Business Ideas for Creative Writers: Custom Wedding Vows

There are some couples who choose to create their own wedding vows. In some cases, they encounter difficulty in doing so. This is where pre-written vows can be spoken by the bride and groom. Writers can make a decent amount if income from writing wedding vows. This is an almost untapped market for writers who desire more creative freedom and flexibility with their work. Assignments can be given all year round, meaning that writers can make money all year long with this business idea.

Make a portfolio for your wedding vow Business Idea
One of the most important elements that you will need for your custom wedding vow business is a great portfolio. This can include a few sample vows that you have created in order to show couples what your capabilities are. The vows can be in the form of poetry or nicely written words for a married couple. The style is up to you. Your writing portfolio can also include other pieces of work at your discretion. If you have any published work, be sure to also emphasize that in your portfolio along with other accomplishments and credentials.

Determine your Business rates for Wedding Vows
How much income that you make depends solely on the rates that you charge for writing custom wedding vows. You can charge per word or require a flat rate for each written piece. It may not take a long time to come up with a nice people for couples who are getting married. Wedding vows are usually not very long. Therefore, you can write a short paragraph or two at the most.

See also  A Guide to Writing Your Own Wedding Vows

If you are charging per word, wedding vows may not bring in a lot of money unless you have a few clients simultaneously. It may be best to charge between $50-$70 for custom written wedding vows. This will enable writers to make around $140 since wedding vows will be written for both the bride and groom. One clever way to jump start this business idea would be to have a collection of pre-written wedding vows that couples can choose from. In this case, you can charge a cheaper rate for them to use one that you have already written. Wedding vows that you have to create from scratch can bring in more because they will be completely original and may include the name of the bride and groom.

Sell online and offline to generate more sales for your business
Once you have launched your custom wedding vow writing business, it is important to create an online presence. Writers who have an online website can make sales both locally and nationally. Websites will enable you to sell custom wedding vows to couples that are located in other areas of the country. This can all be done right from the comfort of your own home office. You can double your money nationally while working on wedding vows for local clients.

Market your Business within the Wedding Industry
Wedding ceremonies are profitable events for many businesses. If you want your custom writing business idea to work, it is necessary to partner with companies that can introduce you to new clients. These companies include wedding planners, churches, local judges, Bridal shops and caterers. Be sure to have a nice looking business card to pass out to everyone that you meet. It will also be useful to advertise in local newspapers and wedding publications in your area. All of these tips will help writers launch a successful business writing custom wedding vows.