WWE Survivor Series 2011 Results

Match 1: Dolph Ziggler v. John Morrison (US Championship)

After the two men locked up, Ziggler pulled Morrison down to the mat and slapped him around. An angry Morrison chased Ziggler out of the ring, but several moments later, Ziggler returned and the two locked up again. Ziggler got the early advantage, continuing to counter Morrison’s attempts at come backs. Ziggler locked Morrison down with a head lock, but Morrison powered his way to his feet and shot Ziggler off the ropes. Ziggler took him down with a shoulder block, then raced against the ropes with a duck and hop over scenario, getting caught by Morrison in an arm drag take over. Ziggler however, landed on his feet and tried to drop kick Morrison who caught his legs and slingshot Ziggler into a near corner. Morrison clotheslined Ziggler to the outside and then bounced off the ropes, leaping onto Ziggler with a twisting over the top rope dive. He threw Ziggler into the ring and after getting an ear-full from Vicki and telling her to shut up, followed Ziggler back in. But as Morrison got through the ropes, Ziggler hopped up and nailed Morrison with a neck breaker. Ziggler took over the offense again, putting the boots to Morrison, then dropping an elbow on him. Ziggler spent a few moments gloating then took Morrison over with an arm drag and tried a pin again. Morrison got away, so Ziggler tried to apply a modified cross-face on Morrison who fought for a better part of a minute to get away. When he fought to his feet, Ziggler dragged Morrison down to the mat by his hair. After kicking Morrison arrogantly and prancing around him while doing so, Ziggler slapped Morrison in the face, which enraged Morrison as he charged Ziggler into the corner, hitting him with a fury of fists. Morrison was forced back by the ref, but came back at Ziggler again, diving into him with a body splash. He missed his target however as Ziggler sidestepped him and then hit Morrison with a backwards body slam. After a failed attempt at a pin, Ziggler let Morrison get to his feet and went in for the Zig Zag, but Morrison hung on to the ropes and Ziggler fell back on his own. He quickly scrambled to his feet and went after Morrison with a clothesline. Morrison ducked and bent forward to elevate Ziggler over, but Ziggler stopped short and kicked him in the face. Ziggler thinking he had the match well in hand got surprised by a couple of clotheslines and a flying knee shot. Morrison delivered a spinning neck breaker and went for a pin, then when Ziggler kicked out and try to crawl out of the ring, he grabbed him by the leg to try to drag him back. The ref told Morrison to stop, which gave Ziggler the opening to kick Morrison in the gut. Ziggler then shoved Morrison into a corner chest first and rolled him up for a pin attempt from behind, hooking the tights. When Morrison rolled through to get out, Ziggler grabbed him around the waist and tried a German suplex, however, Morrison landed on his feet and hopped on the middle ropes, delivering a beautiful spin kick. After Morrsion’s pin attempt failed he tried another neck breaker but was shoved off and shot off the ropes by Ziggler who he then caught in a spin that nearly turned into a power slam. Ziggler however landed on his feet and locked a sleeper hold on Morrison. Morrison then threw Ziggler off the ropes and locked in his own sleeper hold. Ziggler quickly lifte Morrison up, but Morrison spun around, hitting Ziggler with a DDT. Morrison went in for a pin but Vicki put Ziggler’s foot on the ropes, right in front of the ref who kicked her out from ringside. Morrison tried a suplex, but Ziggler reversed it into a small package. Morrison escaped, so Ziggler hooked him from behind and pulled him back for another roll up pin attempt. Morrison and he exchanged a couple of quick pin attempts, then Morrison bounced off the ropes and tried to jumping spin kick, but Ziggler ducked it and hit Morrison with the rocker dropper. Ziggler’s subsequent pin attempt failed as Ziggler looked utterly lost. As both men struggled to their feet, Ziggler tried to go in for a Zig Zag, but Morrison hung on to the ropes again, and as Ziggler landed on his back, ran at Ziggler, nailing him with a running knee. Morrison pulled Ziggler to the corner and performed the Star Ship Pain, but Ziggler lifted his knees, and as Morrison landed oddly, Ziggler got to him and hit him with a cross knee neck breaker, pinning Morrison for the win to this tremendous match. After the match, Vicki ran back to ringside to celebrate with Ziggler. Vicki grabbed the microphone and said that the US champion had something to say, handing the mic to Ziggler. He said that people thinks that he is showing off, but its not showing off if you back it up. He said that he was just really really good at what he does. As he celebrated his win, Zakk Ryder’s music played and Ryder rushed out to the ring, getting attacked by Ziggler as soon as he slid in. But Ryder fought back and hit Ziggler with the Ryder Lariat. Ziggler rolled out of the ring as Ryder celebrated with the crowd.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Match 2: Eve v. Beth Phoenix (Lumberjill match for the Divas Championship)

