Review: Acoustic Guitar Magazine

I have played acoustic guitars for 40 years. I have owned and played cheap ones and very good ones, both six and twelve strings. At this point in my life, the cheap ones are gone and my (limited) collection of four currently includes 1) a Martin HD28, 2) a Martin Backpacker, 3) a Taylor 355 and 4) a Guild GAD 30R. As the quality of my instruments (and, as I would like to believe, the quality of my playing)have improved over the years, so has my interest in learning more about acoustic guitars. How they are made, the varieties, materials and styles available as well as what can be done with them (musically) have all become areas of expanded and ever expending interest to me. It was these interests that led me to my first issue of Acoustic Guitar Magazine a couple of years ago.

It is a truly outstanding monthly compendium of information. Each issue contains 1) several reviews of new guitars, 2) reviews of related equipment, 3) technical articles about recording and performing, 3) a selection of songs to learn to play along with instruction notes included!, as well as 4) pieces about musicians, groups, playing and styling and articles highlighting various makers (luthiers.) No single piece is so long that my attention wanders! Each issue and each piece in each issue is carefully written for the non-professional guitarist and nicely illustrated. I even enjoy reading the ads – as they all relate to guitars and to guitar accessories. (No, there are no tobacco or Indian Gaming ads here!) In the most recent issue, two new guitars are reviewed in engaging detail, six songs are presented with teaching notes,the Santa Cruz Guitar company is featured as is Bert Janch and the group, Decemberists. A couple of newly available electronic accessories (amps) are reviewed as well and there are two ‘lesson’ articles to help improve your own playing. This list fairly represents what can be found within the covers of each and every issue.

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Published by David Lusternman and produced out of my home town, San Anselmo, CA (a coincidence I did not become aware of until reading the fine print publishing information in the third or fourth volume I received), it’s masthead states, “For any player in any style.” I have found this to be precisely the case. If I were a beginner, I would find a lot of the information helpful.. As an intermediate ‘musicker’, I find it magically engaging and truly helpful and educational! Were I a professional, I believe that I would find much of what is in Acoustic Magazine to be of interest as well. It simply does not, as a publication, seem to hit a single – if you will- “wrong note.” If you play acoustic guitar and have an interest in expanding your range or playing or just of knowledge, Acoustic Guitar Magazine is a wonderful and worthwhile subscription to consider.
