Simple Tips to Improve Youth Baseball Batting and Hitting

We all want to see our kids hit the ball. What can our kids / youth baseball players do to improve hitting, get on base, generate runs and hit home runs?

Here are 2 simple things youth baseball players can do without doing drills or exercises to help improve your youth baseball hitting. This is great for coaches and parents to know.

Batting drills can be fun, practice has to be done but in the long run hands, wrists, and forearms need to be strong to develop a quick swing and result in hitting the ball hard. This will not only help your child or team hit the ball harder with more control of the bat , but also prepare them for high school baseball. Here is a simple inexpensive way to do just that.

1) Tennis Ball – Have some tennis balls around the house and especially in your child’s room. While your youth baseball player is watching television or waiting on his turn to play a video game he can be squeezing the tennis ball building the muscles on the hand , wrist , and forearms. Sure you can buy exercise equipment for this but don’t waste the money. This will provide enough resistance for what your child or team needs to develop.

(Bonus) Wrist roller – You can also take a rod (old broomstick handle will work) The rod needs to be 15 or 16 inches long with a hole drilled in the middle. Take some thin rope, run one end through the hole and tie a knot or two in it so it will not fall through. Leave a few inches past the rope for adjustments later. Take the other end and tie to a brick or weight. The rope should be long enough the weighted object rests on the ground but will lift when the youth baseball player rolls his wrists. The youth baseball player will hold the rod palms up and rolls his wrists. This mechanism is adjustable with the rope as the child grows
or you can tie on different weights.

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2) Repetition – Simply put, It takes swings. Hitting off the tee, Soft Toss and some live batting practice. These three can be done at home or at off practice times to increase hitting performance. As a coach of youth baseball practice it would be great to set up one day just for hitting and have some volunteers help and move kids from stations. A tee station. A soft Toss station, a live free hitting station.

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Coaches, be sure and tell your kids and parents about the tennis ball. Several will do it. And if you do a repetition station day and tell the parents this is what they can work on at home..many will do that. After all everyone loves to hit the ball, or at least see their son do it. This will be a great step toward the coaches team (or your child) hitting the ball.