Circuit Training and Interval Training

Few of us have time to workout. Circuit Training and Interval Training combine cardio with weightlifting to save time. Circuit training and interval training are the keys to working out in the shortest amount of time. The advantage to these types of training is that they also work better than what you’re used to.

Circuit training is the easiest way to include cardio and weight lifting in the same workout. The idea with the circuit training method is to perform several exercises back to back without any rest in between. It is usually better to target opposing muscle groups in your circuit training routine. My first workout of the week is normally chest and back. So I would choose four chest exercises and four back exercises. I would then complete my first chest exercise and move directly to my first back exercise completing one circuit. After that I would move directly to my second chest exercise and then to my second back exercise, completing my second circuit. I would continue in this manner until all four exercises were completed for each muscle group. Switching between opposing muscle groups like this allows the chest muscles to rest while the back muscles are being worked and vice versa. The key is that the body never stops moving during this circuit so I was able to get a good cardio workout while also getting a good weight lifting workout. I would usually rest about a minute after completing a circuit and then go back through it again. You can do as many circuits as you have time to do. Lifting weights using the circuit training method three or more times a week provides all the cardio and weight lifting your body needs, and it takes a lot less time out of your day.

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Interval training is another great way to incorporate cardio and weight lifting to maximize your workout. Many people already use interval training in their cardio routines, but rarely do they think about using it while lifting weights. One interval consists of a work phase and a rest phase. A beginner would most likely use a 30/60 interval. Using an exercise like squats, with a light weight, you would perform as many squats as you could using proper form in thirty seconds. After that you would jog in place for sixty seconds and then immediately switch back to squats to start the second interval. You could complete ten intervals in this way back to back for a total workout time of fifteen minutes. It is possible to lift weights while performing interval training. You do need to choose your exercises carefully though. Usually an exercise that uses multiple muscle groups is better. As you progress with interval training, you can increase the time in the work phase and decrease the time in the rest phase. The goal would be to eventually get to the place where your rest periods were shorter than your work periods which is known as a negative rest interval. The most popular negative rest interval is known as the Tabata Protocol. Once you get to this level you will be in great shape.

It is possible to lift weights and get your cardio in at the same time. If you are a power lifter, these training methods I mentioned are probably not for you. If you are a regular guy or gal who wants to build muscle and lose fat at the same time, then jump in and do some circuit training or interval training.