Eve threw the first punch after the lock up, only to be slammed by Beth. Eve quickly fought back taking Beth down with some kicks and sneaking in a pin attempt. Beth rolled out of the ring as the lumberjills quickly rolled her back into the ring. Eve continued the offense momentarily but was kicked in the stomach by Beth who then elevated a charging Eve over the top ropes and onto the ring apron. Eve punched Beth and was about to leap over the ropes when Natalya tried to grab her leg, receiving a kick to the head from Eve for it. Eve got back in the ring only to be kicked by Beth who went on to put the boots to her repeatedly, then placing Eve under the ropes and sling-shooting Eve’s throat into the bottom ropes. Beth locked in a rear submission, but Eve fought off quickly. Beth continued to beat on her, whipping Eve into the ropes, but Eve hung on and delivered a kick to Beth’s face. She then hooker her legs around Beth’s body and elevated herself up off the mat, flipping forward with a roll, sending Beth face first into the corner turnbuckles. As Beth staggered back out Eve hit her with a drop kick, a running elbow, a couple of kicks and a clothesline. Eve then tried a running Senton flip onto Beth, but Beth lifted her knees as Eve’s back landed on them. Beth tried to hook Eve’s hands for the Glam Slam, but Eve fought her off and went around Beth, hooking a backwards figure four with her legs wrapped around Beth’s neck. Beth got to he ropes took advantage of Eve who was being distracted by Natalya, by running her into a corner. When Beth charged her, Eve hit her with an elbow and then a side kick to the side of the head. Eve went to the top for a moonsault, but Beth got to her feet and tripped Eve upon the apron. As Eve hung on the top ropes, Beth climbed the ropes too and countered Eve’s attempts to fight her off as she hooked Eve’s arms behind her back and hit the Glam Slam from the top ropes, pinning Eve for the win.

Winner: Beth Phoenix

In the back David Otunga approached CM Punk and said that he had a message from John Laurinitis. He said that Punk putting his hands on Michael Cole last week was an infliction of emotional distress where he is from. Punk said that where he is from, its called a loud mouthed dork getting what he deserves. Otunga said that Laurinitis is ordering Punk to apologize to Cole before he competes tonight to which Punk replied that he doesn’t want to be on Laurinitis’s bad side so he will think about it, and then he will become the new WWE champion.

The Rock was shown in the back with a microphone in hand. He addressed Madison Square Garden recalling some of the Rock’s best memories from MSG. He ran through his catch phrases and how it was in MSG that he became the people’s champion. And after 7 long years the Rock has finally come back to New York City. He then told Miz and R-Truth that its simple…their names are associated to “Boots To Asses”. He then went on to address John Cena as the crowd booed the very mention of Cena’s name. He said he and the people would shoot a lightning bolt up Cena’s ovulating lady parts, and the crowd cheered “lady parts”. He ran through some of the best matches that took place in MSG and sang Frank Sinatra’s “New York.

