Canada’s Most Infamous Serial Killers

Everything your about to read here in Canada’s 10 Most Brutal Serial Killers has all been fully researched and all you read here is the facts. No lies, stretching the truth or making up stories, all these events did take place and stand out to be some of Canada’s worst crimes ever committed against other human beings. Like any other country in the world, Canada has its own dark secrets and has produced its fair share of sick serial killers but how many of you have heard about them? Me, well I knew some of the up to date killers but others I found amazed me on how sick people could be and especially from this country. So with that said I would like to share with you 10 of the Most Brutal Serial Killers that have come from Canada. Enjoy…

ROBERT PICKTON- Arrested in 2002 in Vancouver British Columbia, after RCMP served a search warrant at his pig farm for illegal firearms but the investigators found more than they bargained for when they stumbled across human remains in one of the slaughter houses on the farm. In early 2002 police laid their first murder charged on Pickton which eventually lead to the property being excavated and being known as one of Canada’s largest crime scene. Robert Pickton has been accused of killing over 50 prostitutes but he only claims he killed 49 because he got caught before he got the chance to do his fiftieth victim. He killed his victims, dismembered them, then gutted them and fed the remains to his pigs from 1983 to 2002 when police finally caught him. As of today Robert Pickton is now in court facing 6 more charges of first degree murder with at least 20 more murder cases pending. All charges are being laid as DNA from the crime scene comes in and gets matched with missing victims. Altogether Robert Pickton has been charged with 26 first degree murder charges. To date this is has also been the largest serial killer investigation in Canadian history.

CLIFFORD OLSON- This sick monster was an active serial killer in and all around British Columbia in the 1980’s to 1981 until being caught by police. Olson had killed 11 kids that the police knew about, that where all between the ages of 9 years old to as high as 18 years old. After being caught for the one murder Clifford Olson had made a deal with police to confess and show where 10 other children’s bodies were buried only if his wife received $100,000, basically $10,000 per body and confession. Clifford at the time of this deal said “The First One Is a Freebie”. The police made the deal so families could have closure about their missing loved ones. In Jan 1982 Olson pleaded guilty to 11 counts of first degree murders and got 11 concurrent life sentences. In 1997 Clifford Olson was eligible for parole but of course was denied.

PAUL BERNARDO and KARLA HOMOLKA- Paul and Karla were convicted of killing 3 people one of which was her sister. Their first victim was in 1990, 15 year old Tammy Homolka, which was Karla’s baby sister. After one night of drugging and raping and video tapping the young girl she eventually died of choking on her own vomit. Police suspected no foul play at that time. Their second victim was 14 year old Leslie Mahaffy who they kidnapped on her way home from school June 1991. This poor girl was raped and beaten by the pair for over 24 hours before Paul strangled her with an electric cord. After this he dismembered her body and sealed them in concrete which he dumped in a lake. Two days June 29th the concrete had broken and the body parts floated to the surface. Also, the couple were married the day the body parts where discovered. Final victim was 15 year old Kristen French. She was raped, videotaped and beaten also by the pair and finally strangled by Paul with the same electrical cord he used on his previous victim. After that he dumped her body in an illegal garbage dump. After being caught in late 1992 Paul Bernardo got sentenced to life in prison while his ex wife Karla Homolka got only 12 years and is now living in Montreal Ontario as far as I know.

MARC LEPINE- On Dec 6, 1989 Marc Lepine walked into Ecole Polytechnique School in Montreal Ontario and headed for the engineering class room. Once there he pulled out a rifle and ordered all men out of the room and all the women to get in the corner. Once the women had gathered in the corner he opened fired shooting all of them. After that he moved about the school constantly shooting at women every time he would see one. He even went as far to stab some of the victims that were shot that were still alive at the time. After 20 minutes he finally sat down and claimed this was all done because he hated feminists groups and this was his own and finally political statement and pressed the gun against his head and fired. He died at the scene. After it was all said and done Marc Lepine had killed 14 women and wounded 13 other men and women.

