WWE Breaking Point 2009 Review

The fallout of Summerslam takes place in Canada and here, both bragging rights and titles were up for grabs as John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, & other WWE superstars compete at Breaking Point.

Match 1: Unified WWE Tag Team Championships – Chris Jericho & The Big Show (c) vs. MVP & Mark Henry
To not much surprise, these four men open the show up as the Unified WWE Tag Team Championships were on the line in a match which was made by Floyd Mayweather. This was pretty much your standard tag team match with Jericho & The Big Show getting the win. Altough it would be nice to see MVP & Henry with some gold, Jericho & Big Show are just too damn good.
Winners: Chris Jericho & The Big Show
Rating: **1/4

Match 2: United States Championship – Kofi Kingston (c) vs. The Miz
Following the tag team match was the United States Championship match between Kofi Kingston and The Miz. Just like the earlier match, this was very standard and nothing you should normally expect on PPV. Kingston once again wins and retains his title after hitting the Trouble in Paradise.
Winner: Kofi Kingston
Rating: **1/2

Match 3: Submissions Count Anywhere – D-Generation X vs. Legacy
After having a great tag match at Summerslam, these two teams clash once again but this time in a Submissions Count Anywhere match. There were some great spots in this match like Michaels falling off the bleachers and Triple H being driven through a table but the end eventually came when Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase put Shawn Michaels in a double submission to which he then tapped out. This is a huge win for Legacy as getting a win against DX is something to brag about, espcially when it’s in a great match like this one.
Winners: Legacy
Rating: ***3/4

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Match 4: Singapore Cane – The Great Khali w/ Ranjin Singh vs. Kane
Breaking Point then takes a turn for the worse as Kane and The Great Khali match up once again in another awful match. This was basically a carbon copy of their Summerslam match with canes added to the mix.
Winner: Kane
Rating: 1/2*

Match 5: ECW Championship – Christian (c) vs. William Regal
Going into this match, I was worried that just like thier Summerslam match, they would be given no time at all but thankfully, they were given over 10 minutes. The match went back and fourth alot and even though they weren’t given much time, it was still very nicely done. This could easily have been a show stealer if given the proper time.
Winner: Christian
Rating: ***

Match 6: I Quit – WWE Championship – Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena
With the WWE Championship up for grabs, Randy Orton and John Cena steal the whole damn show in a dramatic I Quit match. What really stands out in this match is how great these two told the story of Orton taking advantage of Cena and being such a ruthless person as he destroyed Cena with canes, charis, and much more. After being tortured with extreme cane shots to the rib area, Cena hand cuffs Orton to himself and takes out Orton. Cena eventually locked in the STF as Orton tried to escape but he couldn’t as he then said, “I quit!”
Winner: John Cena
Rating: ****

Match 7: Submission – World Heavyweight Championship – CM Punk (c) vs. The Undertaker
The main event match of the night was CM Punk and The Undertaker going at it for the World Heavyweight Championship. Sadly, the match went for about 9 minutes long and not much was done to really impress me. The Undertaker made CM Punk submit after locking in the Hell’s Gate submission move but Teddy Long then came out and said that the Hell’s Gate submission was banned. The match then restarted as Punk locked in the Anaconda Vice and there, referee Scott Armstrong called for the bell even though The Undertaker didn’t tap out. Call this Screwjob 2.0 or whatever the hell you want, this was a nice way to grab your attention, no matter how dumb some people think it is.
Winner: CM Punk
Rating: **

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Overall Show Thoughts and Rating:
Breaking Point 2009 fails to reach my expectations as the main event turned out to be a huge letdown. Like Summerslam, the Kane/Khali match was horrible and had no business being on this card to waste time. The only two reasons to check this show out are the WWE Championship match and the DX/Legacy match which I’m sure you’ll enjoy lots.
Rating: 6.5/10