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Match 3: Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Hunico and Dolph Ziggler v. Sheamus, Sin Cara, Kofi Kingston, Mason Ryan and Randy Orton (Traditional Survivor Series match)

The first elimination came about two minutes into the match after Ziggler dominated Kofi, but Kofi was able to counter a bounce off the ropes with a forearm shot to Ziggler’s face, then dove into his corner to tag in Orton. Orton came in and immediately delivered an RKO to Ziggler, eliminating him from the match. There was some hesitation about who would enter the match next and Barrett pulled his team together on the floor to talk strategy. Not waiting, Orton slid out of the ring and ran up behind them, attacking Swagger and Barrett. As Barrett’s team scattered, Barrett went into the ring, as Orton gave chase. Orton clotheslined Barrett over the top rope and then threw a charging Cody over the top as well. In the meantime, Mason Ryan and Sheamus entered the ring to fight off Hunico and Swagger who were sneaking up from behind. They threw them to the outside as Kofi and SIn Cara performed a simultaneous suicide dive over the top ropes. However, Sin Cara looked to have hurt himself in the dive, getting stuck on the top rope, so Kofi stood over him to make sure the opponents didn’t get to him. Since he was unable to continue, Sin Cara was eliminated from the match. In the meantime, the match reset with Orton and Cody squaring off in the ring. Upon twisting Cody’s arm, Orton tagged in Ryan who ran Cody around the ring, beating on him. Cody was able to get out of the ring, but after regrouping on the outside, went back into the ring, facing off with Ryan, but then tagged in Hunico. The confused Hunico looked around, as Ryan catapulted him into the ring and tagged in Kofi. Kofi whipped Hunico into the corner, then charged after him, but Hunico threw Kofi up in the air, as Kofi landed on the top ropes, slipping off and came crashing down into the ring. Hunico dragged him over to his team’s corner and tagged in Barrett. Barrett assaulted Kofi with a couple of shots to the body, then tried to pin him. When Kofi kicked out, Barrett tried to wear Kofi down with a rear chin lock, but after another unsuccessful pin, whipped Kofi off the ropes, as both men ended up clotheslining each other. They both made it to their corners quickly tagging in Hunico and Ryan. Ryan took down Hunico with a couple of clotheslines, then hit him with two big back breakers and tossed him over his head, backwards. Ryan then pressed Hunico over his head and dropped him on his stomach. Hunico was able to make a stealthy tag to Cody, as Ryan hooked on the Full Nelson on Hunico, Cody came in, attacking Ryan from behind and hit him with the Cross Rhodes, eliminating Ryan from the match. Sheamus took over the active roll for his team as he and Cody went at it for a few moments until Cody managed to anger Sheamus, causing himself to receive a big time beating, then whipped him into the ropes. Cody countered with a kick, but was quickly taken down by a clothesline. Sheamus stuck Cody through the ropes and pounded on his chest, then dragged Cody into the ring, hit him with a suplex and went for a pin. Cody kicked out and tried to get out of the ring. Sheamus tried to pull him back but caught a cheap shot in the face from Cody. Sheamus was still able to fight on, hitting Cody with a shoulder block from the ring apron, but after a quick distraction by Barrett, was kicked off the apron by Cody’s drop kick and had his face bounce off the ring apron as Sheamus crashed on the outside. Barrett added to the damage by running Sheamus over with a clothesline, then threw