WWE Wrestlemania 27 Results

The U.S. title match was relegated to a Wrestlemania dark match. The match was made a lumberjack match, and because of their involvement, the match ended as a no contest. Teddy Long however, came out and made the match a battle royal with all the lumberjacks, as well as Shamus and Bryan. The Great Khali won the battle royal eliminating Shamus at the end.

The host of Wrestlemania, the Rock made his way into the gigantic, sold out Georgia Dome. He ate up the cheering crowd, and opened with the infamous phrase: “Finally, the Rock…has come back…to WRESTLEMANIA!” He worked up the crowd into an excited craze by declaring that this will be the most memorable Wrestlemania of all time. He got the crowd to follow him in cheers of “WRESTLE-MANIA” and “YABBA DABBA”. As he was about to finish off with the signature “If you smell what the Rock is cooking”, the Rock hesitated and said that this phrase doesn’t belong to the Rock, but to the people and he had the crows get up, assume the position, and got the entire Georgia Dome to say it along with him.

Match 1: Alberto Del Rio v. Edge (World Heavyweight Championship)

A strange choice for a starting match, started off by Del Rio driving into the arena in his car and being joined at ring side by Brodus Clay. Christian joined Edge at ring side. The back and forth match went on for several minutes, at which point Del Rio was able to lock the arm bar submission on Edge. Edge broke free, and layed out Del Rio, and went for the pin, but Roberto Rodriguez put Del Rio’s foot on the ropes. Christian chased him down and took out Brodus Clay in the process. As Edge mounted the top ropes, Del Rio drop kicked him off and locked in the arm bar submission again. Edge was nearing a tap out, but held on and was able to force himself up and escape the hold, only to lock in a side sharpshooter on Del Rio, who also almost tapped. Brodus Clay attempted to climb on the apron, but Christian kicked him away and DDTed him on the floor. In the meantime Edge let Del Rio up, only to spear him and pin him for the win. After the match, Edge and Christian stopped at the top of the aisle where Del Rio’s car was still parked and destroyed it with a pipe and a crowbar, as Del Rio watched with tears in his
eyes. Del Rio knelt next to his car, and looked like he was very close to crying.

Winner: Edge

Match 2: Rey Mysterio v. Cody Rhodes

Rey came out with yet another interesting outfit as he usually does in Wrestlemania. This time he dressed up as Captain America, with a big M on his forehead. After about ten minutes into the match, Cody ripped off Rey’s knee brace, but it was not enough to counter Rey’s offense. Rey pulled off Cody’s mask and threw Cody into the ropes, hitting him in the face with a 619. As Rey went for the splash, Cody put his knees up, but Rey caught them and kicked Cody in the head. Rey then put on Cody’s mask, and then used it on Cody, including coming off the ropes with a head-butt on Cody and going for a pin. When Cody kicked out and rolled to the outside. Rey bounced off the ropes and tried to dive onto Cody on the outside, but Cody countered by hitting Rey with his own knee brace. Cody took advantage of a hurt Rey and hit him with the Cross Rhodes finisher, pinning Rey for the win. Cody then grabbed his mask and put over his face, and left ringside.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

Snoop Dogg and Teddy Long auditioned rappers for Snoop’s tour. The auditions included William Regal, Great Khali and Beth Phoenix, Chris Master, Yoshi Tatsu, and Zakk Ryder, who was attacked by Roddy Piper in the middle of his audition. Finally Hornswaggle showed up, and was a favorite of Snoop’s but Long informed him that Hornswaggle didn’t talk, and the two left the auditions. As they took off, Hornswaggle pulled out sun glasses and was joined by the Bella Twins and rapped.

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Match 3: The Corre v. Santino Marela, Big Show, Kane and Kofi Kingston

Kingston replaced Kozlov in the match after it was announced that the Corre attacked Kozlov earlier in the week. The match ended quickly when the Big Show knocked out Heath Slater and pinned him after a choke slam.

Winners: Big Show, Kane, Kofi Kingston & Santino Marela

In the back the Rock was talking to Eve, then Mae Young, who slapped him on the ass as she walked away. Then he was confronted by Austin and the took shook hands.

