Should You Get a Short Pixie Haircut?

The pixie haircut has made a comeback and more celebrities than ever are sporting this ultra chic hairstyle including such well known names as Victoria Beckham, Sharon Stone, and Kate Holmes. Although it may be tempting to book an appointment with your hairdresser and hop on board this trend, there are some disadvantages to getting a short pixie haircut. After all, not everyone has the face, the style or the confidence to carry off this trendy look. Should you take the plunge a get a pixie hairstyle?

On the right person, a short pixie haircut gives the wearer a doe eyed, gamine look. Accentuating the eyes and highlighting delicate bone structure, a pixie haircut can be stunning on the right person. Few would deny that Halle Berry looks best with her hair cropped off in a short pixie haircut. Somehow, longer lochs just don’t play up her beautiful features as brilliantly.

On the other hand, the exquisite bone structure of a Halle Berry is a rarity. This isn’t to say you need a perfect face to carry off a short pixie haircut, but it helps. Pixie cuts leave nothing to the imagination. Your profile may look perfectly acceptable and even pretty in long, flowing hair, but when you chop off twelve inches of length, you reveal everything, Your nose may appear to grow an inch and that hint of excess skin underneath your chin may turn into a full scale double chin when there’s no hair to soften your profile.

The other advantage often given for getting a short pixie haircut is they require minimal upkeep. Ask most women who have pixie cuts and they’ll tell you they spend more time with their hair now then they did when it was long. It seems that “wake up and go” pixie cuts are anything but. On the plus, side a good haircut can make a pixie cut easy to care for. It all depends upon the haircut you choose and the skill of the hairdresser who gives it to you.

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If you get a short pixie haircut, you could end up spending more time in the hair salon than you did when you had longer hair. Pixie cuts require frequent trimming since even a little hair growth can make it difficult to style. Be sure you’re willing to invest the time needed to make more frequent visits to your hairdresser.

Finally, although you may appreciate the convenience of a short pixie haircut when you’re exercising at the gym, there will probably be days you’ll miss your long hair. There are only so many ways you can wear pixie cuts and sometimes you might need a change. With so many hair accessories and extensions available these days, you can still sport longer hair on occasion if you really miss the look. After all, even Britney Spears was able to recover from her shaved haircut by using hair extensions.

If you still can’t decide whether a short pixie haircut is for you, visit an online site where you can upload your photo and try different hairstyles or visit a wig shop and try on a super short wig. If you like, what you see and you have the confidence to pull it off, go for it!