Sheamus back into the ring. In the process he was tagged in and tried to pin Sheamus, but could not win. Barrett tagged in Hunico who delivered a drop kick to Sheamus’s chest. After a few moments of dominance, Sheamus was able to threw Hunico off and went for his corner. Hunico tagged Barrett back into the match as Sheamus got to tag in Kofi. Kofi leapt in from the top ropes clotheslining Barrett to the mat, and then continued to beat on him, flipping around him and trying to score a pin fall. After knocking Cody and Hunico off the apron, Kofi sat threw the ropes and swung back, nailing Swagger in the face too, but as he came up, Barrett repaid him with a boot to the face that sent Kofi back, stuck, hanging on the ring apron. Barrett picked up Kofi and hit him with the Wasteland, eliminating Kofi from the match. Orton quickly took his place, charging Barrett from behind. Barrett tried to get away by climbing out to the apron, as Orton caught him and dragged him through the ropes, attempting to deliver a DDT into the ring. Barrett was able to get off the ropes and stand on his own two feet, elevating Orton over the top rope and to the floor. He tagged in Hunico who charged across the ring, flying through the ropes onto Orton on the outside. After failing to pin Orton, Hunico tagged in Swagger who went to work on Orton. The exchange of tags continued as Cody Rhodes was tagged and continued to wear down Orton. After about half a minute of dominating Orton, Cody tried a running bulldog, but Orton launched him off into the corner. Orton made it to his corner and tagged in Sheamus, while Cody tagged Swagger. Sheamus quickly beat Swagger down and headed to the top rope, coming off with a battering ram. Shemus then knocked Hunico off the ring apron, then hit Swagger with the Irish Curse back breaker. He lifted Swagger up for the High Cross, but Barrett came into the ring. Sheamus dropped Swagger and clotheslined Barrett to the mat. He threw Barrett out of the ring and turned his attention back to Swagger, hitting him with knees to the head even when the ref reached a count of 5. Since Sheamus refused to stop, the ref disqualified Sheamus, leaving Orton to fare against four men. But before he left, Sheamus nailed Swagger with the Brough kick, laying him out. Orton crawled back into the ring and covered Swagger for a pin, eliminating him. Barrett’s team entered the ring and walked towards Orton, but it was Cody that began putting the boots to Orton in the corner, nailing him with repeated kicks and punches, then mocking Orton’s signature pose. Cody whipped Orton out of the corner, but Orton reversed momentum, turning the whip around, nailing Cody with a clothesline. He then knocked Barrett and Hunico off the ring apron with punches before ducking Cody’s clothesline and hitting a snap power slam. He put Cody out on the ring apron and brought him back into the ring through the ropes with a DDT. He was set for the RKO, but he was distracted by Barrett on the outside. As Orton’s attention was turned, Hunico set himself to dive, bouncing off the ropes. As Orton turned, Hunico dove, but Orton caught him in mid air with an RKO, and quickly pinned Hunico, eliminating him from the match. Barrett wasted no time coming up behind Orton with a clothesline, but Orton saw him, ducked, and hit Barrett with a cross back breaker. Orton began to prepare for the RKO, but was distracted when Cody came at him. Orton countered Cody’s attack by hitting him with the RKO, but as soon as he made it back to his feet, Barrett got him up on his shoulders, hitting Orton with the Wasteland. Barrett covered Orton for the pin, winning the match for his team, leaving himself and Cody as the survivors.

