Stalking Laws: Maryland

Stalking has become a very serious issue to deal with in the United States. In fact, well over one million people are stalked annually. The fact that stalking has become such a prevalent crime forced lawmakers to create laws to protect those who have been victims of such crimes. Stalkers are people who have an unrealistic obsession with another person. They can be very dangerous so it is important that you know the laws surrounding such behavior in case you are a victim of it. Laws differ from state to state. Contact your law enforcement if you feel you are being victimized.

The laws that pertain to Maryland concerning stalking are as follows:


Stalking in Maryland is considered to have taken place if the “stalker” has put another person in fear of several different issues. They include serious injury, assault, rape, imprisonment, or death. This doesn’t mean that these things have to happen before a person can be considered a stalker. The threat can be there without the occurrence. It does include if the injury is threatened of a third party as well.

This simply means that a person cannot threaten you or someone else to get to you. Threats of harming, for instance, one of your family members if you don’t comply with what the stalker wants, is considered stalking.


You should record times, dates and detailed descriptions of the occurrences that take place. If possible, get hard evidence such as pictures or videos of what is happening. Report every incident to the your local police department. Even if you don’t think anything can be done, each incident can be recorded. Insist that the police officer writes a report and get a copy of that report for your records. You may need it in the future for any court cases that may arise.

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This crime is considered a misdemeanor in the state of Maryland. The stalker can be sentenced to up to five years in jail. The other possibility is a fine of up to $5,000. Both penalties can be given together as well. This may not be the stiffest of penalties for someone who could be a very dangerous person to keep in society, but it is certainly better than not having any law at all to control the problem.

There are other laws that can be looked into regarding issues of someone who refuses to leave you alone. It is wise to look into the harassment laws of Maryland as well. The two laws can work well together when the stalker is being prosecuted. Talk to the responding police officer to see what avenues you might be able to take.

Do not let someone keep you in fear of your life and possible bodily harm. The stalker usually isn’t playing a game and often do not let up on their victims until they accomplish their goals. Do not try to handle the situation yourself either. You may find yourself with some serious legal issues if you do that. Let the police handle issues regarding the stalking laws of Maryland.