JOHN MARTIN CRAWFORD- Crawford committed his first murder in 1981 two days before Christmas after meeting a woman at the bar. He was convicted of that murder and was sentenced to jail until 1989 after being paroled. Only 3 years after being released John Crawford went on to kill 3 more Aboriginal women in Saskatchewan. He was finally caught and convicted in 1996 of the 3 murders and got 3 concurrent life sentences and is serving his time in Saskatchewan Penitentiary. His trial was at the same time as the “BERNARDO” trial. John Crawford is also suspected of 3 other murders that happened in Saskatoon.

MICHAEL WAYNE McGRAY- Convicted after being arrested on April 26, 2000 for four counts of first degree murder Michael McGray claims he’s personally responsible for at least 16 other murders he committed. McGray will only admit and prove he did these killings if his demands are met. His demands are not to get any additional time for those crimes, and to get mental help for the voices. Authorities denied all his demands. Michael claims to be responsible for murders in Halifax, Saint Johns, New Brunswick, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver and even in Seattle.

WILLIAM PATRICK FYFE- Arrested December 22, 1999 at a Husky Truck Stop for 5 counts of first degree murder against 5 women in or around Montreal and Quebec which all occurred between the times of 1981-1999. Claims he first killed when he was 24 in 1979. Also claims he kills four other women he’s never been charged for. All William Fyfe’s victims were age 46, 50, 52, 55 and 59. He is now serving his life sentence in a psychiatric hospital in Saskatchewan.

ALAN LEGERE- Was already serving a life sentence for the brutal murder of a shop keeper when he escaped from a New Brunswick prison in 1989. While he was on the run for 7 months the small community of Miramichi lived in constant fear even sleeping with loaded guns. While being on the run Alan Legere had committed multiple rapes and arsons and also 4 murders. New Brunswick had launched their biggest manhunt in history to find this convict before he could kill again. Alan Legere is now in a Quebec prison for multiple life sentences for murders. He is currently 1 of only 90 prisoners to be held in Canada’s Maximum Security Special Handling Unit. It’s largely suspected there’s a fifth victim that he killed on the run but to date Alan hasn’t been charged with any other murders.

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Dr. THOMAS NEILL CREAM- Thomas Neill Cream was born outside of Quebec City and became a back alley abortion doctor in the late 1800’s. His first kill was attributed to one of his abortions that went wrong while trying to give it to a chambermaid. Shortly after this he did the same thing only killing a woman in Chicago. Time went on and he eventually killed an epileptic man because the “Doctor” liked the man’s wife. Thomas Cream did ten years in prison for this crime but shortly after being released and moving to England in 1891 where he was murdering again only this time he was poisoning prostitutes. He killed 4 with this method that the authorities know about. After being arrested on July 13, 1892 he was charged with murder again and was sentenced to death by hanging. Four months later on November 16, 1892 Dr. Thomas Neill Cream was hanged.

NELSON EARLE LEONARD- Nelson’s criminal career started at a young age. On May 21, 1918 Nelson dragged a girl into a basement of a building and tried to rape her but she got away and he got charged and was sentenced to two years. After being released from prison authorities lose contact with Nelson. He was known to have left Canada for awhile but returned supposedly when American authorities were starting to catch up with him for murders in the states he committed. Shortly after returning to Canada Nelson killed house wife Emily Patterson by bludgeoning her to death and raping her. After that he stuffed her body under the bed and stole some clothes to sell at a second hand shop. After selling the clothes he decided to get a haircut and that’s where the barber noticed dry blood in his hair and contacted authorities. He eventually got caught for the murder of Emily Patterson and his trial began in Winnipeg on November 1, 1927. He was sentenced to die by hanging on January 13, 1928. Before dying Nelson claimed he was responsible for more than 22 killings and rapes in February 1926 to June 1927.

These are just a few of the most brutal killers that Canada has produced in its history. Now go and research where you live and your country you might be surprised what kind of crimes or just history period that has happened in your area.

