WWE Flashback: Best and Worst of Survivor Series 1993

At the Survivor Series in 1992 the WWE decided to change things up and had just one traditional Survivor Series match. Fortunately they changed their mind again and in Survivor Series 1993 they went back to having several traditional 4 on 4 matches. These are some of the best and worst moments of Survivor Series 1993.

Best Match of Survivor Series 1993
The Hart Family vs. Shawn Michaels and his Knights
– The workrate in the ring wasn’t great at times, although Bret Hart, Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels could all have a five star match with a rock, the match was still enjoyable because of the constant insults thrown out by Bobby Heenan and because of how well the Owen Hart heel turn was done.

Worst Match of Survivor Series 1993
The Four Doinks vs. Team Bam Bam
– Doink wasn’t at Survivor Series so instead the Bushwhackers and Men on a Mission came all dressed like Doink. The other team consisted of Bam Bam Bigelow, the Headshrinkers and Bastion Booger. It was a full on comedy match, complete with one of the Headshrinkers slipping on a banana peel. Oy! Six years ago Bam Bam Bigelow was main eventing Survivor Series with Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan and now he’s doing this?

Best Performers of Survivor Series 1993
Razor Ramon
– Unfortunately Razor Ramon wasn’t one of his team’s survivors but before he got eliminated he was in the match for about 90% of the time and carried the other team to a good match.

Shawn Michaels – Shawn Michaels was the only wrestler on his Survivor Series team with any wrestling talent whatsoever and a horrible match could’ve ruined the whole Owen/Bret story but the showstopper came through like he usually does.

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Worst Performer of Survivor Series 1993
Ray Combs
– Because of the Hart family’s match the WWE decided to bring in Ray Combs from Family Feud to introduce the match and do commentary. It was quite possibly the worst celebrity performance ever.

In his introduction Ray Combs told a joke about how he asked 100 people to name a state that started with “new” and Shawn Michaels said, “Newbraska.” Later Ray Combs called one move a “weenie slap.” After the first pin Ray Combs went nuts like the match was over, then Bobby Heenan had to explain to him that they have to pin at least three more people. And my favorite moment came when Ray Combs said one of the knights looked like Hoss Cartwright. Hoss Cartwright?? This pay per view happened almost 15 years ago and a Bonanza reference was still 20 years out of date even then.

The Three Knights – Okay so Ray Combs reference was out of date but that knight really did look like Hoss Cartwright! Maybe you could wrestle if you did some push-ups dude! All three of the knights were pretty awful. They were wearing masks! Couldn’t they put some good wrestlers under there without people knowing?

Best Moment of Survivor Series 1993
Bret vs. Owen
– Easily the best development at Survivor Series 1993 was the beginning of the Owen Hart and Bret Hart feud that lead to one of the best feuds in wrestling history.

Worst Moment of Survivor Series 1993
Four Doinks
– It’s bad enough that WWE had some bad gimmicks but they had to combine two of the worst by having Men on a Mission do their gimmick and Doink’s at the same time! These guys were just ridiculous.