How to Treat Bleeding Hemorrhoids

It is not possible to discuss how to treat bleeding hemorrhoids without discussing the causes and symptoms of this rather inconvenient condition. Hemorrhoids can be described as the inflammation of veins in and around the rectum. This condition is relatively common but it not really a serious condition on its own. The problem is that hemorrhoids, if left untreated, can lead to some other medical complications.

The most common cause of hemorrhoids is constipation. When people do not take enough fluids and fiber with their diets, they tend to be constipated. In this case, hemorrhoids result from straining the rectum during defecation. Other causes of this condition are pregnancy, sitting down for hours and infrequent bowel movement. In all cases, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are the same. The patient may notice some blood when passing feces. There may also be some pain in the anal region as well as itching in the rectum. All these are indications that something may be wrong in the nether region.

If any of these signs are noticed, the person concerned should not attempt any self-medication at this stage. The wise thing to do would be to consult a qualified medical practitioner and get the right diagnosis. There is no profit on making any guesses on how to treat bleeding hemorrhoids. The truth is that the symptoms of hemorrhoids may be identical to the symptoms of other serious medical conditions. This is why the best bet is to consult a doctor and rule out other suspicions.

Once the proper diagnosis has been made, there are a number of options open to the person who suffers from bleeding hemorrhoids. For pregnant women, the condition may be caused by pressure in the pelvic region. In this case, it will disappear after the child has been delivered.

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In other cases, treatment will depend on the severity of the condition. In less serious cases, the best solution will be to increase the amount of fluid and fiber in the diet. This will combat constipation and, in no time, the hemorrhoids will simply disappear. It has to be pointed out that the anal region needs to be kept very clean to avoid any secondary infection occasioned by the hemorrhoids.

In more serious conditions, the doctor may prescribe a course of injections and painkillers. Some of the injections may be given around the hemorrhoids and this will cause it to shrink and heal completely. It is also possible to use the laser option. This is very effective that will make the hemorrhoids recede in no time. In extreme cases, surgery can be used to treat hemorrhoids. This option will remove the hemorrhoids entirely and the patient will experience total relief.

Finally, after the treatment is completed, the patient will need to avoid a recurrence of the condition. This means the person needs to eat well. Take lots of water and have a program of moderate exercise. This is how to treat bleeding hemorrhoids.

Find out how to treat bleeding hemorrhoids and how to get rid of them without painful surgery. Visit us here: Natural Hemorrhoid Cure and get free hemorrhoid treatment reviews, information and advice.