Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes Set Haircut Trend with the Bob

Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes have sparked a style frenzy. Celebrities have always sparked trends whether it is fashion or hairstyles. Remember Jennifer Aniston with the layered look that had women all over the United States running to salons to copy her hair? This late summer numerous celebrities traded their long flowing locks for short sophisticated bobs. The first celebrity to get recognized for her new haircut was Victoria Beckham. Victoria Beckham traded in her brown long hair extensions for a bob haircut that the British media dubbed the “pob” in reference to Beckham’s Spice Girl nickname: Posh. Following shortly, Victoria Beckham’s close friend Katie Holmes traded in her medium length hair for a short similar bob. This ignited many other celebrities such as Brittany Murphy, mom to be: Nicole Ritchie, and new artist Rihanna to change their look with a bob haircut.

This fall, many women all over the world are rushing to salons to copy a new bob haircut such as Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes. How does a woman achieve this look? First of all, Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes do not have the same exact bob haircut. They are similar but different hairstyles. Victoria Beckham’s hair is very short on the back of her head. Katie Holmes still has some length in the back. The sides and front of Victoria Beckham’s hair angle down from the back to the front. Katie Holmes has more of a cropped layered look that really has no angles. To achieve a bob look scissors and razor cutters/hair shapers are used to create wispy or choppy layers. Razors are used to create the layers and scissors are used to create the angles and length.

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Bob haircuts are ideal mostly for women that have naturally straight hair such as Victoria Beckham. Women with natural wavy or curly hair will find that a bob haircut will result in high maintenance for such a short hairstyle. Women will have to result to blow drying their hair everyday along with using a hair straightening iron. Bobs also appear to make women look more sophisticated and older. Just look at Katie Holmes. Katie Holmes now looks much more mature and mom like than she did before. Bobs are a helpful haircut for those with fine or thin hair. Volumizers, thickening products, and a bob create the illusion of thickness. If a woman has a high forehead such as Rihanna then side sweep bangs or straight across bangs are ideal.

Before jumping on the Victoria Beckham or Katie Holmes bandwagon carefully decide if a bob is for you. Another thought to consider is the length. A longer bob like Rihanna has is more versatile whereas shorter bobs are not. If you are still not sure if a bob is right for you then consider going to a wig shop and trying on one that is similar to the haircut that you would like to achieve.
