Colgate Cinnamint Toothpaste Vs. Close-Up – Which One Does a Better Job?

Colgate Sparkling White Cinnamint toothpaste is one of the newer cinnamon-flavored toothpastes on the market. Colgate knows it must compete with the long-reigning cinnamon toothpaste, Close-Up. How does Colgate Cinnamint compare to Close-Up? I put it to the test and will give you the results right here.

First of all, I’m fond of cinnamon (real or artificial) and so I’ve always been fond of cinnamon flavored toothpaste. I like mint toothpaste too, but I frequently buy cinnamon-flavored toothpaste such as Close-Up. Until two weeks ago, Close-Up toothpaste has been the only cinnamon toothpaste I had ever tried. Colgate Sparkling White Cinnamint was a pleasant surprise.

Here is how the toothpastes compare.


Close-Up toothpaste has a slightly different, more candy-like taste. It has a good, strong cinnamon taste, but Colgate Cinnamint has more of a bite. By that I mean Colgate burns a bit more (in a good way) and is less sweet (these two differences could be my imagination, but I don’t believe so). Colgate has more of a pleasant, refreshing mouth-feel than Close-up.

If you like toothpaste that makes your mouth tingle, you would probably prefer Colgate’s Cinnamint over Close-Up toothpaste. The packaging proclaims that Colgate’s Cinnamint has “Exciting Flavor!” As much as flavors can be “exciting” it does have this quality.

Whitening power

Colgate Sparkling White Cinnamint wins this hands down. I am impressed with the whitening power of this toothpaste. To be fair, I will add that Close-up has a new formula out called “Whitening Cinnamon Sparkle Gel,” which has “micro-crystals.” These are probably similar to the silica crystals in many whitening toothpastes (like Colgate) which help remove surface stains. Still, regular Close-up, the Freshening Cinnamon Red Gel does claim to be a whitening toothpaste. As such, it loses to Colgate Sparkling White Cinnamint.

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Overall satisfaction

I like the flavor of both, but I like Cinnamint better. I also noticed my teeth looked whiter and brighter after just a few uses.

In keeping the breath fresh, the toothpastes rate equally. Merely brushing the teeth regularly helps keep breath fresh, however, so this is not saying much.

One other thing I have noticed is Colgate is not as “sticky” as Close-Up. I’m not sure what ingredient it is in Close-Up that makes it extra gummy, but one bad side-effect of that is it creates an unpleasant gumminess around the cap.

Unless Close-Up is on sale for a great price, I would buy Colgate Sparkling White Cinnamint over Close-up. My mouth felt fresher and my teeth were whiter after using Colgate Cinnamint. Colgate Sparkling White Cinnamint wins this round over Close-Up.
