WWE Flashback: Best and Worst of Survivor Series 1992

Sometime between 1991 and 1992 the WWE seemed to decide they should have less of the traditional 4 on 4 matches and more singles matches so Survivor Series 1992 was a mixture of both. Would it be a success or a failure?

Best Matches of Survivor Series 1992
Randy Savage and Mr. Perfect vs. Ric Flair and Razor Ramon
– Both teams were made up of a former World Champion and an Intercontinental Champion that could hold their own in a main event. Mr. Perfect teased a heel turn on Randy Savage but came through the end. Unfortunately the match ended with a disqualification.

Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels – Everybody remembers the match between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels at Survivor Series 1997 and their Wrestlemania match but their match at Survivor Series 1992 was just as good and doesn’t get as much attention.

Worst Match of Survivor Series 1992
Nasty Boys and Natural Disasters vs. Money Inc. and The Beverly Brothers
– Unfortunately this was the only traditional Survivor Series match and it was the worst match of the night. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels getting pushed was great but losing the Hart Foundation and the Rockers in the tag team division was not good. These teams were pretty awful.

Best Performers of Survivor Series 1992
– At the 1990 Survivor Series Undertaker made his debut and it was one of the best moments in wrestling history. Not as many people remember Yokozuna’s debut at Survivor Series 1992 but it was impressive even if he only wrestled Virgil.

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Shawn Michaels – Shawn Michaels was the current Intercontinental Champion at Survivor Series 1992 but was given a shot at the World Title. Bret Hart would come out victorious but it was at Survivor Series 1992 that Shawn Michaels proved he was ready to be a main eventer.

Worst Performers of Survivor Series 1992
All tag teams
– As I said before the traditional Survivor Series match involving the four tag teams was pretty weak.

Best Moment of Survivor Series 1992
Mr. Perfect wins
– After years of following Bobby Heenan and Ric Flair, Mr. Perfect finally turned against them and began a face run. Mr. Perfect was just as good as any wrestler in the WWE and he deserved to have the fans cheer for him for once. Mr. Perfect’s face turn and feud with Ric Flair would eventually result in Mr. Perfect beating Ric Flair in a loser leaves town match.

Worst Moment of Survivor Series 1992
Santa Claus
– Survivor Series is always right around Thanksgiving and I guess the WWE decided this year they would go ahead and start gearing up for Christmas too. After Bret Hart defeated Shawn Michaels in the main event Santa Claus came out to celebrate. Afterwards Bret Hart sat on Santa’s lap and asked for peace on earth.