Cardio Equipment Alternatives

There are few frequently used machines that are thought about when we think of cardio exercise equipment. The common machines include the treadmill, the rowing machines, the stationary bikes and the elliptical machine. These are common machines used for cardio exercise. However, there are many more cardio machines are available in the market for your use. They are the common machines found in gyms and yoga centers. Since there are many other not so popular cardio exercise machines are available, you can try one of those if you are not comfortable using the popular ones.

Stair Master

A replica of a treadmill is the Stair Master. This machine is mainly used to help the climbing motion of your legs. The body weight is then used to push the steps downwards, which works effectively. The difficulty levels are adjustable that can be changed to get better result related to the cardio.

Step Mill

Step mills are generally recommended for the beginners as it is often known as ‘escalators coming from hell’. The steps are pretty large. Since the setting can be adjusted, even the minimum level can make the heart beat high. In case the levels are increased the performance of the escalator will rise which might cause harm.

Versa Climber

One of the best and difficult cardio exercise equipment is the Versa climbers. This is one of the least popular cardio machines and not found in most of the gyms. You can also find this machine lying on a corner covered with dust because of the non usage. This is one of the best cardio exercise equipment. The movement facilitated by this machine is the vertical climbing movement. It forces you to go against the normal gravity. This machine when used regularly can increase the heart rate.

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Tread Climber

One of the latest cardio machines in the market is the Tread Climbers. It is one of the best cardio exercise equipment which is claimed by the manufacturers. It is a combination of treadmills and climbing machines, thus giving the two in one feature in the same equipment. Either walking or running was two features of the old machines when both used separately. It is advised not to put the body weight over the handles. Hold the handles tightly to be on the safer side.

Arc Trainer

There’s another non-impact cardio exercise machine available in the market called the arc trainer. This is mainly recommended to people who have chronic joint problems. There are two platforms for you to stand and then swing your legs back and forth. You can adjust the speed for a better resistance.

For Those with Disabilities

You also get cardio exercise machines for the physically challenged people. The hand ergometers are the machines used for them. It can only be used by people who have broken legs, surgically repaired knee, and sprained ankle. Compared to any other cardio machines ergometers is known to increase the heart rate more. The arms are closer to your heart and since it is operated by hand the effect is much higher as the main aim is to increase the heart beat which is not achieved so effectively in normal machines. This is only for physically handicapped people and can’t used by people having legs.

Cardio equipment is vital to any exercise program. Visit our website at to review all sorts of cardio equipment