Everything your about to read here in Canada’s 10 Most Brutal Serial Killers has all been fully researched and all you read here is the facts. No lies, stretching the truth or making up stories, all these events did take place and stand out to be some of Canada’s worst crimes ever committed against other human beings. Like any other country in the world, Canada has its own dark secrets and has produced its fair share of sick serial killers but how many of you have heard about them? Me, well I knew some of the up to date killers but others I found amazed me on how sick people could be and especially from this country. So with that said I would like to share with you 10 of the Most Brutal Serial Killers that have come from Canada. Enjoy…

ROBERT PICKTON- Arrested in 2002 in Vancouver British Columbia, after RCMP served a search warrant at his pig farm for illegal firearms but the investigators found more than they bargained for when they stumbled across human remains in one of the slaughter houses on the farm. In early 2002 police laid their first murder charged on Pickton which eventually lead to the property being excavated and being known as one of Canada’s largest crime scene. Robert Pickton has been accused of killing over 50 prostitutes but he only claims he killed 49 because he got caught before he got the chance to do his fiftieth victim. He killed his victims, dismembered them, then gutted them and fed the remains to his pigs from 1983 to 2002 when police finally caught him. As of today Robert Pickton is now in court facing 6 more charges of first degree murder with at least 20 more murder cases pending. All charges are being laid as DNA from the crime scene comes in and gets matched with missing victims. Altogether Robert Pickton has been charged with 26 first degree murder charges. To date this is has also been the largest serial killer investigation in Canadian history.

CLIFFORD OLSON- This sick monster was an active serial killer in and all around British Columbia in the 1980’s to 1981 until being caught by police. Olson had killed 11 kids that the police knew about, that where all between the ages of 9 years old to as high as 18 years old. After being caught for the one murder Clifford Olson had made a deal with police to confess and show where 10 other children’s bodies were buried only if his wife received $100,000, basically $10,000 per body and confession. Clifford at the time of this deal said “The First One Is a Freebie”. The police made the deal so families could have closure about their missing loved ones. In Jan 1982 Olson pleaded guilty to 11 counts of first degree murders and got 11 concurrent life sentences. In 1997 Clifford Olson was eligible for parole but of course was denied.

PAUL BERNARDO and KARLA HOMOLKA- Paul and Karla were convicted of killing 3 people one of which was her sister. Their first victim was in 1990, 15 year old Tammy Homolka, which was Karla’s baby sister. After one night of drugging and raping and video tapping the young girl she eventually died of choking on her own vomit. Police suspected no foul play at that time. Their second victim was 14 year old Leslie Mahaffy who they kidnapped on her way home from school June 1991. This poor girl was raped and beaten by the pair for over 24 hours before Paul strangled her with an electric cord. After this he dismembered her body and sealed them in concrete which he dumped in a lake. Two days June 29th the concrete had broken and the body parts floated to the surface. Also, the couple were married the day the body parts where discovered. Final victim was 15 year old Kristen French. She was raped, videotaped and beaten also by the pair and finally strangled by Paul with the same electrical cord he used on his previous victim. After that he dumped her body in an illegal garbage dump. After being caught in late 1992 Paul Bernardo got sentenced to life in prison while his ex wife Karla Homolka got only 12 years and is now living in Montreal Ontario as far as I know.

MARC LEPINE- On Dec 6, 1989 Marc Lepine walked into Ecole Polytechnique School in Montreal Ontario and headed for the engineering class room. Once there he pulled out a rifle and ordered all men out of the room and all the women to get in the corner. Once the women had gathered in the corner he opened fired shooting all of them. After that he moved about the school constantly shooting at women every time he would see one. He even went as far to stab some of the victims that were shot that were still alive at the time. After 20 minutes he finally sat down and claimed this was all done because he hated feminists groups and this was his own and finally political statement and pressed the gun against his head and fired. He died at the scene. After it was all said and done Marc Lepine had killed 14 women and wounded 13 other men and women.

