Mashed Potatoes Mix Ins

Do you love mashed potatoes? If so, you probably serve them to your family often. Are you and your family getting tired of plain, boring mashed potatoes? Well, there are more ways to dress up mashed potatoes than pouring gravy over the top. Check out these different and delicious ideas for making your mashed potatoes the star of your dinner table.

Basic Mashed Potatoes. For the purpose of measurements in this article, 3 pounds of potatoes will be assumed in making your basic mashed potatoes. You can adapt the mix-ins to your favorite mashed potatoes recipe. Otherwise, here is a basic one to get you started. Wash the potatoes, peel if desired, and cut into chunks. Put into a pan, cover with water and boil for 15 to 20 minutes until potatoes are tender. Drain and mash. You can either use a potato masher, a potato ricer, a fork, or a blender. Whether you like your mashed potatoes lumpy, or blended smooth with a hand blender, these mix in ideas will work for you, so make them as lumpy or smooth as you like. Slowly stir in about ½ cup of milk (you can use cream instead of milk for a creamier, but more fatty, recipe). Add 4-6 tablespoons of butter and salt and pepper to taste.

Mashed Potatoes Mix In #1: Cheese. Add a few less tablespoons of butter and stir in ½ cup of your favorite cheese. It can be cheddar or Monterey jack, or something with a little more kick such as bleu cheese. If using bleu cheese, about ¼ cup will do.

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Mashed Potatoes Mix In #2: Ranch Dressing. Again, use a little less of the milk and butter. Stir in about ¼ cup of your favorite brand of ranch dressing to make your mashed potatoes creamy and flavorful. Another option is to sprinkle in ½ packet of ranch dressing seasoning instead of the salt and pepper.

Mashed Potatoes Mix In #3: Cream Cheese or Sour Cream. Use cream cheese in place of the butter. Stir in 6 ounces until smooth. Add about 1 cup of sour cream instead of about half of the butter if you like. If you are feeling very decadent, add both to your basic mashed potato recipe.

Mashed Potatoes Mix In #4: Chives. Chives, or green onion greens are a delicious, flavorful and fat free addition to your mashed potatoes. Add ¼ cup chopped chives to the basic recipe, or use in addition to a cheese or cream cheese mix in.

Mashed Potatoes Mix In #5: Chicken Broth. Not so much a mix in as a variation on the basic recipes, substituting chicken broth for the milk in your mashed potatoes is a delicious way to make your mashed potatoes taste a little different.

Mashed Potatoes Mix In #6: BBQ Sauce. Omit the milk and stir in ¼ cup barbeque sauce instead. Add some sweet corn kernels to make this dish stand out even more.

Mashed Potatoes Mix In #7: Garlic. Stir ½ teaspoon garlic powder, or 3 minced garlic cloves into your basic mashed potato recipe. This is especially delicious if you combine with the cheese mix in and add ¼ cup of parmesan cheese.

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Mashed Potatoes Mix In #8: Bacon. Bacon is especially delicious in mashed potatoes when added with sour cream and cheese. Cook 4 slices of bacon until crisp. Drain, crumble and stir into your basic mashed potatoes.

Mashed Potatoes Mix In #9: Salsa. Salsa is one of the easiest and most unique mashed potato mix ins. Reduce the amount of milk in the basic mashed potato recipe by half and stir in ¼ to ½ cup of salsa, to taste. Add a little cheddar cheese if you’re feeling really adventurous.