Winners and Survivors: Cody Rhodes & Wade Barrett

After inviting the Bella Twins to a restaurant, Alberto Del Rio was interrupted by John Laurinitis who wanted to make sure that Del Rio was taking tonight’s match seriously. Del Rio said that he wasn’t worried and last week’s RAW proved that he will have no problem with Punk tonight. He then said that he shouldn’t even be defending the title against someone who should be sleeping on the sidewalk.

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Match 4: Big Show v. Mark Henry (World Championship)

After the ring was reenforced, the two giants squared off, starting the match with a lock up, from which Show quickly shoved Henry on his back. They locked up again as Henry shoved Show back into the ropes. After the third lock up, Show pushed Henry down again, but this time Henry rolled out of the ring to regroup. Henry reentered the ring and the two big men exchanged some technical grappling holds, including an arm drag by Show which surprised Henry, as he rolled out of the ring to shake off what just happened. Back in the ring, Show met Henry with some kicks in the corner, even though Henry was in the ropes, technically out of touchable range. Show then threw some right hands at Henry, then whipped him off the ropes, but Henry went low, throwing his shoulder into Show’s leg. Henry then went to work on Show’s leg, trying to weaken it with submission leg locks. As the vocal New York crowd cheered “boring”, Henry got up, lifted Show up but was surprised by a DDT from the giant who rolled over onto Henry for a pin attempt. Henry kicked out but Show followed his assault with several clotheslines, then hooking his hand around Henry’s throat to perform a choke slam. Henry countered quickly by swinging Show’s hand away and picking up the big man, hitting him with the World’s Strongest Slam. After Henry failed to pin Show, he hit him with a big splash, trying another pin. Show kicked out again so Henry dropped a running elbow on him, only to have Show escape another pin attempt. Henry kicked Show to the outside, then followed him out and shoved him into the steel ring post. Henry then measured up Show and charged into him, as the weight of the two men fell right through the ring announcer barricades. Henry got back into the ring as the ref counted Show out, but Show made it back into the ring at the 9 count. Henry continued beating on Show while Show was still on the apron, hitting him with a few head butts, then climbing the ropes and trying to force show up for a top rope superplex. Show fought off with some punches to the gut, and shoved Henry into the ring. Show then stepped into the ring and super-kicked Henry in the face. Show stepped out onto the ring apron and walked to the next corner, climbing to the top ropes, but struggled to gain his balance on the top turnbuckle. When he finally did, he came off with a big elbow drop! After a few moments of both men being down, Show covered Henry but Henry kicked out right before the three count. As both men got to their feet, Show went to hit Henry with a knock out punch, but Henry ducked it and kicked Show in the crotch right in front of the ref, which called for the bell right away, disqualifying Henry. After standing over a still hurting Big Show, Henry went to the outside and brought in a steel chair. He hit Show across the back with it and then wrapped it around Show’s ankle. He went to mount the ropes in the corner, but as he came down, Show moved his legs out of the way and Henry crashed on his stomach. Show got up, and as soon as Henry was up on his feet, hit the champion with a knockout punch. Show looked around the crowd who cheered wildly for Daniel Bryan to come out, Show grabbed the chair and wrapped Henry’s ankle in the chair, and hit the chair with a big leg drop. Henry was writhing in pain as attendants tried to help him. The stretcher was brought out as Henry insisted on the trainers leave his ankle alone, and insisted that his ankle was broken.

Winner: Big Show (by disqualification)

In a backstage interview, Wade Barrett said that his goal is to be England’s first World Champion, when he was confronted by Miz and R-Truth who asked him if he thought that this is what tonight was all about, the Barrett birage? Barrett said yes and walked out. The Miz said that the problem was that everyone is focusing on the wrong things when the focus should be on them.

Match 5: Alberto Del Rio v. CM Punk (WWE Championship)