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JOHN MARTIN CRAWFORD- Crawford committed his first murder in 1981 two days before Christmas after meeting a woman at the bar. He was convicted of that murder and was sentenced to jail until 1989 after being paroled. Only 3 years after being released John Crawford went on to kill 3 more Aboriginal women in Saskatchewan. He was finally caught and convicted in 1996 of the 3 murders and got 3 concurrent life sentences and is serving his time in Saskatchewan Penitentiary. His trial was at the same time as the “BERNARDO” trial. John Crawford is also suspected of 3 other murders that happened in Saskatoon.

MICHAEL WAYNE McGRAY- Convicted after being arrested on April 26, 2000 for four counts of first degree murder Michael McGray claims he’s personally responsible for at least 16 other murders he committed. McGray will only admit and prove he did these killings if his demands are met. His demands are not to get any additional time for those crimes, and to get mental help for the voices. Authorities denied all his demands. Michael claims to be responsible for murders in Halifax, Saint Johns, New Brunswick, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver and even in Seattle.

WILLIAM PATRICK FYFE- Arrested December 22, 1999 at a Husky Truck Stop for 5 counts of first degree murder against 5 women in or around Montreal and Quebec which all occurred between the times of 1981-1999. Claims he first killed when he was 24 in 1979. Also claims he kills four other women he’s never been charged for. All William Fyfe’s victims were age 46, 50, 52, 55 and 59. He is now serving his life sentence in a psychiatric hospital in Saskatchewan.

ALAN LEGERE- Was already serving a life sentence for the brutal murder of a shop keeper when he escaped from a New Brunswick prison in 1989. While he was on the run for 7 months the small community of Miramichi lived in constant fear even sleeping with loaded guns. While being on the run Alan Legere had committed multiple rapes and arsons and also 4 murders. New Brunswick had launched their biggest manhunt in history to find this convict before he could kill again. Alan Legere is now in a Quebec prison for multiple life sentences for murders. He is currently 1 of only 90 prisoners to be held in Canada’s Maximum Security Special Handling Unit. It’s largely suspected there’s a fifth victim that he killed on the run but to date Alan hasn’t been charged with any other murders.

Dr. THOMAS NEILL CREAM- Thomas Neill Cream was born outside of Quebec City and became a back alley abortion doctor in the late 1800’s. His first kill was attributed to one of his abortions that went wrong while trying to give it to a chambermaid. Shortly after this he did the same thing only killing a woman in Chicago. Time went on and he eventually killed an epileptic man because the “Doctor” liked the man’s wife. Thomas Cream did ten years in prison for this crime but shortly after being released and moving to England in 1891 where he was murdering again only this time he was poisoning prostitutes. He killed 4 with this method that the authorities know about. After being arrested on July 13, 1892 he was charged with murder again and was sentenced to death by hanging. Four months later on November 16, 1892 Dr. Thomas Neill Cream was hanged.

NELSON EARLE LEONARD- Nelson’s criminal career started at a young age. On May 21, 1918 Nelson dragged a girl into a basement of a building and tried to rape her but she got away and he got charged and was sentenced to two years. After being released from prison authorities lose contact with Nelson. He was known to have left Canada for awhile but returned supposedly when American authorities were starting to catch up with him for murders in the states he committed. Shortly after returning to Canada Nelson killed house wife Emily Patterson by bludgeoning her to death and raping her. After that he stuffed her body under the bed and stole some clothes to sell at a second hand shop. After selling the clothes he decided to get a haircut and that’s where the barber noticed dry blood in his hair and contacted authorities. He eventually got caught for the murder of Emily Patterson and his trial began in Winnipeg on November 1, 1927. He was sentenced to die by hanging on January 13, 1928. Before dying Nelson claimed he was responsible for more than 22 killings and rapes in February 1926 to June 1927.

These are just a few of the most brutal killers that Canada has produced in its history. Now go and research where you live and your country you might be surprised what kind of crimes or just history period that has happened in your area.

