Treating Hemorrhoids Naturally

What is a hemorrhoid?
Plainly put a hemorrhoid is a varicose vein of the rectum; in fact many of the herbs used to treat varicose veins may also be effective in treating hemorrhoids. Before treating your hemorrhoids you should be diagnosed by a doctor.

What is the difference between internal and external?
Internal hemorrhoids can not be seen and usually are more severe than external hemorrhoids. However some external hemorrhoids known as Thrombosed Hemorrhoids are also a serious condition and should be diagnosed by a doctor before treating the hemorrhoid. External hemorrhoids are just that, they are outside the rectum. Each type of hemorrhoid is treated differently. Hemorrhoids can be a serious health hazard and may require surgery. If rectal bleeding accompanies hemorroids do not hesitate to visit your doctor. Rectal bleeding can be a sign of complications.

Avoid activities that aggravate hemorrhoids.
The first step in treating hemorrhoids naturally is avoiding additional aggravation to the hemorrhoid. You should avoid standing for long periods of time, avoid sitting on the toilet for extended periods of time, and NEVER NEVER push and strain to have a bowel movement. Stress and medications can also aggravate hemorrhoids. Medications that may cause constipation can aggravate a rectum that is already susceptable to hemorrhoids. These medications should be accompanied by a diet high in fiber and proper fluid intake.

Increase your fiber and water intake.
Step two in treating hemorrhoids naturally and avoiding additional hemorrhoidal episodes is to increase your fiber and water intake. Eating more green vegetables and whole grains will help increase your fiber intake. A morning smoothie that includes oatmeal and flaxseed is high in fiber and will help ensure increased fiber intake. To be sure you are drinking enough fluids you should have an 8 ounce glass of water in the morning when you brush your teeth or with breakfast, an 8 ounce glass of water with lunch and dinner, and an 8 ounce glass of water each time you visit the restroom which should be four or five times a day.

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Don’t over clean the rectum and hemorrhoid.
Many hemorrhoid suffers make the mistake of over-treating their hemorrhoids by excessively cleaning the rectum. Step three in treating hemorrhoids naturally is to gently clean the rectum twice a day with Witch Hazel and then lubricate. Yes, lubricate it may feel unusual, but you will be helping the hemorrhoid to heal itself. The witch hazel can be applied to a cotton ball and gently dab the rectum and hemorrhoid. The lubrication may be applied in the same manner.

Using herbs in treating hemorrhoids.
Goldenrod – Used topically for treating hemorrhoids Goldrenrod will help to reduce the inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Gotu kola – Used for pooling of blood (poor circulation) in different locations of the body, such as the legs, can be used in treating hemorrhoids. The increased circulation will help the hemorrhoid heal more quickly.

Grape seed extract – Used in treating hemorrhoids to help stop bleeding, inflammation, and pain associated with hemorroids.

Roman Chamomile – Used in treating hemorrhoids by helping to reduce inflammation of hemorroids.

St. John’s Wort – When used to treat hemorrhoids St. John’s Wort is applied topically. St. John’s Wort reduces pain and inflammation associated with hemorrhoids.

Other natural substances for treating hemorrhoids.
Psyllium – a soluble fiber is recommended by doctors for treating hemorrhoids. The psyllium helps to soften stool and reduce the pain associated with hemorrhoids.

Flavonoids – A group of antioxidants, found mostly in dark berries, can be useful for treating hemorrhoids. The flavonoids help maintain and/or regain vascular integrity. The loss of vascular integrity due to age or other causes contributes to the development of hemorrhoids.