After Ricardo Rodriguez announced Del Rio to the ring, Howard Finkel came out and announced CM Punk. When the match started the crowd cheered “We want ice cream!”, as Del Rio and Punk began a series of lock ups and take overs, followed by head locks. After exchanging some arm drags and arm bars, one of which Punk tried to convert into the Anacondevice, Del Rio fought off and escaped to the outside for a breather. When he got back in the ring the two locked up and Del Rio shoved Punk off into a corner, then charged after him, missing his mark. Punk took advantage by delivering some knee shots to the head, then whipping Del Rio across the ring and taking him over with an arm drag, following up with a drop kick that knocked Del Rio to the outside. Punk then dove through the ropes onto Del Rio. He threw Del Rio back in the ring, and mounted the top ropes, delivering a timely cross body and went in for a pin. Del Rio kicked out and Punk went after Del Rio’s arm again, but Del Rio tossed him over his shoulder and while Punk was tangled in the bottom ropes, slapped him around. As he got backed up by the ref, Rodriguez slapped Punk in the face from the outside. An enraged Punk gave chase around ringside, only to be blindsided by Del Rio drop kicking him through the ropes. Back in the ring Del Rio delivered his own cross body off the top ropes, and when the following pin didn’t work, he went after Punk’s arm. Now it was Punk who threw Del Rio over his shoulder, but then caught a boot to the face when charging after Del Rio. When Del Rio came at Punk, Punk hoisted him up on his shoulders, but Del Rio slipped out, turning Punk around, delivering a cross knee arm breaker to Punk’s already hurting shoulder. He then hit the shoulder with some knees and tried to torque it again. Punk tried to get away by punching and kicking at Del Rio, then backed up and charged Del Rio, only to be hit by a hit with a spinning tilt a whirl back breaker. When Del Rio’s pin attempt failed, he headed to the top ropes and nailed Punk in the head with a double axe handle. He then charged at Punk from across the ring, but after Punk side stepped a drop kick, Del Rio flew through the ropes landing flat on the floor on the outside. When he was climbing on the apron, Punk tried to grab Del Rio to pull him back into the ring, but Del Rio hooked Punk’s shoulders and bounced his throat off the top rope. He then quickly got back in the ring to charge at the stunned Punk, when Punk surprised Del Rio with a boot to the face. The two then stood mid ring, exchanging punches and kicks, after which Punk hit Del Rio with a knee lift and a side kick, in a quick series of moves followed by a pin attempt. When Del Rio escaped, Punk hit him with a knee in the corner and a running bulldog, then stepped out on the ring apron and catapulted himself in to nail Del Rio with a clothesline, but failed to pin the champion. Punk signaled for the GTS, but when he got Del Rio up on his shoulders, Del Rio escaped, hitting Punk with a falling knee back breaker. After another failed pin attempt, Del Rio shot Punk off into the corner and hit him with a run up kick. Failing to pin Punk again, a frustrated Del Rio dropped Punks arm over his knees again, and went for yet another cover. The persistent Punk kicked out, so Del Rio mounted him on the top turnbuckle, and attempted an under arm superplex from there, when Punk knocked him off with a headbutt and tried to go up for an elbow drop . Del Rio swept Punk’s feet from under him, then nailed him with a kick to the head as Punk hung in the corner. Del Rio charged Punk in the corner again, but this time Punk raised his body as Del Rio flew through the turnbuckles and into the steel post. As Del Rio rolled out of the corner, a struggling Punk went to the top rope and delivered a beautiful flying elbow off the top rope. He covered Del Rio, but the champ kicked out. Punk got to his feet and favoring his shoulder, signaled for the GTS. He got Del Rio up on his shoulders but Del Rio got behind him and wrapped his legs around Punk’s arm, trying to turn into the arm breaker finisher, but Punk yanked his arm out and swung a big roundhouse kick at Del Rio, who ducked, grabbed Punk’s arm again and this time flipped over into the arm breaker submission. After about 30 seconds of struggle Punk reached the bottom ropes with his feet, and while Del Rio had to let go, the damage seemed to have been done. Del Rio tried to charge Punk, only to get hoisted up on Punk’s shoulders. He slipped off behind Punk right away however and shoved Punk into the ropes, where Punk ran into Rodriguez on the apron. Del Rio rolled up Punk, very blatantly hooking his tights, but Punk was able to escape the pin at the last possible moment. Del Rio charged Punk who ducked a clothesline and hit Del Rio in the side of the head with a big kick. Punk covered him for the pin, and when Del Rio got his shoulder up, Punk grabbed the arm that was in the air and applied the Anacondevice. Del Rio, panicking, began to claw at Punk’s face, but Punk kept turning his face away and within ten seconds Del Rio tapped out. A thrilled Punk rolled out of the ring and leapt into the crowd to celebrate with the fans. He then made it back to the floor where he was handed the WWE championship and then leapt into the crowd again to celebrate with the fans some more.

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Winner: CM Punk (new WWE Champion)

