Pastor Appreciation Gifts that Make a Difference

October is Pastor Appreciation month. Churches all over the United States are planning dinners in honor of their Pastor, offering him gifts, bonuses, cards, and other tokens of recognition. I can tell you, from the perspective of a pastor’s family, every token of thanks is appreciated by your pastor.

Pastors have a special and unique calling. Unlike evangelists and teachers, pastors are called not just to teach you, but to nurture you, care for you, pray for you, and stand beside you through good times and the bad. It is a rewarding call, but it is not an easy one.

I’d like to suggest some things you can do for pastor appreciation that will bless your pastor not just this month, but through the months and years ahead.

Pray. The lifeblood of the Church is solid Biblical teaching and prayer. One of the best things you can do to assist your pastor is to pray for your fellow Church members. Pray for your community. Pray for the leadership of your Church. Pray for your pastor and his family. Pray that the spiritual eyes and ears of those who hear the Word will be open to the message of God’s love and forgiveness.

The importance and power of prayer cannot be underestimated. It will not only bless your pastor during pastor appreciation month, but you will find yourself, your family, your church, and your community change as a result of prayer.

Visit. Different churches and denominations have different programs for visiting prospects and members. Are you involved? You probably have no idea how much time your pastor spends on the road, in the homes of families, and beside hospital beds. Your visits do not mean you are doing your pastor’s job. Visiting prospective church members, sick, and shut-ins is a part of your Christian duty, as well. If you will step up your involvement in visiting, it will demonstrate to others that people in the Church understand their needs and are praying for them. People need to know it isn’t just the pastor who cares.

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Call Church Members. In order to show pastor appreciation, why not help him by nurturing others in the Church. Call someone who hasn’t been to Church in a while. Don’t pepper them with questions, or discuss the latest gossip. Instead, let them know you missed them. Let other members know that they are an important part of the Church. No one person, including your pastor, defines your Church. The Church is the body of believers working together to help each other grow in grace and knowledge. Let others in your church know that you appreciate them. This simple act of kindness and outreach is a perfect gift for pastor appreciation.

Tithe regularly. A lot of people stop by the pastor’s office during pastor appreciation month to drop off gift cards and gifts of appreciation. From a firsthand perspective, I can tell you that every gift is very much appreciated. I also know that your tithe, 10% of your income, belongs to God, according to the Bible. The first fruits of your labor should be given to God to honor Him, as an act of faith, and obedience. In return God promised to bless you. Giving your tithe is also a great way to demonstrate pastor appreciation.

I cannot speak for every Church, and certainly not every televangelist, however I know that our Church does not ask for money. We don’t harp on tithing because people are very sensitive when it comes to their wallets. Like other scriptural truths you expect to be taught, tithing is one of them. Tithing was established under the Old Testament Covenant to support the priests and Levities who ministered to the people, sang, and worked in the tabernacle. It is true as a New Testament Christian you are not under the law, but Jesus said he didn’t come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it (because we can never live up to every aspect of the law). Giving to God still honors his covenant with you and your covenant relationship with Him. It also supports your local ministry.

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From personal experience, most Churches are good stewards of the money you give. From the thousands who operate with integrity, the handful who abuse your gifts end up in the headlines. This makes everyone squeamish about giving.

Consider how your tithe money is used. It not only pays the pastor a modest salary, but also maintains church ministries, and pays utility bills. According to Barna research, the average pastor makes about as much as a high school principle in the same geographic area. I’m not sure who Barna polled, but I know one pastor who makes less than half that, and many who pastor vi-vocationally. It is all some Churches can do to keep the lights on, much less compensate the pastor so he can care for his family. This is because 20% of the people do 80% of the tithing, according to Barna research and experience.

Think about what you take from Church spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Pray about what you should give. Pastor appreciation will soar when Church members are obedient in the area of finances. The great thing is that God said He would bless those who give.

Get Involved. Show pastor appreciation by getting involved in Church ministries and activities. Your pastor desires for you to grow spiritually, and to grow as a body of believers. Barna research has shown that approximately 20% of the people do 80% of the work in the Church. Your involvement will make a difference in the ministry and vibrancy of your Church home. The Bible says that a Church is not functioning properly until each member is doing his or her part. We are all called to do different things. Pray about your talents, find them, and put them to use in your Church.

The other thing you can do is show up. Your pastors and Church family miss you when you aren’t there. Attend Church on a regular basis, and get involved in special ministries, activities, or events. That is one very inexpensive, but valuable pastor appreciation gift.

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Your pastor’s job is to nurture you in Christ. The best way to show pastor appreciation is by doing some of these simple things, which are our Christian duty anyway. Pastors, who genuinely care about you and your family, will be thrilled to see you grow in these areas. These gifts are gifts that strengthen the Body of Christ, and make a lasting impression.

Don’t Gossip and Create Dissension in the Church. The world is a tough place to live. The Church should be a refuge. It should be the one place where people can go and be themselves. Accept fellow Church member and visitors with love and understanding. Don’t gossip and back-stab. Hypocrisy in the Church has turned millions away from Christ. Live at peace and be a peace maker. Find the good in others. Speak of their positive qualities, not their negative ones. Cessation of gossip, dissension, and judgment in the Church may be the greatest pastor appreciation gift of all. In doing this, we truly reflect the love of God. When you act differently, people will notice, and they will want to know what prompts your behavior. Then you can share the story of your relationship with God through Jesus. I know your pastor will appreciate that.

As a pastor’s wife, I thank you for pastor appreciation. Thank you for your calls, cards, and gifts. Thank you most of all for doing your part in the Church. Thank you for giving your pastor time to do his real job: pray for you, minister to you, and study to bring teach you the Truth in a world full of lies.