Everything your about to read here in Canada’s 10 Most Brutal Serial Killers has all been fully researched and all you read here is the facts. No lies, stretching the truth or making up stories, all these events did take place and stand out to be some of Canada’s worst crimes ever committed against other human beings. Like any other country in the world, Canada has its own dark secrets and has produced its fair share of sick serial killers but how many of you have heard about them? Me, well I knew some of the up to date killers but others I found amazed me on how sick people could be and especially from this country. So with that said I would like to share with you 10 of the Most Brutal Serial Killers that have come from Canada. Enjoy…

ROBERT PICKTON- Arrested in 2002 in Vancouver British Columbia, after RCMP served a search warrant at his pig farm for illegal firearms but the investigators found more than they bargained for when they stumbled across human remains in one of the slaughter houses on the farm. In early 2002 police laid their first murder charged on Pickton which eventually lead to the property being excavated and being known as one of Canada’s largest crime scene. Robert Pickton has been accused of killing over 50 prostitutes but he only claims he killed 49 because he got caught before he got the chance to do his fiftieth victim. He killed his victims, dismembered them, then gutted them and fed the remains to his pigs from 1983 to 2002 when police finally caught him. As of today Robert Pickton is now in court facing 6 more charges of first degree murder with at least 20 more murder cases pending. All charges are being laid as DNA from the crime scene comes in and gets matched with missing victims. Altogether Robert Pickton has been charged with 26 first degree murder charges. To date this is has also been the largest serial killer investigation in Canadian history.

CLIFFORD OLSON- This sick monster was an active serial killer in and all around British Columbia in the 1980’s to 1981 until being caught by police. Olson had killed 11 kids that the police knew about, that where all between the ages of 9 years old to as high as 18 years old. After being caught for the one murder Clifford Olson had made a deal with police to confess and show where 10 other children’s bodies were buried only if his wife received $100,000, basically $10,000 per body and confession. Clifford at the time of this deal said “The First One Is a Freebie”. The police made the deal so families could have closure about their missing loved ones. In Jan 1982 Olson pleaded guilty to 11 counts of first degree murders and got 11 concurrent life sentences. In 1997 Clifford Olson was eligible for parole but of course was denied.

See also  Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka: The Deadly Duo

PAUL BERNARDO and KARLA HOMOLKA- Paul and Karla were convicted of killing 3 people one of which was her sister. Their first victim was in 1990, 15 year old Tammy Homolka, which was Karla’s baby sister. After one night of drugging and raping and video tapping the young girl she eventually died of choking on her own vomit. Police suspected no foul play at that time. Their second victim was 14 year old Leslie Mahaffy who they kidnapped on her way home from school June 1991. This poor girl was raped and beaten by the pair for over 24 hours before Paul strangled her with an electric cord. After this he dismembered her body and sealed them in concrete which he dumped in a lake. Two days June 29th the concrete had broken and the body parts floated to the surface. Also, the couple were married the day the body parts where discovered. Final victim was 15 year old Kristen French. She was raped, videotaped and beaten also by the pair and finally strangled by Paul with the same electrical cord he used on his previous victim. After that he dumped her body in an illegal garbage dump. After being caught in late 1992 Paul Bernardo got sentenced to life in prison while his ex wife Karla Homolka got only 12 years and is now living in Montreal Ontario as far as I know.

MARC LEPINE- On Dec 6, 1989 Marc Lepine walked into Ecole Polytechnique School in Montreal Ontario and headed for the engineering class room. Once there he pulled out a rifle and ordered all men out of the room and all the women to get in the corner. Once the women had gathered in the corner he opened fired shooting all of them. After that he moved about the school constantly shooting at women every time he would see one. He even went as far to stab some of the victims that were shot that were still alive at the time. After 20 minutes he finally sat down and claimed this was all done because he hated feminists groups and this was his own and finally political statement and pressed the gun against his head and fired. He died at the scene. After it was all said and done Marc Lepine had killed 14 women and wounded 13 other men and women.

