Leslie Sansone Workout Videos

I have tried almost every exercise out there, and I have to say that the best series that I have used is Leslie Sansone’s Walk at Home videos.

Leslie Sansone’s videos consist of four basic walking steps that she varies and builds on in each video.The amount of miles on each video varies. The videos range in length from a one mile walk or jog to a 5 mile walk. Leslie incorporates every muscle in the body as well as the use of hand weights and exercise bands in some of her videos. Leslie’s videos are excellent for the daily exerciser, because you can mix and match different miles from your favorite videos. She is very motivating and let’s you know when you finish each mile. I love these videos primarily, because they get my heart rate up without requiring me to follow complicated dance steps. I constantly use these videos without getting bored. I actually have fun doing these workouts. Below are the best Leslie Sansone videos.

My favorite video of hers is the 1 mile jog video. Leslie begins this video at a low intensity. She gently eases your heart rate up and gets you into a mild jog. This jog is sustained for approximately 12 minutes. She incorporates all of the following moves into this video: jogging up and back, jogging in place, kicks, knee lifts, and side leg swings. This video is a total of approximately 14 minutes. It is intense and will definitely get your heart rate up and make you sweat.

Another great video from Leslie is the Walk Slim Fast & Firm 4 Really Big Miles video. The total time of this workout is approximately 56 minutes. The first mile is 12 minute warm-up mile where she incorporates her four basic walking moves: kickbacks, kicks, knee lifts, and side steps. She also includes some grape vines. The second mile is a 12 minute mile that includes a burst of running for the last two minutes. Leslie also allows one of her fellow walkers, Mary Kay, to lead a portion of this mile. Mary Kay is awesome. Without running she gets my heart rate up to approximately 175 beats per minute on each mile that Leslie allows her to lead. The third mile is a 10 minute mile. The mile is much faster, because it includes two bursts of running. Even the walking portion of this video is at a much faster pace. The fourth mile is a strength training mile. Leslie incorporates the exercise band, for an upper body workout, into this mile.

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The 3 Mile Weight Loss walk also incorporates a strength training mile for the upper body. This workout is approximately 45 minutes. The first 15 minute mile is a warm-up mile. The second 15 minute mile is another Mary Kay mile. It is very intense especially for your abdominals. The third 15 minute mile incorporates hand weights for toning the upper body. This mile is quite intense as you are walking and lifting weights at the same time.

A great Leslie Sansone video for interval training is 5 mile Fat Burning Walk. This video is approximately 65 minutes. The first mile is again a 12 minute warm-up mile. However, Leslie ends this warm-up mile with a 2 minute jog. The second mile is also 12 minutes. This mile is the highest intensity of all the miles contained on this video. It also ends with a 2 minute jog. The third 12 minute mile drops the pace back down almost to that of mile 1. This gives you a much needed break from mile two; however, she does get you back into a quicker pace towards the end of the mile, again ending with a two minute jog. The fourth 12 minute mile is about the pace of the second mile. It also ends with a two minute jog. The fifth 12 minute mile features Leslie on her own giving you a fast paced mile ending with a two minute jog.

I usually do a 7 mile walk/jog for a vigorous workout and a 3 mile walk/jog on days that I want to take it a bit easier but still want to burn some calories. I don’t do 7 miles from the same video, but instead I mix and match. This keeps my muscles guessing, and it also keeps me from getting bored.

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