The Benefits of Indoor Rowing

Are you looking for a fat burning, muscle toning workout you can do at home rain or shine? If so, you may want to consider indoor rowing. A rowing machine can be purchased, new or used, and kept in a corner of the bedroom or recreation room so you can get a quick workout without having to fight the traffic and crowds to get to the health club. Although indoor rowing machines take up space, you can buy a folding one that can be stored under a bed or in the closet for under $300. This is a small investment when compared to the price of a health club membership. A premium model rowing machine could cost up to $1,000. Is it really worth the investment? What are the benefits of indoor rowing?

Benefits of Indoor Rowing: Muscle Toning

When considering the benefits of indoor rowing, most people believe that only the arms and chest are getting a significant workout. Nothing could be further from the truth. When rowing is performed properly, the whole body gets muscle toning benefits including the lower body and the all-important core muscles. In fact, the muscles of the lower body usually get a better workout than the upper body muscles when rowing is done properly. An indoor rowing machine is one of the few pieces of exercise equipment that can effectively work the entire body in a single session.

Benefits of Indoor Rowing: Aerobic

Not only does indoor rowing tone muscles, it also gives an energetic and effective aerobics workout. You control the pace, resistance, and how long and hard you work. Because indoor rowing is low impact, it’s a safer option for people who have joint problems. Despite being low impact, it still burns significant calories.Working out an hour on an indoor rowing machine at a moderate pace burns around 410 calories. It’s one of the best fat burning, low impact workouts around.

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Benefits of Indoor Rowing: Stress Relief

Another benefit of indoor rowing that’s rarely emphasized is its ability to reduce stress. There’s something soothing and relaxing about the repetition of pulling on the bar over and over again, feeling the wind from the machine gently hitting your face and body. Adding music in the background makes a rowing workout even more relaxing. Like running, it clears the mind and de-stresses the body, but can be done indoors, anytime. Rain or shine.

Is It for You?

To get the full benefits of indoor rowing, it’s important to learn proper rowing technique. Most people do it improperly which increases the risk of injury and makes the workout less effective. There are indoor rowing DVD’s that illustrate proper form. It’s also important to start out slowly with low resistance until you become accustomed to the movements. Spend some time exploring the different types of indoor rowing machines before purchasing a machine for home use or try a machine at a local health club first to make sure indoor rowing is the right exercise for you. Then, get started and you’ll soon see the many benefits that indoor rowing has to offer.