Rock Family Church in Colorado Springs

Since 2009, I’ve been writing and posting articles about some of the most unique churches in Colorado. And, boy do I have my work cut out for me, because there are thousands, if not tens of thousands of churches throughout the state. But, Rock Family is the first church to ever earn the title of being “Downright Weird in the Best Possible Way.”

But, don’t take my word for it, listen to what some of the folks at Rock Family are saying. With Pastor Dean’s approval I spoke with Brandi Cobb whose been attending Rock Family since February of 2012. She told me that Rock Family is making a positive difference in her life. And, she says with a chuckle, “I’ve never seen anything like it, it is a ‘weird’ church in the best possible way and that is why I love it. It’s a church that gives us permission to be the kind of Christian you’ve always secretly known God is calling you to be. If you want to be a Christian, then you’ve got to get a little ‘weird.” When someone wants you to do something that you know is morally wrong, then you’ve got to just be ‘weird’ enough to say, no thanks!”

The phrase, “Be ‘weird’ because normal isn’t working,” is based off a series of sermons that Pastor Hawk led in early 2012. Normal people are stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Even though we live in one of the most prosperous places on earth, normal is still living paycheck to paycheck and never getting ahead. Simply put, normal isn’t working.

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Rock Family believes in addressing topics and situations that the ordinary American believer and unbeliever face on a day-to-day basis. Pastor Dean approaches subjects with personal stories, Bible centered advice, explains ways to apply the solutions to life practically. He routinely uses illustrated sermons to get the point across.

To give you an example on April 1, 2012 Pastor Dean Hawk gave away $1.00 bills to his congregation and asked them to do the ridiculous. He asked them to just give it away to be a blessing to someone in a unique way.

His message was simple: As Christians our focus should be on serving others, rather than serving ourselves. To become modern day good Samaritans that reach out to those in need just like the original good Samaritan found in the Book of Luke chapter ten.

Tanisha Tankersley says, “Rock Family is a place that really cares. They believe that church should be fun, exciting and relevant, but more importantly they believe in introducing people to Jesus.” Tanisha began attending a few years ago and she says, “Rock Family is a bible based Church that is both fun and reverent. There is a balance and at the end of every sermon, you walk away with a powerful message that draws you even closer to Christ.”

Those who are unfamiliar with Rock Family Church . Pastor Dean Hawk and his wife Kim started Rock Family Church in June of 2004 with a purpose, destiny, and direction.

Rock Family Church began as a Bible study in April of 2004 with only a handful of believers. Within two months they officially became a church and began hosting Sunday morning services on the west side of Colorado Springs , CO . In January of 2012, Rock family moved from their location on the west side of town on over to their new home at 4005 Lee Vance View which is located at the southeast corner of Woodmen Rd and Rangewood. Each year they continue to grow reaching more and more people with the good news of Jesus Christ!

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Rock Family believes in investing in others: Pastor Dean and the congregation at Rock Family encourage you to get to know the living God. They would also like for you to take it a step further, they dare you to do a random act of kindness today. Do something out of the ordinary to bless another person. Maybe it’s buying the cup of coffee for the person behind you at Starbucks, or helping someone load their truck at Home Depot. Is there a neighbor that could use a hand on that weekend project? Life becomes fulfilling when we bless and give to others.

Rock Family Church 4005 Lee Vance View Colorado Springs, CO 80923 719.531.6600 719.531.0105 (fax) [email protected]