How to Lessen the Appearance of Wrinkles and Sagging Skin

Wrinkles and sagging skin are a normal part of the aging process, but wrinkles and sagging skin can be avoided and corrected. Wrinkles can be avoided through good skin care practices, and existing wrinkles can be lessened using advanced skin products and specialized cosmetic procedures. Sagging skin can be avoided by living a lifestyle that includes fitness and other healthy practices. Skin that is sagging can be improved with high-quality creams, and sagging skin can be corrected with cosmetic surgery.

It’s important to prevent sagging skin and wrinkles before they appear, but even if you are already noticing these normal signs of aging, you can prevent further wrinkles and sagging skin.

Wrinkle Creams and Products to Prevent Sagging Skin

As we age, collagen and elastin fibers naturally degenerate. The skin becomes less flexible. Sweat and oil glands become less active than they were in younger years, and skin becomes drier and more wrinkled.

I am not going to promote any particular skin care product, but skin care products are an effective way to prevent and control wrinkles and sagging skin. Each individual is different, so what has worked for me won’t necessarily work for someone else. That’s why there are many skin care products on the market that claim to correct and improve wrinkled or sagging skin.

Take advantage of skin care samples. Many major skin care websites offer samples of products that reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. Request samples and try various products. This is a great way to find the perfect products for your particular skin type and preferences. Once you find your favorite skin care products that reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin, stick with that product. Many skin care products must be used on a regular basis in order to be effective.

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Healthy Eating for Younger Looking Skin

Eating a healthy diet and maintaining the proper weight will help keep skin from sagging with age. Fat deposits beneath facial skin begin to shrink with age, therefore causing skin to sag. Significant weight gains and fast weight loss is a big cause of sagging skin.

I eat a diet rich in fish. I love seafood, and I eat it on a regular basis. I attribute the quality of my skin to my love of fish and seafood. Fish is rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Eat fish and seafood such as tuna, oysters, and salmon regularly. Antioxidants are most beneficial when they are consumed in foods, but if you don’t care for fish or seafood, there are vitamins available that contain antioxidants.

Besides eating healthy antioxidant-rich foods, it’s also important to drink plenty of water. Fluids such as water help keep the skin hydrated. For healthy skin it’s crucial to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

The Same Old Story

Unfortunately, people are never satisfied. People who are dark often wish they were fair skinned, and those who are fair skinned often wish to be dark. The grass is always greener on the other side, or is it?

Nowadays it’s common knowledge that ultraviolet rays cause skin damage. This isn’t new information. People are constantly bombarded with television commercials and ads that warn of the damaging effects of the sun. People are advised to use quality products with high SPF levels. Unfortunately, people still expose themselves to the damaging rays of the sun. If you must go out in the sun, properly protect yourself by putting on sun blocking products. Wear clothing and hats to protect the skin. Those who don’t adequately protect themselves from the sun are at risk for premature wrinkles, and worst of all, deadly skin cancer.

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Tanning facilities advertise tanning beds as a safe alternative to tanning in the sun. Tanning beds are said to be a safe way to obtain a beautiful tan without risk, but I know of someone who has baked under tanning beds for many years. This lifelong tan is an effort to cover up acne scars, but skin of this person has aged well beyond her years. Her skin is beautifully bronzed, but her skin is leathery, and she has deep wrinkles and lines on either side of her mouth. I for one would rather be pale and retain skin that’s free of wrinkles for as long as possible.

Smoking and Wrinkles

It’s not hard to tell when someone is a smoker. Besides the usual telltale signs, smokers often have deep vertical lines on their upper lip. I didn’t notice this until I began working with people who smoke. I began noticing middle-age ladies with rows of deep lines above their mouths, and I realized they were smokers. That sure was an eyeopener!

I have also noticed that many women and men who smoke appear to be considerably older than they really are. I once had a boyfriend who regularly smoked cigarettes and he looked at least ten years older than he really was. It was embarrassing when people thought I was his daughter. I don’t smoke, and I don’t bash those who wish to do so, but it is clear to me that smoking causes the skin to age. It has been proven that smoking oxidates the skin, and in fact, causes it to age rapidly.

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With these points in mind, if you want to keep and maintain younger looking skin, consider stopping. Quitting smoking will greatly reduce your risk of developing many deadly diseases and illnesses, and it will also reduce your risk of premature aging. The best skin cream on the market cannot get rid of deep lines and wrinkles caused by smoking.

Hiding Your True Age

When I was much younger, like most young people, I was insulted when someone thought I was actually younger than I really was. When people are younger, they strive to be older, and they don’t grasp the fact that someday their youth will be gone. As I aged, I realized my skin and youthful appearance would enable me to remain young looking for many years. Not everyone is blessed with good skin, and I began to appreciate the quality of my skin.

I began noticing fine lines and wrinkles in my early thirties. I haven’t been able to completely banish those fine lines and wrinkles, but I have been able to reduce them enough to retain my youthful appearance.

People are often floored when I tell them my true age. I secretly laugh inside when someone thinks I’m in my twenties or even my thirties. I decided to quit telling people my true age. If people are under the assumption I’m only in my twenties or early thirties, that’s fine with me. As long as I look younger than I truly am, I will continue to keep my age a secret.
