Little Known Facts About Soccer Superstar David Beckham

Recently, British soccer phenomenon, David Beckham, converted his celebrated skills into a mega $250 million contract to play in Los Angeles for an American soccer team. While Beckham is known worldwide among soccer fans, he is probably less known in the United States than any other sports figure coming here to make that kind of money. His soccer success is a matter of record, but there are other little known facts about David Beckham that Americans awaiting his first game are anxious to learn.

1,David Beckham and Company Most soccer fans are now well aware of the fact that David Beckham has made the move from European soccer to less competitive, but highly lucrative, American soccer. They may even know that his move will, of course, effect his equally well known wife “Posh” of Spice Girls fame.

Perhaps a little known fact about David Beckham is that off field he is a real life dad with three young sons. Of the three, the second son, Romeo, will certainly be effected by his Dad’s change of playing venue. Being in Los Angeles will mean that young Romeo may have the opportunity to take advantage of the best medical treatment available for epilepsy. Romeo has suffered the frightening effects of this disease and his parents are most eager to pursue state of the art remedies that may be found in Los Angeles.

When David Beckham takes the field as part of the Los Angeles Galaxy he will do so as more than just one of the greatest modern day soccer players. He will also join the team as an everyday Dad striving to do whatever it takes to bring better health and a less threatened lifestyle to his son.

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2. A Tumultuous Personal History There have been lots of wonderful moments in the professional soccer career of David Beckham. He has accomplished all that any soccer player could ever dream of. Not only does he consistently put numbers on the board but he is the constant factor in the success of the teams of which he has been a part.

Little known facts about this man, soon to become not only a European but also an American star, include the fact that Beckham is known on the field as man with a temper, one who has more than once displayed that temper while play is on. It remains to be seen whether his short fuse will remain an issue when he makes the transfer to American soccer.

Another little known fact about Beckham’s personal history is the ongoing difficulty he has encountered with various felonious attempts made towards his property and his family. While any top star like Beckham expects a certain amount of emotional response to his person, Beckham has had to deal with sabotage attempts made on his Ferrari and attempts to kidnap his son, Brooklyn. These kinds of actions go beyond what anyone should have to deal with in their private life. For the most part, the occurence of these kinds of events remain little known facts about David Beckham .

3 A Man of Many Pay Checks There has been a great deal of ink devoted to the immense paycheck that David Beckham will receive as a result of his move to Los Angeles. $250 million is nothing to sneeze at. But a little known fact about David Beckham is that even without that large a deal he would still be an incredibly rich individual.

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As a result of his celebrity status in the UK Beckham has, over the years, landed himself a variety of multi million dollar contracts in advertising. adn promotions These include large package deals with huge companies like Adidas and Pepsi. Because Beckham has the flair and the following of a rock star, he has also been successful in marketing his own line of cologne for men that turns a tidy profit each year.

David Beckham may turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to American soccer or a colossal flop. Either way he’ll make the rent.

4. Beckham and Soccer The game of soccer has been very good to David Beckham. He has established himself as a soccer icon and built a popularity that can easily compete worldwide with any American sports celebrities. His love of the game is well documented.

Among Americans, however, it is a little known fact that David Beckham has taken active steps to improve the quality of soccer training in both the UK and in Los Angeles. In both locations Beckham has established and continues to support soccer schools for boys and girls ages 8-15. The opportunity to attend such a school can mean the difference between just kicking the ball around and really getting the early training that can lead to professional play in the future. Soccer schools also mean providing young people with a place to grow strong physically and to recognize their own self worth.

David Beckham will undoubtedly be an interesting addition to the American sports scene. He brings with him not just incredible skills but also lots of surprising if little known facts about David Beckham.