Your Pregnancy: Is This Real Labor or False Labor?

As delivery day approaches after a long 9 months of pregnancy, many women are awaiting the day they will meet their new bundle of joy. The beginning of labor is a very exciting time, but yet it is full of new feelings and emotions. In the hustle of getting to the hospital, you should take some time out to make sure you are in true labor and not just false labor. Your body has a way of naturally preparing for labor, and in some women that means a trial run prior to the day of delivery. By knowing if you are experiencing only false labor you can avoid a trip to the hospital that will only result in you coming home still pregnant. I’ll explain the symptoms of true labor verses the symptoms of false labor so you can tell if your labor is the real thing!

Contractions occur in both true and false labor; however they are slightly different between the two. In true labor the contractions become regular and lengthen in the time they last. In false labor the contractions are very irregular and can last different lengths each time. In true labor your contractions will begin to follow a pattern such as coming every 4 minutes, lasting 30 seconds, then coming every 3 minutes, lasting 60 seconds, and so on. In false labor you may have a contraction 3 minutes apart, and then not another for 10 minutes. These contractions are not very efficient and generally are not enough to thin out and open the cervix.

False labor contractions tend to go away as you increase your activity. True labor contractions generally strengthen as you become more active. To test your contractions, try taking a walk or doing some light exercise. If the contractions go away while exercising you are probably not in labor, but if they get stronger and come closer together, you may be in true labor.

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Contractions are also felt in different places in false and true labor. False labor contractions are usually felt in the upper abdomen on the front of your uterus. True labor contractions tend to start in the lower back and revolve around to the lower abdomen. True labor pains start out feeling like severe menstrual cramps and only get more painful as labor progresses. Feeling contractions in your lower uterus signals the opening of your cervix and impending delivery of the baby.

In true labor a cervical exam will show the cervix becoming thin and dilating. In false labor there is often no cervical change noted. True labor usually is signaled by a change in your cervical fluid with the releasing of the mucous plug. Some women will note a slight pink-tinged color of the mucous which also signals true labor is on its way.

If you think you may be in labor, begin timing the contractions at once. Record the length between contractions, as well as how long the contractions last. This record of contractions will help the hospital staff know if your labor is real or if you are experiencing false labor. If your contractions are so painful that you feel you cannot walk around or find yourself gripping object tightly, you are most likely in true labor and should call your hospital for further instructions.

False labor can be agitating, but remember that your body knows when the perfect time is for your baby to be born. False labor will prepare you and the baby for the big day and should be viewed as practice for the final race. Just remember that the baby will be coming soon and having patience while waiting is good for everyone! Take a long bath and enjoy the last few days of quietness in your life before the baby comes!