Review of BioChem 100% Hemp and Whey Protein Powder

BioChem Sports is a legitimate supplement company with an eye for consumer trends in favor of the national nutrition craze. BioChem’s 100% Hemp & Whey Powder is the lovechild of every environmentalist, hippie, bodybuilder…the few that exist. Aside of the well-known benefits of Whey on muscle development, the Hemp aspect of the powder adds the lesser-used amino acids of hemp seed, the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids, and a whopping 4 grams of fiber (in contrast to BioChem’s 100% Greens & Whey Powder which contains less than 1g, and BioChem’s Original Whey Powder, which contained none).

The first aspect up for review is taste. The BioChem Hemp and Whey powder is vanilla, and although the flavor and smell are appealing, the texture is not. The curd-y concoction you end up with after two “heaving scoops” in any liquid other than water bears reminiscent of the pasty gruel in prison movies or Oliver Twist. If you have any willpower whatsoever though, you’ll suck it up, down the goop and enjoy the vanilla aftertaste. But regardless of taste, the most important thing about supplements are their effects; no one ever said egg whites or cottage cheese tasted good.

As far as performance and results, this stuff is golden. There are two ways to use this powder: within the hour before your workout or immediately after. The former helps in the recovery period after a workout, and the latter introduces the amino acids – the protein base – into the bloodstream and into the muscle. Another benefit of taking the serving before the workout is that the Omega-3 fatty acids provided by the Hemp seeds contribute to cardiovascular health during the workout. Another unique quality of the powder brought on by the Hemp seed is the fiber content, which helps in the reduction of weight by removing water from the body. The visible results of this powerful combination help make your workouts everything they should be.

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The last aspect up for review is affordability. Each container is roughly $12 and contains ten servings of the powder mixture. I personally believe that BioChem’s prices are very reasonable compared to other supplement suppliers out there, especially when you take the quality of the product into consideration. However, if you’re planning on bulking up on extreme levels, you could exceed or double the 1 serving a day and increase the monthly cost accordingly. Running at 2 servings a day (4 scoops total) you’re looking at roughly $70 a month.

In conclusion, BioTech really comes through with the correct balance of protein and nutrients in this hemp and whey mixture. Introducing fiber and omega-3s into diets alongside isolated protein proves to be a potent and effective mixture in the process of weight training and conditioning. Assuming you take the recommended 1 serving daily, it is affordable at around $36 a month. The texture is really the only hurdle to jump, and that’s a personal preference that can be fixed with a blender and some time. All in all, this is a great product in all aspects; contributing to good overall health and more importantly a great source of protein for muscle building.
