Top 10 Best WWE DVDs

Just a few weeks ago the WWE released another one of their great DVDs with the release of the Four Horsemen DVD. The WWE DVDs always have a great compilation of matches and take a great trip down memory lane and this one is no different. I thought it would be fun to talk about the top 10 WWE DVDs of all time, sort of.

I say sort of because I’m not actually going to do a list of ten DVDs but two lists of five. One list will be the top five DVDs with the best documentary and the other will be the top five DVDs with the best collection of Matches.

The Top Five WWE DVDs with the best documentary
5. The Best There Is, The Best There Was…
I probably wouldn’t put the Bret Hart documentary on the level with the other four but I find it more interesting than the rest of the documentaries mainly because Bret Hart was always a personal favorite of mine.

4. Cheating Death, Stealing Life – The Eddie Guerrero Story
The Eddie Guerrero Story is one of the saddest and most touching stories. After a successful career in the WCW and WWF, Eddie Guerrero was fired for drug use. Eddie got worse and worse and suffered a near fatal car accident before finally getting things back together and climbed his way up to World Champion.

3. The Monday Night Wars
With many of the WWF’s stars like Diesel, Razor Ramon, Ted Dibiase and Curt Hennig going to the WCW and with the WWF star producing newer stars like “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and the Rock the mid 90’s were a great time for pro wrestling. Throughout the second half of the mid 90’s WCW and WWF were neck and neck in the ratings and willing to do whatever it took to win the ratings battle.

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2. The Rise and Fall of ECW
The ECW documentary is a fantastic look back at ECW, the company that was a cult favorite to many wrestling fans. ECW was known for its excellent matches and extreme violence, neither of which WWE and WCW were doing at the time. Many of the WWF and WCW’s ideas and wrestlers came from ECW.

1. Ric Flair and the The Four Horsemen
The Four Horsemen documentary is just a great piece of wrestling history. The documentary takes you step by step through the history of the Four Horsemen. Along the way they talk about every past member of the Four Horsemen.

The Top Five WWE DVDs with the best collection of matches
5. Cheating Death, Stealing Life – The Eddie Guerrero Story
The Eddie Guerrero DVD does a great job of touching on each part of his career. It starts with a tag match with Love Machine. His classic 2 out of 3 falls from ECW with Dean Malenko is a great one. Then there are a few WCW matches before several WWE matches. It would’ve been nice to see a few more earlier matches but it’s no surprise the WWE would focus on the WWE matches.

4. From the Vault – Shawn Michaels
Overall the Shawn Michaels DVD was a little lackluster but there are certainly some good matches to keep you busy. There was also a good combination of mat wrestling classics like the matches with Bret Hart and some more hardcore action like the Undertaker Hell in the Cell or the Razor Ramon Ladder match.

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3. The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection
The great thing about the Ric Flair Collection is we get to see some of his classic bouts that lasted an hour long. The only problem is when you have hour longer matches the amount of matches you can fit onto the DVD are limited.

2. Hard Knocks – The Chris Benoit Story
The Chris Benoit DVD spends a little more time on Japan than usual as we get to see three matches in Japan against Jushin Thunder Lyger, Black Tiger and the Great Sasuke. From there it is on to the Kevin Sullivan feud, the finals of the best of 7 against Booker T and the Owen Hart Tribute match. Finally are his WWE matches including a Kurt Angle classic and his World Title win. I’m a little disappointing there was no match from the DDP and Raven feud but still all great matches.

1. The Best There Is, The Best There Was…
Bret Hart is my favorite in ring performer of all time so its pretty clear he is the winner. In the Bret Hart DVD they touched on the big ones, like his match with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Mr. Perfect, British Bulldog and the Shawn Michaels classic. But the Bret Hart DVD also slips in some lesser known matches like the Hart Foundation in house show matches against the British Bulldogs and the Killer Bees. Or his singles non-televised matches against Ted Dibiase and Ricky Steamboat.