Match 4: CM Punk v. Randy Orton

Both men countered the other’s finishers, when Punk blindsided Orton with a high kick to the face. He then went to the top ropes and as he attempted to come down on Orton, Orton tripped him up and superplexed him to the center of the ring. Punk rolled to the outside where Orton tried to get him back in from, but Punk tripped Orton up and put a figure four around the steel post on him. Back in the ring, Orton put another leg lock on Orton in the center of the ring and kept it on until Orton was able to fight out. Punk continued to focus on Orton’s knees, and countered Orton’s offense by locking him in the Anacondevice. Orton got out of it by rolling over Punk to the ropes. Punk continued to try to beat on Orton, but was caught in a DDT threw the ropes, and then Orton geared up to hit him with the RKO. However, Punk was not getting up, so Orton moved back and went to punt Punk in the head, but his leg gave out and he fell on his face. Punk pulled himself up in the corner, and closed in on hurt Orton, who tried to sneak in an RKO, but Punk shoved him forward and escaped the ring. Punk mounted the ropes behind Orton and attempted to come down on him from there onto him, only to be caught out of the blue by an RKO, which resulted in Punk getting pinned.

Winner: Randy Orton

In the back, The Rock was talking the Gene Okerland who said that Cena’s number one fan was in the building, and as Rock turned around he encountered Pee Wee Herman. The Rock tried to convince Pee Wee Herman that he needs to be a man and be on Team Bring It. Pee Wee Herman then exclaimed that he was in and the Rock welcomed him to the team.
The Hall of Fame inductees were introduced.

Match 5: Michael Cole (w/ Jack Swagger) v. Jerry Lawler (Stonecold Steve Austin is special guest ref)

Booker T and Jim Ross were introduced as special announcers for the match. Michael Cole came to the ring with a microphone bashing JR. Jack Swagger came out and then Austin rode an ATV out to ringside and intimidated Cole to get back into his “Cole mine”. Jerry Lawler then came out to ringside. Cole took his sweet time leaving the Cole mine. Austin ordered the match to start and directed Lawler to go after Cole. Lawler went out and beat up Swagger, as Cole begged off and extended his hand through the hole in the front of his booth, and Lawler pretended to shake it but instead smashed Cole’s face into the front of the booth. Then the King climbed inside and assaulted Cole, dragging him out and smashing him face first into the RAW GM computer stand. As Lawler threw Cole into the ring, Swagger attacked Lawler from behind. Cole urged Austin to count Lalwer out, which Austin started. Lawler got back into the ring where Cole took advantage of a dazed Lalwer, trying to kick at his knee. Swagger directed Cole from the outside, and Cole attempted one of Swagger’s moves, but half assed it, dropping from the bottom ropes onto Lawler. Several minutes later, Cole was pounding Lawler’s knee into the mat and then locked in the ankle lock. Lawler didn’t seem to be in too much pain as he was able to twist out and knocked Cole into the corner, then stomping at him. Swagger threw in the towel to save Cole, but Austin wiped himself with the towel, and threw it at Swagger. As Swagger got in Austin’s face about it, Austin gave him a stunner. Then Cole began to beg Austin for help, and after Austin mocked him, and pushed Austin, Austin shoved him back into Lawler who began an assault Cole. Lalwer then drop kicked Cole and came down on him with a signature fist from the bottom ropes and went for the pin. As Austin counted the two, Lalwer pulled Cole up and dropped him on his face, and put on the ankle lock. Cole tapped immediately, but Austin took a long time to call for the bell. Eventually the match ended and Cole was carried out by Swagger. An excited Booker T jumped into the ring and did the Spinarooney. The three then celebrated by drinking beers together. but Austin stunned Booker T, as Lawler cheered him on. Then Lawler and Austin drank beers together. Suddenly, the RAW GM sent an email. Josh Matthews read the message that said that since Austin overstepped his boundaries, and Lawler was disqualified. An angry Lawler threw Josh Matthews into the ring, where Austin stunned him as well.

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Winner: Michael Cole (by Disqualification via reversed decision)

Jerry Lawler joined JR at the announcer’s table.

Match 6: Undertaker v. Triple H (No Holds Barred)