Match 6: The Awesome Truth v. John Cena & The Rock

The Rock started the match off against the Miz and the crowd roared as soon as the bell rang, breaking out into a “Rocky” chant. After exchanging a couple of duck and leaps with the Miz after their lock up, the Rock hit Miz with a series of arm drags, and even gave R-Truth one once R-Truth entered the ring. He then threw R-Truth to the outside and rolled up the Miz for a pin attempt. The Miz escaped and rolled to the outside where the frustrated Miz and R-Truth tried to regain their composure, as the fans still cheered: “YOU STILL GOT IT!” When the Miz got in the ring again, R-Truth said he wanted the Rock, so Miz tagged him after the Rock signaled to “Bring It”. Rock got R-Truth in a headlock and the two exchanged arm bars, as the Rock whipped R-Truth into the corner. R-Truth hopped over him, then ducked a clothesline and tried to for a twisting spin kick, but the Rock ducked that and laid R-Truth out with a punch. He then quickly turned to the Miz and hit him in the face too for good measure. R-Truth tried another clothesline, but the Rock ducked and hooked R-Truth, hitting him with a Perfect-plex. In the meantime, the Miz tried to reenter the ring, but Cena charged at him, knocking him off the apron. The ref was busy trying to get Cena out of the ring which caused him to miss the Rock’s pin attempt on R-Truth. Once Cena was back in his corner, the Rock stared him down with an irritated stare. The Miz demanded to be tagged back in and then said he wanted Cena in the match. The Rock obliged, arrogantly slapping Cen’a hand. Cena came into the match as the crowd cheered that he couldn’t wrestle. He then went on to perform a technical take down, a monkey flip out of the corner and a dropkick to prove the crowd wrong. Miz tagged R-Truth into the match, as the crowd cheered “you still suck” at Cena. R-Truth started to taunt Cena and then tried to hit him with a clothesline. Cena ducked it, then bounced off the ropes and took R-truth down with a shoulder block, then nailed him with a side slam. After signalling for a Five Knuckle Shuffle, he stopped and signaled “You Can’t See Me” right in the Rock’s face. The Rock stepped into the ring as the two stood face to face for a moment, but when Cena turned around he was run over by R-Truth’s clothesline. This allowed R-Truth and Cena to take advantage of Cena, exchanging tags to beat on Cena while the Rock paced in his corner. After several minutes playing to their advantage and multiple attempts by Cena to fight off and get away, the Miz began to taunt the Rock while bouncing off the ropes, and kicking Cena with running kicks to the face. However on his third attempt, Cena tripped up Miz and got him in and STF. R-Truth came in and kicked Cena off, allowing Miz to get back to his corner and officially tag R-Truth in. But as soon as R-Truth entered, Cena lifted him up on his shoulders and hit him with the AA. Cena then crawled to his corner and tried to tag the Rock, but Miz charged across the ring and clothesline the Rock out. He locked in a headlock on Cena, while R-Truth assaulted Rock on the outside. Awesome Truth then returned to their corner with Cena in their grasp, as the Rock tried to get to them, being held back by the ref. Awesome Truth launched Cena off the ropes and lifted him up, planting him face first on the mat. R-Truth covered Cena but Cena kicked out. R-Truth to lock Cena with a front body hold, but Cena got to his feet. R-Truth tripped him back down and then tried to go for a leg drop, but stopping to do a little dance before the leg drop cost him precious time allowing Cena to move out of the way. Now Cena finally got to his corner, tagging in the Rock who came in with a house of fire, taking both R-Truth and Miz out. He then put Miz in a sharp shooter as Miz screamed but did not tap. This time R-Truth snuck up on the Rock and speared him. Cena followed into the ring tackling R-Truth to the outside, while the Miz got to his feet first and taunted the Rock and hit him with punches and kicks, when the Rock suddenly hit Miz with the atomic drop, and then to the roar of the MSG crowd delivered the people’s elbow to the Miz, pinning him for the win. Cena stood in the aisle and applauded the Rock. The Rock looked back at Cena and asked for the music to be stopped. He then signaled for Cena to come into the ring to celebrate their victory and Cena came back, climbing onto the middle ropes and raising his hands in the air almost sarcastically as the crowd booed. He came into the ring as the Rock showed him how to get cheers by mounting the ropes and getting a standing ovation. When Cena did it the crowd booed him. The Rock shook his head in disdain and told Cena that he would show him one more time. He then got on the turn buckles raising his hand in the air to a huge round of cheers. The music stopped as Cena came up to Rock’s face and seemed to signal that there was no use in trying to get the cheers again, and turned to leave. The Rock turned Cena around and hit him with the Rock Bottom. Cena left ringside, but knelt at the entrance way and stared down the Rock who returned the intense stare from the ring. The Rock thanked the MSG crowd and mounted the turn buckles one more time,. raising his hand in the air for another big ovation.

Winners: The Rock & John Cena