Are There Natural Cures to HIV?

AIDS is a deadly disease. There is no doubt in this statement, specially when an estimated 40 million people worldwide suffer the woes of HIV. It then becomes a serious matter to be addressed and the rush to finding that ultimate cure seems to get nowhere. AIDS is a life-threatening condition created by the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. What happens is that the infected person’s immune system gets weaker, where one becomes more susceptible to certain types of infections and even cancer. The best hope in fighting AIDS is prevention, education, and early treatment.

Carelessness and being ignorant of what HIV is all about are the two main factors why one gets HIV. This can be transmitted through unprotected sex where one is exposed to a person’s blood, vaginal secretion, or semen; through transfusion of infected blood; through needle sharing; through organ transplant; or even during pregnancy. You can’t be infected with a simple kiss, hug, dance, or even a hand shake.

During the early stages of HIV, one can feel flu-like symptoms like fever, headache, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and rashes. Even if you don’t have these symptoms, you may transmit the virus if you are infected. You may even be free of these symptoms even for nine years. Therefore, you need to get yourself an HIV test, just to make sure that you are AIDS-free and that you have protected sex at all times. At its latter stages, one can experience night sweats, fever of more than 38 C for several weeks, dry cough, shortness of breath, chronic diarrhea, white spots or lesions on your tongue and mouth, headaches, blurred vision, and weight loss… until you reach your demise.

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Are There Natural Cures to HIV or AIDS?

Sadly, there is still no way to help scientists develop that ultimate vaccine and HIV remains a resilient enemy. The very problem with this disease is that at its early stage, the body doesn’t reproduce enough antibodies to combat the infection. Still, there are infected folks who relied on herbal remedies just for them to feel well when the symptoms occur. These are low-cost traditional cures that are easily accessible, namely:

1. Basil – which is used to treat mouth sores, nausea, and other digestive problems.
2. Calendula – which when prepared as a tea, helps heal infections of the upper digestive tract.
3. Cardamom – when added to food or made as a tea, helps relieve diarrhea.
4. Cayenne – stimulates the appetite and helps fight infection. This can be a natural energizer when added to juice or water.
5. Chamomile – as a tea, it helps eases digestion and provides relief for nausea.
6. Cinnamon – is great for stimulating the appetite, as well as fighting off colds or flu.
7. Garlic – is a great antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral herb. You can use it in food, take supplements, or make a tea out of garlic.
8. Turmeric – is great for digestion, as well as an antiseptic and antioxidant. You may use it in powdered form and mix it with your food.

These are not permanent cures, but they help you feel relieved when the symptoms occur. In the end, it is still important to get tested. Many hospitals and clinics offer privacy in the results of the tests. Your name may be given to health departments for tracking, but not to anyone else ( family, government, employer, insurance ) – unless you allow this data to be divulged. You may also choose many anonymous testing centers. But if your results turned out to be positive, you are likely to give your name to your doctor when you seek treatment. In the end, it is all about making smart decisions and healthy choices that will save you from acquiring this disease in the first place. Practice Safe Sex!