Anti – Wrinkle Creams with Collagen and Elastin: Are They a Waste of Money?

The secret of a beautiful and youthful skin is regular care and maintenance. The ‘fair sex’ invests considerably in products that make the skin look younger. This is especially true as one ages. Lines and wrinkles appear and need to be removed. Anti wrinkle creams containing collagen and elastin are sought-after and liberally used. However, one needs to know that mere application won’t improve the skin. One should be aware of this. What is actually required is an ingredient that stimulates collagen growth.

Anti – wrinkle creams, especially those with collagen and elastin, are easily sold and consumed by the public. They are heavily advertised and people fall for them. This is due to lack of understanding as to how the product works. Collagen is too dense to be absorbed by the skin and doesn’t perform its role.

Collagen is derived from an external source which does not blend with our own. Hence, even if absorbed by the skin, the result would be futile. It would be far better to change the course of treatment adopted. Something to stimulate collagen production has to be used. This would be far more efficacious.

Most of the collagen in anti – wrinkle creams comes from cows, pigs or chickens, which is not exactly like ours. Thus, even if the creams work, the body would soon break down the collagen, as it does not belong there.

What is required is that the collagen production has to be stimulated in one’s body. The level drops as one ages. It is important to find ways to increase that level. If that level could nearly match the level at one’s youth, there would be a marked improvement in youthful looks.

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Functional Keratin is of greater use than Anti Wrinkle creams containing collagen and elastin. This is a newly discovered blend of protein which helps to regenerate the lost collagen of youth and aids in recovering a youthful appearance. This is of paramount importance as it is very effective.

The emphasis on Functional Keratin is due to its important function of collagen production. Collagen production has to be stimulated for a youthful appearance. This natural ingredient along with Phytessence Wakame sea kelp extract is the miracle maker.

Hence, the key, is to find a formula that has these two ingredients. There is no point in wasteful expenditure on an alternative. Worry would diminish and skin will be free from wrinkles and lines once this new key product is used.

It would not only stimulate collagen, but would also raise the level of hyaluronic acid to its original level. It accomplishes this task by turning off the enzyme in the skin that holds down the level.

By far, this formula is the best. The results would be beyond expectations. The mirror would be the test in as short as a few weeks. One may find it hard to recognize the cheerful and youthful person staring back. Dividends would be reaped through this.