Rock of Love Season 2 Spoilers and Revew: Going to Ex-tremes

Bret makes a surprising decision in this messy and awkward episode of Rock Of Love Season 2: Going to Ex-tremes. We find out a huge secret about Daisy, Jessica parties hard, and Heather comes back to loosen up the girls. So who gets a backstage pass and who goes home on tonight’s episode of Rock of Love Season 2?

Rock of Love Season 2 Going to Ex-tremes

In this episode of Rock of Love Season 2, Bret Michaels brings in the ex-boyfriends and an ex-husband to get the scoop on the remaining Rock of Love girls. Besides being understandably awkward, the scenes with the ex-boyfriends were pretty uneventful. You might even say boring.

The highlight was meeting Casey, the cute and sweet guy who was Jessica’s ex-boyfriend. I nominate Casey as the next non-star to get his own reality TV show.

We also meet Josh, Megan’s ex-husband who is shamelessly promoting his restaurant, or club, on his T-shirt. VH-1 did not blur it out.

Oddly, none of Ambre’s ex-boyfriends are here. Instead her best friend Adam comes on the show. Knowing what we know about Ambre, it would make sense that her exes have no interest in coming on TV. She is pretty mature, so her exes probably are as well.

Then we meet rocker Charles, who looks like an extra from a Poison video. He is Daisy’s ex-boyfriend.

Heather Gets the Dirt on Rock of Love Season 2

Heather is back. Bret tells the Rock of Love Season 2 girls that he and Heather are “unbelievably close friends.”

Heather gets the dirt on the girls, and before elimination she tells it to Bret. The information we receive from the exes, and from Heather is pretty much the same.

Jessica – Jessica is sweet and innocent, and may not be able to hang with the rocker lifestyle. Bret Michaels acknowledges that Jessica is not only young, but she has a young spirit.

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Daisy – Daisy still lives with her ex-boyfriend. Bret is surprised to hear about this. Heather tells Bret that she has the most issues with Daisy staring there. According to Daisy she has not had a physical relationship with her ex for about two years.

Bret Michaels sits down with Daisy and Charles and asks Charles if he would be cool if Daisy stays with Bret in the house. Charles says yes.

Destiney – The ex and Heather and Bret Michaels are all on the same page about Destiney. She is a rocker chick who wants a rocker boyfriend. Bret Michaels says that he is still trying to figure out if she is a rocker chick or an uber groupie.

Ambre – Heather likes Ambre becasue they are the same age, and she thinks’s she’s cool. Heather does say that she cannot picture Ambre on the tour bus with Bret and their lifestyles may not match.

I think this makes Ambre a good match for Bret Michaels. He could have her along on tour bus and he would never have to worry that she would be a drunken mess. He would not have to worry about her.

Megan – If you had not made the connection before, yes, it was Megan on Beauty and the Geek. This does not concern Bret Michaels as much as the fact that he cannot read Megan.

Megan is also pegged as an opportunist by her ex.

“I can never quite tell if she’s here because she likes you or because she wants something from you,” the ex tells Bret.

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Jessica and Bret Michaels on Rock of Love Season 2

Jessica, in an attempt to impress Heather, gets drunk to the point of puking. When Bret comes home, Jessica jumps on him and kisses him.

“I remember my first beer,” Bret says. The rest of the girls laugh, and although it’s said as a joke, this is one moment of genuineness from Bret. He does not say it in a mean way.

He also gives Jessica a cold cloth for her neck, and is very tender and sweet with her in her drunken stupor.

Elimination on Rock of Love Season 2

Backstage Pass # 1: Ambre gets the first pass from Bret.

“I think she’s here for me. I feel close, I feel connected,” Bret Michales said on Rock of Love Season 2: Going to Ex-tremes. You look sexy tonight,” he tells Ambre about her black dress, black nylons and over-the-knee boots.

Ambre seems to be cruising along this season of Rock of Love Season 2.

Backstage Pass # 2: Destiney

Destiney the “true rocker” get the second pass. Destiney may be the one for Bret on Rock of Love Season 2, if they can get an emotional connection going.

Backstage Pass # 3: Daisy

Daisy, even though she still lives with her ex-boyfirend, gets the third pass.

“She’s held back some information but I’d like her to stay here,” Bret Michaels says.

He also tells Daisy he doesn’t want anymore “BS.” Unfortunately, it is pretty apparent that there is more to the story of Destiney and Charles. Desitney later tells the audience that she has more things that she needs to tell Bret ASAP.

My guess would be that Daisy and Charles either 1) have a physical relationship 2) are really married or 3) have a child together. Daisy is too secretive for Bret on Rock of Love Season 2.

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Backstage Pass # 4: The Final Pass on Rock of Love Season 2

Earlier, Ambre told Bret that Megan was crying over her ex. Ambre tells Bret that she has never seen Megan cry over Bret.

Bret asks Big John to go get Megan and she tries to distract Bret with kisses and shaking her breasts in his face. Bret may like it, but at the same time, he sees right through it.

When Bret asks Megan about her crying over her ex, she blatantly lies to his face and says taht Ambre must have confused her with someone else.

Goodbye to You on Rock of Love Season 2

In the end, Jessica, not Megan gets the final backstage pass on Rock of Love Season 2 .

Megan continues her bad acting job and just stands there shaking her head at Bret after he tells her that her tour as ended.

Everyone is looking at her, wondering why she is just standing there.

Then the tears come out, slowly. Megan is a very bad actress.

Next Week on Rock of Love Season 2: Bret takes Heather and the remaining four Rock of Love Season 2 to Las Vegas.

Source: Viewing of Rock of Love Season 2 Spoilers and Reivew: Going to Ex-tremes.