JOHN MARTIN CRAWFORD- Crawford committed his first murder in 1981 two days before Christmas after meeting a woman at the bar. He was convicted of that murder and was sentenced to jail until 1989 after being paroled. Only 3 years after being released John Crawford went on to kill 3 more Aboriginal women in Saskatchewan. He was finally caught and convicted in 1996 of the 3 murders and got 3 concurrent life sentences and is serving his time in Saskatchewan Penitentiary. His trial was at the same time as the “BERNARDO” trial. John Crawford is also suspected of 3 other murders that happened in Saskatoon.

MICHAEL WAYNE McGRAY- Convicted after being arrested on April 26, 2000 for four counts of first degree murder Michael McGray claims he’s personally responsible for at least 16 other murders he committed. McGray will only admit and prove he did these killings if his demands are met. His demands are not to get any additional time for those crimes, and to get mental help for the voices. Authorities denied all his demands. Michael claims to be responsible for murders in Halifax, Saint Johns, New Brunswick, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver and even in Seattle.

WILLIAM PATRICK FYFE- Arrested December 22, 1999 at a Husky Truck Stop for 5 counts of first degree murder against 5 women in or around Montreal and Quebec which all occurred between the times of 1981-1999. Claims he first killed when he was 24 in 1979. Also claims he kills four other women he’s never been charged for. All William Fyfe’s victims were age 46, 50, 52, 55 and 59. He is now serving his life sentence in a psychiatric hospital in Saskatchewan.

ALAN LEGERE- Was already serving a life sentence for the brutal murder of a shop keeper when he escaped from a New Brunswick prison in 1989. While he was on the run for 7 months the small community of Miramichi lived in constant fear even sleeping with loaded guns. While being on the run Alan Legere had committed multiple rapes and arsons and also 4 murders. New Brunswick had launched their biggest manhunt in history to find this convict before he could kill again. Alan Legere is now in a Quebec prison for multiple life sentences for murders. He is currently 1 of only 90 prisoners to be held in Canada’s Maximum Security Special Handling Unit. It’s largely suspected there’s a fifth victim that he killed on the run but to date Alan hasn’t been charged with any other murders.

Dr. THOMAS NEILL CREAM- Thomas Neill Cream was born outside of Quebec City and became a back alley abortion doctor in the late 1800’s. His first kill was attributed to one of his abortions that went wrong while trying to give it to a chambermaid. Shortly after this he did the same thing only killing a woman in Chicago. Time went on and he eventually killed an epileptic man because the “Doctor” liked the man’s wife. Thomas Cream did ten years in prison for this crime but shortly after being released and moving to England in 1891 where he was murdering again only this time he was poisoning prostitutes. He killed 4 with this method that the authorities know about. After being arrested on July 13, 1892 he was charged with murder again and was sentenced to death by hanging. Four months later on November 16, 1892 Dr. Thomas Neill Cream was hanged.

NELSON EARLE LEONARD- Nelson’s criminal career started at a young age. On May 21, 1918 Nelson dragged a girl into a basement of a building and tried to rape her but she got away and he got charged and was sentenced to two years. After being released from prison authorities lose contact with Nelson. He was known to have left Canada for awhile but returned supposedly when American authorities were starting to catch up with him for murders in the states he committed. Shortly after returning to Canada Nelson killed house wife Emily Patterson by bludgeoning her to death and raping her. After that he stuffed her body under the bed and stole some clothes to sell at a second hand shop. After selling the clothes he decided to get a haircut and that’s where the barber noticed dry blood in his hair and contacted authorities. He eventually got caught for the murder of Emily Patterson and his trial began in Winnipeg on November 1, 1927. He was sentenced to die by hanging on January 13, 1928. Before dying Nelson claimed he was responsible for more than 22 killings and rapes in February 1926 to June 1927.

These are just a few of the most brutal killers that Canada has produced in its history. Now go and research where you live and your country and you might be surprised what kind of crimes or history that has happened in your area.