Bodybuilding Supplements for Vegetarian Teenagers

Supplements for bodybuilding are a convenient way to get great results from a workout. Vegetarian teenagers can definitely benefit from them if they have a hard time eating a well-balanced diet or simply have difficulties eating enough. There are however a few things vegetarian teenagers should watch for.

Vegetarian Bodybuilding Supplement for Teenagers #1: Protein and Amino Acids

Everyone, specially teenagers, should consider vegetarian protein supplements for bodybuilding purposes. The high intensity workouts in bodybuilding cause muscles to need more protein to rebuild themselves, and since teenagers are in a growth period, vegetarian protein supplements can be a good addition to their diet. It is of course possible to avoid them and rely solely on food, but if the teenager’s food choices are limited (for example because school meals are high in fat or vegetarian alternatives are scarce) a good vegetarian protein supplement can be beneficial. Please note that outside of bodybuilding purposes, vegetarian protein supplements are unnecessary.

An excellent vegetarian option for bodybuilding is hemp, as it is easily assimilated and provides essential fatty acids and fiber, and it is also a complete protein. With high quality protein, amino acids supplements are not necessary for bodybuilding as they are the building blocks of protein, but some have reported better recovery when several sources of vegetarian protein are used as they provide a better amino acids balance. Another protein source is yellow pea protein, which is used with great results by vegan bodybuilder Robert Cheeke.

Vegetarian Bodybuilding Supplement for Teenagers #2: Weight Gain Powders

Teenagers may have a difficult time gaining weight so they may benefit from a weight gain supplement. However, considering that many weight gain powders are also high in protein, teenagers should remember to drink enough water to not strain the kidneys. Another thing to watch for is the supplement’s ingredients. Many of them contain trans fatty acids, cholesterol, etc. and aren’t always vegetarian.

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Vegetarian Bodybuilding Supplement #3 for Teenagers: Essential Fatty Acids

Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are a beneficial addition to many bodybuilding diets, and not just teenagers. Several studies have shown that they can help regulate mood and repair cell membranes. A few tablespoons of flax or hemp oil can be added to the protein shakes to give them that extra boost, and they have the added advantage of being 100% vegetarian.

Vegetarian Bodybuilding Supplement #4 for Teenagers: Creatine

If the teenager’s goal is to visibly increase muscle mass, creatine may be a good choice. Since creatine is already produced by the body it is not a vital addition, specially if the teenager’s bodybuilding workout routine is not very intense. The price of bodybuilding supplements can also add up to be pretty expensive, so creatine is not crucial. Also, since creatine floods the muscles with water, any visible muscle gain may just be an illusion, which will be obvious once the supplement is discontinued. Another thing to watch for: creatine is now available in a vegetarian friendly form, but it wasn’t always the case. If you wish to avoid it, and if you follow a proper bodybuilding routine, your work-out won’t suffer from the lack of it.

Vegetarian Bodybuilding Supplement #5 for Teenagers: Vitamins

Finally, protein and essential fatty acids are not everything. If the vegetarian teenager’s diet is not balanced, he or she may consider getting a high quality multivitamin. Food based multivitamin are more easily absorbed by the body and generally provide vitamin A in the form of beta carotene thus reducing the risk of vitamin A overdose as it is generally already present in many bodybuilding supplements such as protein and weight gain powders. Some multivitamins aren’t vegetarian however, and one should read the label for ingredients such as gelatin.

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What not to add and how to ensure safety:

Teenagers, more than adults, produce testosterone and growth hormones in large quantities and therefore such supplements should not be added to their diet. And of course, they should stay away from steroids.

In general, before buying a bodybuilding supplement, vegetarian teenagers should make sure it is appropriate for his or her age. Nowadays there are many ways to make sure they aren’t dangerous. One obvious option is to read the supplements’ label. Another would be to consult reputable sources on the internet, and while it may contain misleading information, most supplements are described accurately when written by knowledgeable people. In case of doubt, they can definitely ask a doctor or nutritionist who has some knowledge in bodybuilding and vegetarian diets.

A good habit for teenagers is to not set their mind on a specific supplement for bodybuilding and then look long and hard on the internet to find a person who says it is harmless. If you have to look for validation, it is likely that not enough research has been conducted, and no one wants to be a guinea pig when health is at stake. It is better for the vegetarian teenager to set realistic goals in terms of building muscle, and stick to protein, amino acids, good fats and possibly weight gain powders. If results aren’t showing after a few months, it is likely that the bodybuilding training itself is faulty, not the supplements. In this case, it is better for the teenager to spend energy looking for a better bodybuilding work out routine and it is generally much cheaper than supplements. Teenagers, but also adult bodybuilders, should always remember that all the supplements in the world cannot make up for a bad bodybuilding routine.