VNUS Closure FAST Treatment for Varicose Veins

In the United States twenty-five percent of women and fifteen percent of men notice twisted blue or purplish enlarge veins typically bulging out of one’s leg (inside or back of the calves) or feet, commonly referred to as varicose vein. 1 The bulge or thickened appears of the varicose vein caused by a decrease in blood flow through the vein up to the heart. The valves in the vein normally through the force of gravity move blood toward the heart. When the valves become weak and don’t close properly, the allow blood to flow backward, a condition called reflux.” 2 Varicose veins is a form of a venous disease, including deep venous thrombosis (DVT) or “blood clots in the deep veins,” and chronic venous insufficiency (chronically swollen or edematous legs). 10 When frequently standing and walking increase pressure in the veins (lower half of the body) cause a lack of blood flow noticeable by the varicose vein or spider veins (“these are the smaller and more common variation of varicose veins.”). Those who have varicose veins may consider it as cosmetic concern or worse feeling of aching pain, including burning, throbbing, and muscle cramping and swelling in the lower legs. Also, varicose veins cause itching around one or more veins in the legs. A number of patients have no discomfort. Certainly, varicose veins an indication high risk of a circulatory system disorder, especially appearance of ulcers near the ankle (severe form of vascular disease) requiring immediate medical attention. Also, a condition called thrombophlebitis, sudden leg swelling result of a blood clot.

Developing Varicose Veins:

First time women may develop varicose veins during pregnancy: Volume of blood in there body increases, and decreases the flow of blood from the legs to the pelvis or attributed to hormonal changes during pregnancy. During the late stage of pregnancy, the varicose veins may worsen, because the uterus exerts greater pressure on the veins in the legs. Women undergoing hormone replacement therapy or taking birth controls may increase the risk of varicose veins. Standing for long periods of time may prevent blood from flowing normally or contracting to push blood back to the heart from the legs. Extra weight puts more pressure on the veins, concern for those who are obese. The wear and tear or malfunction in the valves of the veins may normally occur, during the processes of aging. Varicose veins known attributed to genetic link.

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The diagnosis of varicose veins a physician or doctor upon examination. Ancillary test or ultra sound test evaluates if the valves in the veins a working normally or presence of a blood clot. Varicose veins or spider veins specialist may recommend varicose veins to be removed. 1

In 2006, VNUS (Worldwide medical device company, specializing in treatment of venous reflux disease 3) developed VNUS Closure FAST catheter, an upgrade from the original VNUS Closure for the treatment of varicose veins. 4 The VNUS Closure procedure approved by the Food and Drug Administration. 13 Previously the treatment of varicose veins required a surgically removing the vein. VNUS Closure FAST utilizes radiofrequency waves generated through an electrode (6.5 cm) to close the vein within seconds. The previous version of VNUS treatment only had heating probe at the end but no electrode. The electrodes induce a heat (85 degree centigrade or double normal body temperature 11) cause varicose veins to eventually collapse. 9 Afterwards, inserted into the tiny 2-millimeter incision sites on the legs, a crocket-like “venous hook” removes the varicose veins. 11. Procedure performed in a radiology clinic or out patient facility. “The entire procedure is visualized under ultrasound”. Patients are administered a local injectable anesthetic placed in the varicose vein. “Through this needle the VNUS Closure FAST electrode will be inserted and directed up to the groin. When the catheter is in position, radiofrequency energy is applied to the vein (great saphenous vein 13) and the catheter is gently withdrawn. The radiofrequency energy heats up the vein (wall of the damaged vein 13) and causes it to collapse. This leads to eventual closure of the vein”. Over the insertion site a bandage and compression keeps the area disinfected. The VNUS Closure FAST procedure offers fast treatment within minutes, minimal bruising, fast recovery, minimal pain or less pain compared to previous treatment option. Majority of patients resume normal activities in a day. VINUS Closure FAST offers pain relief from varicose veins and a cosmetic treatment option. 9 The VNUS Closure procedure sealed successfully varicose veins, more than 50,000 patients worldwide. 11

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Vinus Closure FAST procedure more effective treatment option compared to sclerotherapy (Through the use of an ultrasound a chemical poison is injected into the veins. The chemical is mixed with air or sometimes other gases form foam, which pushes blood out of the vein). Sclerotherapy not an effective treatment option for veins more than five centimeters, medium to long-term results are not very good. 9

Patients who plan to undergo VINUS Closure FAST recommended not too take any aspirin about a week prior to the procedure. Those who are taking blooding thinning medication should consult with their physician before undergoing this procedure. Also, patients experiencing skin infection should postpone the treatment option at least one to two weeks. Prior to the start of the VINUS Closure FAST procedure, patient is lying down on a bed and the leg is cleaned.

VINUS Closure Fast Procedure not suitable to treat spider veins, only large varicose veins, for any age group. The average cost of the surgery ranges from $200 to $500 per leg.” Complications are rare during the Closure Fast procedure: Thrombosis (blood clot inside a blood vessel 5), vessel perforation, pulmonary embolism (A blood clot originating most of the time from the leg and travels to the lungs. In some cases death may occur but most of the time not life threatening 6) infection, phlebitis (inflammation of a vein 7), hematoma (Appearance of bruising or internal bleeding 8) paresthesia (numbness or tingling) and skin burn.


VNUS Medical Company Director and Vice President of Clinical Research Lian X. Cunningham, M.D., Ph.D., said: “Feedback from the physicians has been extremely positive on the performance, the speed and ease of use of the catheter. ClosureFAST catheter investigators reported that the patient recovery profile has been rapid and mild as expected with radiofrequency ablation.” 12

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1.) Varicose Veins –

2.) Varicose Veins and Venous Insufficiency –

3.) Physicians Hail VNUS Device for Closing Diseased Perforating Veins –

4.) VNUS Closure FAST –

5.) Thrombosis –

6.) Pulmonary embolism –

7.) Phlebitis –

8.) Hematoma –

9.) Treatments for a varicose veins –

10.) Vascular and Endovascular Surgery –

11.) Outpatient varicose vein procedure gets patients walking fast –

12.) Clinical Trial Results of VNUS ClosureFAST (TM) Catheter Presented at American Venous… –;=VNUS&storyID;=186999+23-Feb-2007+PRN

13.) Look and Feel Better Fast After Surgery –