but it wasn’t always this way. In 1990, Harry Potter was a mere thought that struck J.K. Rowling while she was riding a train in the UK. This article is a look back on all that has happened to make J.K. Rowling the success she is today.

1990: In 1990, J.K. Rowling was hit with the idea for her series. She claims that the idea simply came to her. Many writers wish they could be so lucky to have a multi-million dollar idea simply come to them, but it wasn’t that easy.

1997: After being turned down by many publishers who thought it was impossible to make money off of a “kid’s book”, Bloomsbury was the publisher to give J.K. Rowling her first chance. In June of 1997 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was published in Britain.

1998: J.K. Rowling’s true break came when Scholastic decided to publish the Harry Potter series. Scholastic would help to make the series one of the most memorable children’s books ever written. On September 1, 1998 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was published in the United States. But, this only happened after the second Harry Potter book had been published in Britain. On July 2, 1998 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets hit store shelves in the UK.

1999: Almost a year after Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was published in Britain, it hit the store shelves in the United States (June 2). Meanwhile, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban would shortly be hitting store shelves in Britain (July 8). But, it didn’t take too long for Scholastic to start to catch up. On September 8, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was published in the United States.

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2000: The year 2000 was a very busy year for J.K. Rowling. In late March, Chris Columbus was chosen to direct the first Harry Potter movie. On July 8, Scholastic and Bloomsbury release Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the same time. But, on July 23, J.K. Rowling, and her series, would receive a serious blow. The New York Times decides that it is no longer fair for the series to be listed along with “adult” titles and removes the Harry Potter series. The New York Times then started a list specifically for “children’s” books. Fans around the country protested heavily. A little good news would come for J.K. Rowling in late August when the stars who would play Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Rupert Grint were finally chosen.

2001: In March of 2001, J.K. Rowling surprises her fans with two more books. These books were meant to be like library/school books that Harry Potter actually used. The titles were Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. On November 16, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone hit theaters. But, the best was yet to come for J.K. Rowling. On December 26, J.K. Rowling married Neil Murray.

2002: 2002 was a quiet year, for J.K. Rowling. But, it was still a busy year for the Harry Potter movies. On November 15, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was released to theaters. Sadly, Richard Harris who played Dumbledore in the first two Harry Potter movies passed away a few weeks before the release (October 25).

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2003: Another happy year for J.K. Rowling arrived. On March 23, her second child was born. Then on June 21, the largest book in the Harry Potter series was released. A massive 6.4 million copies of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix were printed in the United States alone.

2004: On May 31, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was released in Britain. It wouldn’t hit theaters in the United States until June 4.

2005: The happiness continues for J.K. Rowling as her third child is born. The happiness also continues for Harry Potter fans. On July 16, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is released. Then on November 18, the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is released.

2006: In July J.K. Rowling had the honor of having a asteroid named after her. Then in October, a signed first-edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone receives an amazing bid of $100,000 for charity.

2007: This would prove to be the biggest year for J.K. Rowling and her fans. In May of 2007, Universal Studies announced that they would be building a Harry Potter theme park. Then on July 11, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix hit theaters. But, the biggest moment came on July 21, when the final book in the Harry Potter series was released.

2008: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be hitting theaters.

2009: Universal Studios plans to open the Harry Potter theme park.

2010: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is scheduled to the hit the theaters.

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The Future: J.K. Rowling plans to publish a Harry Potter Encyclopedia that will give additional details of many of the Harry Potter characters. Plus the encyclopedia will also give further information on what happened after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
