WWE Survivor Series (2010) Predictions

On November 21st, World Wrestling Entertainment presents the WWE Survivor Series Pay-Per-View. The Survivor Series PPV is one of the longest running events in the history of wrestling, and this will be the 24th annual “Survivor Series” event, dating back all the way to 1987. The concept of this PPV is to have multiple “Survivor Series matches” which are usually two teams facing off against each other in five on five elimination style matches. Last year’s event saw three of these types of matches. Currently, there have been two matches announced for the card, Randy Orton versus Wade Barrett for the WWE Championship, and Kane vs. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship. These are my predictions on what other matches will be on the Survivor Series card and who will come out victorious.

Team LayCool (Layla, Michelle McCool, Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox, Tamina) vs. Team Natalya (Natalya, Eve, Melina, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella): The feud between the Unified Divas Champions LayCool (Michelle McCool & Layla) and Natalya seems to be going forward, and there is likely to be a Survivor Series match with both LayCool and Natalya being the team captains for their respective team. There is usually two or three Survivor Series matches at this pay-per-view and one is usually a divas match. This past Monday on Raw, Natalya faced Michelle McCool and for the first time in this feud, Natalya beat a member of LayCool. This survivor series match will be the face divas against the heel divas. Prediction: Layla and McCool will be the sole survivors for their team.

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Team Bryan (Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, Mark Henry, Santino Marella, Vladimir Kozlov) vs. Team Ziggler (Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Alberto Del Rio): The United States Champion Daniel Bryan and the Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler have had a series of great matches, starting at the Bragging Rights pay-per-view. Though Bryan has won all four matches that the two have had, all the matches have been competitive, and Ziggler had chances to win all four, but didn’t for one reason or another. The feud between these two competitors are likely to continue at the Survivor Series with a survivor series match and likely to come down to the two of them after the rest of the wrestlers have been eliminated. Prediction: Team Bryan picks up the win, as Daniel Bryan picks up the pinfall victory over Dolph Ziggler, being the only survivor for his team.

Team Miz (The Miz, Ezekiel Jackson, Ted DiBiase, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes) vs. Team Big Show (Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Drew McIntyre): The Miz and The Big Show have a long history with each other and it is likely to come to a head at Survivor Series. Miz and Big Show were a very successful and dominant tag team, culminating in a tag team title reign for a few months, before they lost the titles and Big Show got traded to SmackDown, breaking up the group. They did not leave on good terms with Big Show knocking out Miz with the KO punch. On Raw, Miz and Big Show battled again, with Big Show winning by disqualification, after Miz used his Money in the Bank briefcase. Prediction: Big Show and Rey Mysterio are the survivors, as Team Big Show wins the match.

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Kane (c) vs. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship: This match was officially made on SmackDown after Edge won a triple threat match between himself, Rey Mysterio, and Alberto Del Rio to become the number one contender for Kane’s world title. At Bragging Rights, Kane defended his title successfully for the third consecutive pay-per-view, when he buried The Undertaker alive with help from Nexus. Kane’s next opponent for the world title is Edge, someone who has had great success as a main eventer, being a nine-time world champion. Kane and Edge is somewhat of a new and fresh feud, having faced off against one another only a few times. Both had a short-lived feud in 2005, culminating in a match at Vengeance which Kane won. Prediction: Edge becomes a 10-time world champion, pinning Kane after the spear.

Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barrett (Special Referee: John Cena) for the WWE Championship: This match was made official by the anonymous Raw General Manager since Wade Barrett won at Bragging Rights (by disqualification), he is entitled to a rematch and John Cena will be the special referee. The stipulation for this match made by Barrett himself is that if Barrett wins the title, Cena will be free from Nexus, but if Barrett doesn’t win the title, Cena is fired from the WWE. Barrett is in the driver’s seat to win the title because according to the stipulation, Cena must count to three and hand Barrett the title, or he will be fired from the WWE. Orton, the WWE Champion, is in a tough position and it will take a lot for him to hold on to his title. Prediction: Cena screws Orton out of the win, handing Barrett his first world championship.