Bodybuilding and School – What Food to Pack

You have decided to start bodybuilding and have learned enough to know that you need a solid diet. You’ve even figured out that you need 5-6 small meals a day with lots of protein. The problem now is, how are you going to eat all of those meals when you have school? It’s not like you can spread out some chicken breast and a fruit cup on your desk in algebra and dig in. Here are some tips I give high school and college students so they can eat good bodybuilding meals during school hours.

Planning is key. Bodybuilding is all about planning. You plan what exercises you’re going to do on what days and for how many sets and reps. School is also all about planning. Between the two you should be getting good at it. Plan how many calories you need and split it up into small meals that you can shove down between classes. Here are some good ones.

Wraps. Don’t underestimate the power of the wrap in bodybuilding. Get yourself some corn pita bread (NOT flower) and a selection of sandwich meats. Throw a couple meats on there, then add in your cheese, lettuce, tomato, carrot shreds or whatever else you want in that meal. Roll that sucker up in some aluminum foil and throw it in your lunch box. NOTE: All bodybuilders carry lunch boxes, even when they’re a 40 year old attorney, they’ll tote a lunch box into the office. This IS cool, stop worrying about it.

Pre-made protein shakes. Bodybuilders live on protein shakes. Don’t pre-make the whole thing or it’ll settle or go bad depending on if you use water or low fat milk. Get a bunch of empty bottles (steal your mom’s used ones) and measure out a serving of your favorite whey into each bottle. If you work out at school, put a scoop of creatine in with one of the protein bottles and mark it to drink after your workout. When it’s time to drink one of your shakes between classes just find a water fountain and fill it up, shake it up and slam it down.

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Sandwiches. It seems that so many kids over look sandwiches. Using wheat bread and little to no mayo, this can be a solid choice for one of your bodybuilding meals at school. Add meats, cheese and anything else you would like a wrap, and put it in a zip lock bag.

Protein bars. Sometimes these get expensive and aren’t an option for everyone. If you are lucky enough to get your parents to pick up the bill on your bodybuilding hobby and all the food that comes with it, just make sure your bars aren’t really high in sugars. I don’t care if it has 50 grams of protein, if it has 50 grams of sugar, it’s not a good bar.
