Missing Ohio Family Found — Women, Boy Slain In Teen Sarah Maynard’s Kidnapping Case

In the case of an Ohio family that went missing last week, the remains of Sarah Maynard’s mother, little brother, and a family friend were recovered from a hollow tree, authorities said Thursday. CNN reported the man arrested on suspicion of kidnapping charges Sunday in Mount Vernon provided the information that led police to the bodies. Matthew Hoffman, 30, was arrested after a SWAT team entered his home and found 13-year-old Sarah Maynard bound and gagged — but alive — in his basement.

At a press conference Thursday, Knox County Sheriff David Barber said that the remains of Tina Herrmann, 32, her 10-year-old son, Kody Maynard, and her 41-year-old friend Stephanie Sprang were recovered in trash bags that had been placed in the hollow of a tree. The remains were taken from a wooded area northwest of the town of Fredericktown in Knox County.

Judging from blood evidence, it is believed that the three were killed at what authorities believe was the initial crime scene, the Herrmann home in Howard, Ohio, which is located about ten miles from Hoffman’s house in Mount Vernon.

Knox County prosecutor John C. Thatcher would not comment on whether or not Matthew Hoffman confessed to killing the Ohio family members and their friend. It is also unclear if Sarah Maynard was present when the three individuals were killed. Results from the autopsies are expected to be delivered to the prosecutors’ office shortly. Thatcher told reporters that he was uncertain what kind of charges the evidence might support, but he expected to be able to present the case before a grand jury within four to six weeks.

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A judge leveled a $1 million bond against Hoffman Tuesday when he was formally accused of kidnapping Sarah Maynard.

Maynard was found after a patrolman found some items in a Mount Vernon park. Although the connection is as yet unknown, authorities entered the home of Matthew Hoffman shortly thereafter, finding the bound 13-year-old.

The Ohio family went missing sometime around November 10. When Tina Herrmann did not report for work that day, her manager called the police. Responding officers noted that the lights were on at the house and a vehicle was parked in the yard, but no one answered the door. The next day, a worried Dairy Queen manager went to the house and found blood inside.

The remains were found about 20 miles from the Herrman home in Howard, Ohio. Hoffman’s home — where Sarah Maynard was discovered — is located about 10 miles from the Herrmann residence.

Although police acknowledged that they spoke with the 13-year-old, it is unknown what, if anything, she was able to contribute to the investigation. Details about her 4-day ordeal have not been disclosed, and they might never be. She is currently staying with relatives.



“Missing Ohio women, boy confirmed dead,” CNN.com