Triple H entered the arena to Metallica’s “For Whom The Bell Tolls”. A barricade of shields came out and then it was revealed that Triple H wearing a skeleton crown. Then the lights went out and when they came on, Triple H was in just his wrestling gear and came down to the ring. Undertaker followed to his new theme song that he has been using recently. The fight started in the ring, but quickly spilled to the outside. Undertaker took the monitors out of the Spanish announce table but as he went to get Triple H, he was tackled through the Cole mine. After taking the fight to the ring for a minute, the two went to the outside and and set up an announcers’ table to pedigree Undertaker through it, but instead got tossed over Undertaker’s back all the way to the floor in a cringe-worthy moment. Undertaker went into the ring and dove out onto Triple H, looking like he could have injured himself. Undertaker picked up Triple H and smashed his face into the steel steps which Undertaker had just pulled away from the ring. As Undertaker tried the Tombstone on it, Triple H fought him off. Undertaker charged Triple H who caught him and tackled him through the Spanish announce table. Tripe H rolled Undertaker back in the ring, but Undertaker caught him with a choke slam, and attempted to pin him. Triple H kicked out and was able to back him into the corner and climb the ropes and pound on the Undertaker’s head, but Undertaker carried him out of the corner for the Last Ride power bomb, but Triple H escaped and attempted the pedigree, which Taker countered. Triple finally got the advantage and attempted to pin Undertaker, but Taker kicked out. Triple H brought a chair into the ring and went after Undertaker who kicked him in the face. Then Undertaker took the chair and blasted Triple H multiple times, but as Undertaker kept swinging, Triple H surprised him with a kick and a pedigree. Undertaker kicked out of it, so Triple H set Undertaker on the top ropes and tried to go for a superplex. Undertaker snuck out and gave Triple H the Last Ride power bomb, and tried to pin Triple, who kicked out. Undertaker then hit Triple H with the Tombstone pile driver, but Triple H kicked out. A shocked Undertaker lifted Triple H up and attempted a Tombstone on a chair, but Triple H escaped and DDTed Undertaker on top of the chair. When the two got up, Triple H hit another pedigree, but Undertaker kicked out again. Triple H went for another one and hit another pedigree. Again Undertaker kicked out. Triple H was crazed and grabbed the chair and wailed away on the Undertaker over and over with vicious chair shots. After what seemed like an eternal brake of Triple H just staring at Undertaker, who slowly got to his feet, only to be hit in the head by Triple H with the chair. An exhausted Triple H dropped the chair and tried to catch his breath. Triple H slowly turned around to see the Undertaker stirring. Undertaker was struggling to rise as Triple ?H looked on and yelled at him to stay down. As Triple H got down in his face, Undertaker grabbed him by the throat but Triple H pushed him off into the corner. Triple H then signaled for the end, and lifted Undertaker hitting him with the Tombstone Pile-driver. Undertaker once again kicked out. Triple H sat back in disbelief. Triple H then rolled to the outside and pulled out the sledgehammer. Undertaker attempted to crawl to the outside, but Triple H pulled him back, and got ready to smash him with the sledgehammer. Undertaker quickly pulled Triple H in and locked him into the Hells Gate submission. Triple H was fading, but then reached for the sledgehammer, which then fell from his hand, as Triple H finally tapped. The Undertaker remained undefeated at Wrestlemania, going 19-0. Trainers attended to the Undertaker who eventually fought them off and very slowly made his way to his feet on the outside of the ring, but immediately fell flat on his face. The trainers had to call for help for the Undertaker who was not moving, laying on the outside of the ring. He was wheeled out on a gurney.

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Winner: Undertaker

Match 7: John Morrison, Trish Stratus & Snooki v. Lay Cool & Dolph Ziggler

After Lay Cool attacked Trish and Snooki, the teams were separated, and Snooki slapped Dolph Ziggler. Snooki shocked the crowd by doing a flipping assault into Michelle McCool (ala Kelly Kelly) and back flipping on her for the pin.

Winners: John Morrison, Trish Stratus & Snooki

Match 8: John Cena v. The Miz (WWE Championship)

After the Miz exposed a turnbuckle, Cena was able to lock in the STF, but the Miz reached the ropes he was able to kick Cena away and into the turn buckle. Miz capitalized temporarily, but after the Miz ran into the ref, Cena hit him with the Attitude Adjustment. Riley interfered taking down Cena, but when the ref came to, Cena kicked out of the Miz’s cover. Riley distracted the ref, and the Miz got a briefcase, but when he tried to use it he ended up hitting Riley with it. The fight spilled to the outside and Cena clotheslined the Miz behind the ring announcer’s barrier. When Miz tried to climb back over the guard barrier, Cena shoulder tackled him to the floor and both men were knocked out. The ref counted them both out, and the match ended in a draw. The Rock came down to the ring, and as he was about to speak the GM sent a message. The Rock went to the computer himself to read it and asked for everyones attention. He said it doesn’t matter what the GM thought, and threw the computer to the floor. Then the Rock said there would be no way that Wrestlemania ends this way and the match should be restarted. There would be no disqualification and no count outs. As Cena and the Miz got back to the ring, the Rock gave Cena the Rock bottom, and the Miz quickly covered him for a pin and retained the WWE championship. After the match the Rock and the Miz stared each other down. The Rock then came to the ring and beat up the Miz, hitting him with a spine buster, and the people’s elbow.

Winner: The Miz